The sky was full of smoke, but the air was still wet.

“Is this really a weapon that could exist in the world?!”

The sky in the distance seemed to have a red sun! A sun that was constantly expanding, reflecting the whole world into an endless blood-red color! ! !

The blast, the high temperature that was enough to evaporate a person, and the blood-red world… everything was a scene that the emperor had never seen in his life.

In front of that blast, everything would be evaporated into ashes in an instant.

This was not a weapon at all, but a divine punishment! It was the cruelest sanction from the sky!

It was a divine punishment from the sky! It was the final judgment on Dongying Island!

He glanced at Ito Hidetaka next to him, who was now kneeling on the ground with his head in his hands, shouting for help, trembling like a frightened wild dog.


“I can’t be defeated by Lin Ye! The only one who can defeat me is myself!”

Looking at the air wave that had almost spread from the center of Edo to his eyes, the emperor just wanted to kill himself with his samurai sword.

But at this moment, he couldn’t do that at all…

In the face of strong fear, the weak can’t get rid of the instinct to survive, and will uncontrollably bow their heads in the face of pressure to pray for the last ray of life, even if they know that there is little hope.

In the face of this monstrous terror, the emperor even forgot that this was in a copy, and all he could do was surrender.

With a stumble, he was already kneeling in the middle of the courtyard, tears streaming uncontrollably from his eyes because of his exclamation.

“Ah! Help! Don’t kill me!”

“Amaterasu, help!”

No one thought that this cry with a crying voice would be spoken by the emperor one day, and would be spoken by the mouth of an arrogant top powerhouse!

However, the explosion of the atomic bomb would not stop for a moment because of anyone’s prayer… Under the dazzling white light, his eyes had been burned to blindness, and it was pitch black in front of him.

The next second, he felt an unbearable high temperature sweeping through his body, drying up every nerve in an instant.

It was a pain he had never felt in his life.

There was a feeling of fire pouring into the spine, the whole soul was pulled out, and then burned mercilessly, and shattered.

The so-called “I would rather die standing than kneel down” is ultimately just a boast.

In the face of absolute power, not only kneel, but also die!


Accompanied by a heart-wrenching scream, the emperor heard the last prompt from the sky curtain. At this time, the prompt from the sky curtain was like a ray of light, announcing the end of suffering.

[Sky curtain prompt: You were killed by the atomic bomb of Eagle Sauce. Since all challengers have died, this copy mission has failed! ]

With the death of the emperor and Ito Hidetaka, the live broadcast perspective of the copy also changed from the first-person perspective to the third-person perspective.

Through this bird’s-eye view, you can see the picture of the atomic bomb explosion more clearly.

The shock wave is still spreading outward. At the center of the destructive force, a huge fireball suddenly rises on the surface, and its brilliance instantly illuminates the entire sky.

Then it expands rapidly and condenses into a huge mushroom cloud in the sky!

The mushroom cloud is formed by the blending of flames and thick smoke. It keeps rolling and expanding during the rise. Its bottom is a fiery orange-red, while the top gradually turns gray-white.

Wherever the wind wave passed, everything perished. In just a few seconds, Edo City disappeared in the rolling flames.

The once prosperous streets, towering buildings, and warm homes were razed to the ground in this moment.

All the civilians in the city also turned into ashes along with the city.

Just like the end of the world…

It gives people a sense of déjà vu of the long river and the setting sun.

All living beings will eventually end up in the same place, that is, they will die without a place to bury their dead and perish in the flames.

That kind of rough and magnificent picture can make people tremble in an instant.

Seeing this picture directly, all observers were scared to death, and some people were even trembling across the screen.

The technical level of the Azure Star is still at the Blue Star S1. Letting them see the atomic bomb detonation at this time is completely rubbing their cognition on the ground.

The copy live broadcast directly appeared a blank screen!

After a long time, someone posted a comment:

【This… is this the ultimate weapon in the dungeon? ! Did everyone see that? Just now

A bomb can cause such a great destructive force? ! ]

[Too terrible… and too cruel! Just watching, I can feel my legs shaking uncontrollably! ]

[The pain caused by this explosion should be more painful than death…]

[I think Lin Ye is the only one who can defeat him! The supersonic missile just now was incredible, and now this atomic bomb has fallen, I think it is no longer something that this world can understand! ]

[If this is the case, then I think this Raging Sea instance will never be broken by the challenger. Unless one of the challengers has weapons of the same level. ]

[Oh my God, at this moment I really feel sorry for these Dahe people…]


The report hall of the instance research center of the Daxia settlement.

At this time, there was also silence.

Everyone, whether senior researchers or industry leaders or top designers, stood up unconsciously at this moment, staring at the big screen with their mouths wide open.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and everyone was controlled by an invisible force like a puppet.

Beyond cognition! It is completely beyond cognition!

Even though the whole hall of researchers and bigwigs were sitting here, they were all so shocked that their brains almost stopped working, and they were at a loss like children!

The scene of the atomic bomb explosion was still too advanced for them.

Just like that, the hall was silent for five minutes.

Some people started to speak.

“The copy…the copy…is over.”

“We should be happy for Lin Ye…why don’t everyone speak?”

In fact, it’s not that everyone doesn’t want to celebrate for Lin Ye, but the shock in everyone’s heart is far greater than the joy at this moment.

Because everyone has never seen a copy weapon that can be so powerful.

A bomb destroyed a city? !

This is a miracle that no one in any settlement on the Azure Star can understand!

You should know that in addition to the Purgatory-level super copy of Raging Sea on the Azure Star, the remaining 90% of the copies may not be as big as Edo City in the entire map.

Lin Ye can flatten a city in an instant with one bomb.

This means that as long as he is willing to bring this weapon into other dungeons, it will be able to kill everything in almost any dungeon!

Zhao Jianyu was on pins and needles at this moment, and she was even trembling with excitement.

Even if she was not in the dungeon, even if she was on the same front as Lin Ye, she still felt deep fear.

Panting, she looked at her teacher Ding Chang.

“Teacher… Lin Ye’s technique, do you understand it?”

Ding Chang also shook his head a little dully, as if he had not recovered from his previous emotions.

“Teacher, with this technique, I think Lin Ye should be able to top the Tianmu Hero List and become the number one in this dungeon world!”

Ding Chang still did not answer, but Deng Xian, the dean of the Second Energy Research Institute next to him, suddenly stood up and looked very excited.

“This is nuclear energy, the result of nuclear fission!”

“Tianmu just said that we will launch a nuclear strike against Dongying Island in the end!”

“Oh my God! This is nuclear energy. It turns out that nuclear energy can really be a weapon!”

The whole venue was attracted by Deng Xian’s exclamation. They all got down from their seats and walked in front of Deng Xian.

Among the older generation of copy designers in the Daxia settlement, Deng Xian has the deepest research on energy materials.

Everyone thinks that they may be able to get some information about the final ultimate weapon of the Raging Sea from him.

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