The more the ship is, the more it will be.




Yamamoto Sanjueji carefully counted the outlines of the aircraft carriers that kept emerging from the sea fog. When he counted to the eleventh, his heart was completely dead.

A total of 11 aircraft carriers were now in an arc, standing above the sea level, tightly surrounding all the challenger’s ships and blocking all the retreat routes.

Like a solid sea fortress, standing between the stormy waves.

In addition, there were hundreds of smaller warships surrounding these 11 aircraft carriers, clustered and arranged, giving a sense of déjà vu of the moon surrounded by stars.

These small warships are dazzling, including cruisers, destroyers, mine hunters, and mine countermeasure ships.

Even submarines broke through the huge waves, surfaced, and gathered around the aircraft carrier.

Looking through the sea fog, 11 aircraft carriers stood on the sea like 11 statues, supporting the night sky. It seemed that they were using great force to tear the sky and the earth apart.

And the other ships were like believers, guarding in front of the aircraft carriers!

Together, they formed an insurmountable sea wall!

[Invaders of Dongying Island! ]

[You invaded the territory of the Eagle Sauce Country without the permission of the Eagle Sauce Country, and destroyed the military base of the Eagle Sauce Country! ]

[You are the eternal enemy of the Eagle Sauce Country! The Eagle Sauce Country will punish all invaders in the name of freedom and peace! ]

The eleven aircraft carriers began to use loudspeakers to shout at the last remaining forces of the challenger at sea!

The sound was deafening, almost breaking Yamamoto Sanjue’s eardrums.


“Is this the naval power of the Eagle Sauce?!”

“Is this the real fleet that destroys the country?!”

Yamamoto Sanjue felt that he was suffocating. The cold sea breeze, coupled with the fluctuations of emotions, made his head dizzy, as if he had fallen into an endless abyss.

Then, he knelt hard on the deck.

“Not an opponent!”

“We are definitely not an opponent…”

Although the water volume of the Eagle Sauce’s sea units is not much, it may be only about a thousand in total, but the quality is not comparable to those ordinary cruisers on the Japanese island.

This is not a force configuration they can resist at all! Even if the number is several times that of the Eagle Sauce, there is no chance of winning.

It can be seen from the rapid attack of the Eagle Sauce fighter just now and the missile coverage of the aircraft carrier.

It is completely a one-sided crushing! Show one to ten thousand!

When he was watching Ito Hidetaka’s challenge dungeon before, he had seen the spectacular sight of the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier sailing.

He was astonished at that time.

At this moment, the eleven aircraft carriers in front of him were even larger, more exquisite, and more spectacular than they were at that time.

Each aircraft carrier was much larger than what he saw when he watched the battle at that time.

It was not until this moment that he realized that the aircraft carriers in the last dungeon were basically abandoned.

In this dungeon, Lin Ye upgraded the comprehensive aircraft carriers again!

At this time, there were no more complicated steam devices on these eleven aircraft carriers, and more aircraft could be docked on the deck. The Eagle Sauce fighter jets that just destroyed the world flew out on these aircraft carriers.

The most terrifying thing is that the sailing speed of these aircraft carriers can actually reach 100 knots. This is equivalent to saying that such a behemoth is faster than any battleship on the challenger’s side!

It can be said that almost all the shortcomings of the aircraft carriers have been made up.

Fire suppression, mobility suppression, these eleven aircraft carriers alone can destroy Yamamoto Sanjuya’s fleet.

What’s more, this fleet is not only these eleven aircraft carriers, but also countless cruisers and submarines, each of which is absolutely far superior to the challenger ships.

Take out any unit at random, and it is enough for Yamamoto Sanjuya’s navy to be afraid of.

Looking at the overwhelming fleet in the distance, Yamamoto Sanjuya finally understood why this fleet was named “National Destruction Fleet”.

There is no need for other so-called air forces and armies. Such a fleet alone is enough to defeat the Japanese island and destroy the country.

Yamamoto Sanjuya is now completely desperate and has no idea what to do.

At this moment, the 11 aircraft carriers burst out with tremendous energy.

In an instant, countless missiles took off and rushed into the sky.

These missiles pierced the night sky like blooming fireworks, completely tearing apart the dark curtain.

Yamamoto Sanjuhachi was left with only a desolate


The roar sounded in his ears, and he felt his skin slowly evaporated in the flames.

Everything around him became blurred, leaving only the deafening explosion and the dazzling flames.

All this was more like a relief for him.

In his ears, the reminder sound of the sky screen sounded.

[Sky screen reminder: Since you have died in battle, your copy mission has failed. Next, you will be temporarily kept in the copy space…]

With the last round of artillery baptism of the national annihilation fleet, the last remaining ships of the challenger forces will also be cruelly disintegrated in the raging flames.

Forty thousand fighter planes and thirty thousand warships, in less than five minutes, have all been silent in the cold sea outside Pearl Harbor.

Seeing this scene, all the spectators were immersed in horror.

I don’t know if it was because of fear or excitement, the barrage became much more manic.

[My God… So this is the meaning of the national annihilation fleet! ]

[I swear, I have never seen such a scene in any dungeon!

[How many military forces did Lin Ye place in the dungeon? ! Can just one fleet achieve this? ]

[Too exaggerated! It’s really too exaggerated! ]

[Did you see that Yamamoto Sanjuhachi and Tominaga, with such a large combat force, were killed instantly! Killed instantly! ]

[With just such a fleet, I think it’s no problem to encounter any dungeon on the Azure Star! ]

At the same time, in the Pine Pavilion of the Imperial Garden of Dongying Island.

The emperor has lost the first-person perspective of the battle at Pearl Harbor, and only a chaotic mosaic is left on the light screen in front of him.

The commander in the sky can deploy the main perspective of any challenger to view it on the virtual light screen of the command desk.

But the premise is that the challenger who broadcasts the first-person perspective must survive in the dungeon to be able to see it.

Now the emperor has lost all perspectives of Pearl Harbor, which means that no challenger survived Pearl Harbor.

All naval and air forces, completely destroyed!

On the screen in front of him, the number of challengers in the dungeon was decreasing rapidly.

In less than five minutes, the number of challengers has dropped to less than 500,000!

The scale of one million challengers is now less than half!

And the statistics of the number of warships and fighter planes are now completely gone, all reset to zero.

“Not one left?”

“How is it possible?”

“How is this possible!”

The teacup in the emperor’s hand fell directly to the ground.

He staggered and sat on the chair.

His forehead was now covered with sweat beads, and his breathing became extremely rapid.

He resisted, but he couldn’t help shaking violently.

It was not until this moment that he realized what they were facing in this dungeon.

Even if the emperor was not at the scene of the killing spree of the annihilation fleet, he could still feel the suffocating pressure.

Even if the commander was not Yamamoto Sanjuejiro, but him, the result would not change at all.

With the current technical strength of the Dahe settlement, let alone one million people, even if all the challengers with naval technology come in, they can’t stop the fleet of national destruction.

Although there are still 500,000 challengers left, the chances of winning are not great.

The initial ambition has all turned into a bubble at this moment.

All the strategies of the emperor to win were smashed by the “national destruction fleet”.

After the shogun’s special forces were destroyed, it can be said that the navy and air force are the biggest reliance of the challenger camp.

And to be honest, in this raid on Pearl Harbor, the emperor felt that his decision had done the best he could, the air force and the navy cooperated in the battle, and also took the lead and set up the formation in advance…

As a result, now, there is no one left, all destroyed.

Sacrifice doesn’t matter, if the fleet and fighter planes on his side can knock down even 10% of the Eagle Sauce’s troops, he can still do a little operation.

Thinking that maybe he can fight to the death.

He can even operate again and fight with the Eagle Sauce.

But the reality is that I was killed instantly, without any ability to fight back.

How can I fight? !

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