The challenge was resolved.

Tianmu did not care about the protests of these challengers, and directly deducted 20 points from the 300 ninjas who went with Iga Ryuji in the same way, and then teleported them out of the dungeon.

There are a total of one million people in the dungeon, and it is impossible to judge them one by one. People with the same crime will be dealt with uniformly.

[Please come forward, Minamoto Raikou and Yasui! ]

[You and your troops actively invaded the Dragon Country, another third-party force, in the dungeon, which violated the dungeon’s mission setting and also destroyed the peace of Earth Online. However, considering that you did not kill any Dragon Country people, but were unilaterally slaughtered by the Dragon Country… Tianmu decided to deduct 600 points from you as punishment! ]

In this way, Minamoto Raikou and Yasui were directly deducted points and teleported out of the dungeon.

The same treatment as them also included Minamoto no Raikou’s 50,000 shogunate samurai special forces and Yasui’s 50,000 bacteria troops.

Seeing these people deducted 600 points, some challengers were relieved.

Because the number of points deducted is really not that much. Although some people will be directly demoted, it is definitely not fatal!

Even for Minamoto no Raikou and Yasui, it can be said that it is not painful.

You should know that the minimum deduction for failure in this dungeon mission is 500 points. Minamoto no Raikou and others directly invaded other forces, which is equivalent to a serious violation of the dungeon rules.

If we look at the punishment of the previous two raging seas, the extra 100 points are actually merciful.

You should know that the previous Ito Hidetaka had his points penalty doubled tenfold because he violated the warning of the Eagle Sauce Country!

[Please Ogura Takako, Miyazaki Sanlin… come forward! 】

Tianmu called out the names of 20 commanders of the Dongying Island base. These people were considered high-level people in the challenger camp. The emperor directly assigned them positions to manage challengers in their respective military bases.

However, they were basically just soy sauce in this copy, and simply executed the emperor’s orders.

In fact, they were killed by the hypersonic intercontinental missile AGM-183 ARRW without firing a single shot.

[You forced conscription in the copy, causing many Dongying Island people to die with you under the missiles of the Eagle Sauce, indirectly causing their deaths. Tianmu decided to deduct 800 points from you as punishment! 】

There are about 400,000 challengers who have committed the same crime, which is the majority of all challengers.

They were also deducted points and teleported out at the same time.

In this round trip, more than 500,000 people have left the copy, and the International Court of Justice seems much emptier at this moment.

The remaining 500,000 challengers, seeing that the people in front of them had left the copy safely, immediately forgot the pain of the wound,

and actually began to mutter in a low voice.

“Look at it this way, the points deducted from this so-called trial are not that many.”

“In fact, 800 points is a lot. This score can kill many LV0 and LV1 people instantly.”

“Well… thanks to the Emperor, we were able to withdraw points in advance at the shrine, so we won’t be wiped out anyway.”

“Ha. I think this must be the restriction of Tianmu on the dungeon, which prevents Lin Ye from deducting a large number of other people’s points as before.”

“This is really a blessing in disguise. It’s a blessing to be able to survive in such a perverted dungeon.”

These people wanted to discuss, but they were all shut up by Tianmu’s angry shout.

【Silence! 】

【The International Court of Justice does not allow loud noises! 】

【Please ask Yamamoto Sanjuhachi and Tominaga Yukiyasu to come forward! 】

【You two and the navy and air force led by you attacked Pearl Harbor under the premise of pretending to surrender to the Eagle Sauce Country, which seriously violated the dungeon rules! At the same time, your actions are also the initiators of the war between Dongying Island and the United States! A large number of innocent people in Dongying Island died tragically! 】

【You have committed many crimes. After calculation, Tianmu decided to deduct 10,000 points from each of you! 】

10,000 points!

This is a very fatal point deduction.

You should know that a LV1 challenger needs 10,000 points to advance to LV2.

And many of these challengers were promoted to LV2 after extracting the reserve points of Dahe Settlement from the shrine.

Points are extremely valuable. The points of the shrine belong to the common assets of Dahe Settlement and are strictly controlled.

No one can withdraw except the Emperor.

So many challengers come in at the promotion line.

A deduction of 10,000 points means that some people will be killed instantly!

These challengers were dumbfounded. They were just celebrating, but now they were kneeling on the ground, holding their heads and crying.

“I… I don’t want to die!”

“Why are they only deducted a few hundred points, while we are deducted 10,000.”

“This is not fair at all! We are all doing things according to the will of the Emperor.”

But Tianmu would not give them a chance to argue, and directly started the deduction of points and the copy transmission.

In an instant, many challengers were killed instantly, their bodies were crushed by the invisible pressure, and they didn’t even scream.

There are as many as 400,000 people in the navy and air force! At least half of them were wiped out in this way! As many as 200,000 people!

200,000 people died forever in the copy.

And the remaining ones who survived by chance were not much better.

After deducting 10,000 points, almost all of them will be demoted!

Some even dropped to LV0 directly, becoming the most humble and weakest challenger in this world.

LV2 is considered the upper class in this world, but in an instant they became the lower class. This huge gap in level drop makes these people feel worse than death.

And because of their plummeting levels, they lost the right to carry dungeon weapons, and the possibility of being killed instantly in the dungeon will also increase greatly.

Those who should be killed will be killed, and those who should be teleported will be teleported. At this moment, only the Emperor and Ito Hidetaka are left in the hall.

The Emperor did not waste any more words to argue with Tianmu.

Because there was no point, Tianmu’s points deduction had been executed, and those people had been directly wiped out.

At this moment, the Emperor could no longer care about the lives of others, because he suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart.

He realized one thing, that is, the rules of this so-called trial were actually set by Lin Ye, and some so-called rules were used to increase the points deduction.

Lin Ye will use various methods to make this reward and punishment seem reasonable so that it can pass the review of Tianmu.

But Tianmu is inhumane, it only follows logic and reason.

In other words, as long as Lin Ye makes everything reasonable, it is possible to deduct excessive points at one time.

Tianmu will make corrections before the next copy opens after noticing that the points are deducted excessively, but all the punishments this time can only be in the past tense.

The emperor is not afraid of being wiped out, because he is LV4, and his points reserves are already astronomical. It can be said that the entire Dahe settlement is supporting him.

What he is afraid of is being demoted!

If that kind of thing really happens, he will definitely climb down from the position of the emperor, and then he will not be the emperor.

[Please ask Ito Hidetaka to come forward! ]

Ito Hidetaka trembled and still knelt in the same place.

Then he grinned and laughed at the trial table, and saliva flowed all over his body.

“Hehehe, I’m not dead! I’m not dead!”

“Lin Ye’s atomic bomb didn’t defeat me either!”

“I, Ito Hidetaka, am simply a genius.”

Crazy! Completely crazy!

Looking at Ito Hidetaka’s horrible appearance, the Emperor couldn’t help but sigh.

He never thought that an atomic bomb could scare Ito Hidetaka into dementia.

[Please ask Ito Hidetaka to come forward! ]

The sky curtain read it again, and seeing that Ito Hidetaka was still indifferent, the sky curtain started the trial directly.

[Ito Hidetaka, as the deputy commander of this copy, you are deeply sinful… Your crimes are as follows:]

[1. Conscripting a large number of soldiers and killing the people of Dongying Island! ]

[2. Pretending to surrender to the Eagle Sauce Country, but secretly planning the war to attack Pearl Harbor…]

[3. Maliciously controlling the media of Dongying Island and spreading wrong militarist ideas…]

The sky curtain listed more than a dozen crimes in a row.

In fact, Ito Hidetaka was really wronged this time, because all these things were done by the Emperor.

He was at most a messenger.

But nominally speaking, he was not wronged, because he was indeed the Emperor’s chief of staff, and he made suggestions for all kinds of evil deeds.

At the same time, many things were carried out by him personally, which was equivalent to being the direct murderer.

[Tianmu decided to deduct 100,000 points from you! ]

[Due to your serious lack of points, you will be directly wiped out! ]

Hearing Tianmu’s verdict, Ito Hidetaka’s face was not desperate, but smiled even more brightly.

He pointed his hands at the trial table, suddenly somersaulted from the ground, and laughed wantonly.

“Hehehehe, I, Ito Hidetaka, am the master of the blue star.


“Lin Ye is nothing special, I can definitely kill him in my copy!”

“I am a genius!”

“I am…”


Before Ito Hidetaka finished his words, a huge force directly pressed over his head, crushing him into mosaic fragments all over the ground!


PS: Happy Dragon Boat Festival to all brothers, (*^▽^*) I will send you more red envelopes today, the rules are still the same, send a free gift for love, you can get the zfb password red envelope given by Wujie in the background message, the number is limited, first come first served.

Also, please help Wujie to urge the update, and increase the popularity of this book.

This angry sea copy is also coming to an end, and a new chapter will start soon. The new copy is also new and exciting. Wujie will continue to work hard to make everyone happy.

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