The goal is clear, and the next step is to make real swords and guns.

Lin Ye continued to wait for Tianmu to introduce him to the specific production method.

[Dear Mr. Lin Ye, hello! ]

[This is the copy design area dedicated to you, here, you will have the ability to design copies. ]

[The following are the specific design rules:]

[One: In the copy design, you can make up everything, which can exist in this world or not exist yet. In the creation area, you are God! You can control everything! ]

[Two: The creation of any item in the copy (not limited to weapons, buildings, and technology) must follow logic. As long as you can reasonably describe the logic of item generation, Tianmu can help you present it! 】

【Three: You can set up various hidden mechanisms in your copy, and the construction of the hidden mechanism needs to be reasonable. 】

【Four: After completing the copy design, you need to submit it to Tianmu for relevant review, and the copy will be rated to a certain extent. After the rating is passed, the copy will be put into use on the Azure Star. 】


Tianmu gave a very cumbersome copy creation guide. Lin Ye naturally did not have the time to read it through. He only noticed the most critical one, which is the second one.

The creation of any weapon in the copy needs to follow logic!

This is easy to understand. For example, if you want to make an AK47, you need to know the composition of this rifle, as well as its gas-type automatic principle, rotary locking bolt, etc.

It is not necessary to make a weapon exactly the same as in the previous life, but at least the principle must be reasonable, and you cannot make up or imagine it out of thin air.

In that case, it cannot be truly generated in the copy.

This is true for a rifle, and so are more powerful weapons.

These things can be said to be the fundamental reasons that restrict the development of this world. Any technology that can appear in the copy actually needs to be studied and explored, just like in reality.

But people’s cognition is limited by the times. For this planet similar to the Earth’s S1 period, their cognition is very short-sighted. Some things are just for them to imagine. They can’t even imagine them.

But this is the limitation of the times, not Lin Ye’s!

As a genius military researcher, Lin Ye may not be able to fully master the advanced technology of the Earth in the 21st century, but he can easily take out things from the Earth’s S2 period.

Not to mention a researcher like Lin Ye, even if he is an ordinary military fan in the 21st century, if he is placed 100 years ago, he is a world-dominant existence.

This is the limitation of the old era, and it is also a cross-level instant kill under the gap of the new era.

“Sky curtain? I have understood these rules, and now I can start formal creation.”

“What should my first step be?”

[Sky curtain reminds the host that the first step of copy creation should be to design a map! ]

[The Creation System has an infinite capacity, so the host can freely design the map size. ]

Freely design the map size?

Lin Ye was shocked.

Doesn’t that mean that in this creation space, as long as he wants, he can create a planet of his own, or even a universe.

These may be too grand, and it is difficult for Lin Ye to do it with his current knowledge.

But creating an earth similar to the previous life is not a fantasy.

“Tianmu, can I create a map that is large enough, and then all my copies will run on this map?”

[Absolutely! ]

[Tianmu encourages copy designers to design a series of copies! All copy creations are the personal property of the designer. Whether to reuse materials or redesign in the subsequent copies is the designer’s freedom! ]

Very good!

In this case, Lin Ye already has the answer in his mind.

He wants to move the earth directly to the God Creation Space!

Although this is a little troublesome in the early stage, the map can be reused in the subsequent copy production.

It can be said that it is waiting for the hard work!

Earth Online will become a large series of all his copies, and the Wuchang copy will be the first sub-series of this large series.

Then, Lin Ye began to transmit the information in his mind to the creation space.

The birth of the earth came from the solar system, and the sun came from a primitive solar nebula, mainly composed of hydrogen and helium…

After the formation of the sun, its strong gravity attracted the surrounding gas and dust. These substances slowly gathered and formed a new celestial body-the earth.


As Lin Ye kept recalling and thinking, a small planet was slowly forming in a pale world.

Seeing this small planet, Lin Ye felt an indescribable joy in his heart, as if he saw his own child being born.

Lin Ye continued to think…

The earth was originally a mixture of stone materials, and the internal temperature gradually increased, causing some of the materials to melt. Gradually separated to form the core, mantle and crust.

The early earth experienced a large number of impact events, including asteroid and comet impacts…

The temperature of the earth gradually increased, and the released gases formed the early atmosphere.

As time went on, the water vapor on the earth condensed into rain and formed the ocean.

Plate collision… crust movement… mountain formation.

As Lin Ye continued to replenish the land, finally a blue planet had been formed in the creation space.

Lin Ye pulled the joystick closer, and the small blue dot slowly enlarged, and various complex details emerged on it.

Ravines, earth folds, forests, oceans, everything.

Of course, this process is not completed instantly, and some details are still mosaics.

At this time, the earth can only be regarded as an outline, and there are still many microscopic details that need to be slowly added.

Fortunately, there is no capacity limit in the creation space. If this were the previous life, I am afraid that even the most advanced CPU would be stuck when processing such an earth model.

The map of Earth Online needs to be improved bit by bit, but it is necessary for Lin Ye to wait, because the first copy does not need such a large map, and it is enough to take a small piece of this fictional earth.

Designing the copy while letting the map slowly load can be said to delay nothing.

“The next question is which copy of the Five Constant Virtues to start designing?”

Lin Ye began to consider.

As the Five Constant Virtues, there are also high and low points.

The Five Constant Virtues are divided into the upper three constants and the lower two constants. The upper three constants are rabbits, eagle sauce, and bears. The lower two constants are Gallic chickens and John Bull.

Lin Ye directly gave up the lower two constants.

Both of them have been glorious in the history of the earth, but they are only in the past years.

By the time of the Five Permanents evaluation, they were actually completely unable to keep up with the Three Permanents. Although the foundation was still there, the spirit was gone.

If they wanted to release their copy, they had to release a more powerful version, but that would be time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it was not suitable for Lin Ye now.

Since it was his first copy, he had to make it a hit, and if he wanted to play, he had to play it big.

[Winter is Coming], [Raging Sea], [Great Wall Watch], choose from these three.

Thinking of the [Battle of the Imperial Sea] designed by Ito Hidetaka of the Dahe Clan before, Lin Ye had already made a decision in his heart.

Let’s start with [Raging Sea].

The Dahe Clan, who had been leading in naval battles in those days, it was time for them to feel what a real naval battle was.

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