The old man was in trouble.

“Lose control?”

Ito Hidetaka gritted his teeth and felt a little dazed.

He took out a box of cigars from his pocket, cut the cigars with trembling hands, and smoked them vigorously.

The “Task 2: Economic Overtake” of this copy is achieved by the challengers controlling the NPCs on Dongying Island.

With the economic situation of Dongying Island itself, if it only relies on natural development, it is impossible to surpass the United States.

Moreover, the task introduction of Task 2 is to manipulate Dongying Island to complete the economic overtake. If there is no control, what is the point?

Doesn’t that mean the mission is over…

“No! We must not lose control of the island of Toyo!”

“We must persevere in this mission no matter what.”

That being said, Ito Hidetaka also knew that he was in a dilemma.

If he continued to follow the previous method, the possibility of achieving economic overtaking under the various sanctions of the Eagle Sauce was actually very low.

And it might also lead to public resistance and loss of control over the island of Toyo.

But if he gave in now, it would be impossible to complete the mission.

“Lin Ye! Lin Ye!!”

Ito Hidetaka cursed Lin Ye thousands of times in his heart.

He was already cautious enough, but he still fell into Lin Ye’s trick.

“Mr. Ito, please give us instructions, what should we do next?” Yama Makoto Kojiro asked anxiously. “The mission time has been greatly shortened, and we don’t have much time left.”

Ito Hidetaka let out a long breath, held his chin and thought for a while, and said coldly:

“These unruly people are making trouble, so we can only suppress them by force.”

“Yama Chengjun, you drive our warships directly to the nearest port of Dongying Island and arrest all the domestic media that spread negative news!”

“And those people who are making trouble, send troops to suppress them directly.”

“The entire Dongying Island must be on full alert!”

After hearing Ito Hidetaka’s arrangement, Yamashiro Kojiro could only shake his head helplessly.

I thought that Mr. Ito was really confused. Where are the warships in the current copy?

All weapons have been completely blocked.

“Uh… Mr. Ito, our current copy is a non-war copy, and there are no warships to deploy.”

Ito Hidetaka knocked his head hard twice, and then he realized that he had no military weapons to use.

At first, he was thankful for the blockade of weapons in the dungeon, but now he missed his warships.

Because there is really no better way except to suppress by force.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it!”

“Lin Ye has calculated all this from the beginning. The reason why it is in non-war mode is that he is afraid of our armed intervention.”

He pinched his temples hard, and his brain was working fast.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

Although these foreign challengers have no military weapons, the NPCs on Dongying Island have police, courts, and security teams.

While the control over Dongying Island is still there, the police on Dongying Island can be ordered to suppress it!

“Yama Chengjun, you immediately give orders to the police, courts and other public security agencies in Japan, and have them go to the streets to arrest people!”

“Those who spread negative news and those who are passive and lazy will be arrested!”

“Also, let these police officers supervise the workers in major factories. If they find anyone who is not working hard, arrest them directly! Then let the court convict them and deduct their money to fill the national treasury!!”

Hearing Ito Hidetaka’s tough measures, Yamashiro Kojiro couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

“This… Mr. Ito, your plan should make sense, but… but the security agencies on the island of Dongying may not necessarily cooperate with us.”

“Now Dongying Island has a lot of opinions about our rule, not only the people, but also the official agencies.”

Ito Hidetaka waved his hand, his eyes were surprisingly cold, and he said directly:

“If they don’t execute it, just bribe them!”

“Anyway, all the funds on Dongying Island are controlled by us, it’s nothing more than transferring from one bowl to another.”

“People die for money, birds die for food! As long as the funds are in place, they will definitely work for us.”

“This…” Yamashiro Kojiro still hesitated.

Because Ito Hidetaka’s handling method is really too cruel.

It even gives people cold-blooded and indifferent

Feeling of love.

It is really hard to connect this furious man in front of me with the famous Dahe clan copy design genius.

The remarks just now made Yamashiro Kojiro tremble.

“Hmm? Does Yama Chengjun have any concerns?” Ito Hidetaka noticed Yamashiro Kojiro’s hesitation.

Yamashiro Kojiro hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke hesitantly.

“Mr. Ito, because of our excessive behavior before, we have been sanctioned by the Eagle Sauce Country…”

“If we continue like this, we are likely to be punished more severely internationally, and riots may also be triggered domestically.”

Hearing this, Ito Hidetaka shook his head helplessly.

After all, university professors, young people who have always lived in swaddling clothes, are still too kind.

“Yama Chengjun! You are too weak!”

“We are in the dungeon. If we fail the mission now, 500 points will be deducted. From the moment the mission changes, it is a life-and-death battle for most challengers!”

“We must not only continue, but also intensify it, because either Lin Ye dies or we die.”

“I… want… Lin… Ye”


At this point, Ito Hidetaka’s tone, which was originally somewhat gentle, is now almost a roar.

He is really fed up with this endless torture.

Lin Ye and his dungeon have now become Ito Hidetaka’s mental tribulation.

As long as he can complete the mission and conquer the dungeon, he can do anything!

“Continue to exploit those people from Dongying Island. From now on, let them work 24 hours a day, and at the same time, ensure work efficiency! Anyone who makes trouble will be severely punished!”

“Hmph, there is an old saying in Tenglong Settlement that a man who knows the times is a hero. This is true in reality, and it is also true in the dungeon.”

Ito Hidetaka stood up, patted Yama Cheng Kojiro on the shoulder, and exerted force secretly with his fingers.

“Yama Chengjun, the dungeon is not a place where you should be merciful. We have only one goal, that is to complete the dungeon mission and get the technology in the raging sea.”

“As long as we can achieve economic overtaking, even if the people all riot in the next second, or Dongying Island is directly destroyed, what does it matter?!”

“This is just a dungeon. As long as the mission is completed, we can leave safely!”

Yama Cheng Kojiro did not dare to refute Ito Hidetaka again. He bowed respectfully to Ito Hidetaka.

“I understand!”

“Mr. Ito, I will do my best to implement your arrangements.”

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