The old man was killed, but the old man was killed.

While watching the Sky Curtain Hero List, Lin Ye also noticed several other lists on the Sky Curtain.

On the ranking of the Dungeon Heavenly List, Fury of the Sea still ranks first.

This is also a matter of course. Fury of the Sea’s record of wiping out 200,000 Dahe people is here, and today is also the day of amnesty. Except for Fury of the Sea, other dungeons cannot be opened.

So there is nothing surprising about Fury of the Sea’s consecutive wins.

And… Lin Ye can conclude that Fury of the Sea will dominate the list for a long, long time until his next dungeon comes out.

In addition to the Heavenly List of this dungeon difficulty, Lin Ye glanced at several other small lists, and Fury of the Sea also successfully made the list.

For example, the list of duration of a single instance, the list of total number of people in the instance, the list of number of people killed in the instance, etc.

The only thing that can attract Lin Ye’s attention is the list of number of people killed in the instance.

Raging Sea is also included in the list.

You should know that the data on this list is actually a continuously accumulated value, which looks at the total number of people killed in a instance from the time it was opened to the present.

Some instances have lasted for more than ten years or even decades, accumulating a lot of values.

As a instance that has only been opened for three days, Raging Sea is on this old-timer list, which does have the momentum to beat the previous wave to death on the beach.

This also indirectly illustrates one thing, that under the huge gap in combat power between the peak five permanent members and the challengers with S1 technical level, all the so-called time accumulation and seniority will be flattened.

Lin Ye is fully capable of being promoted to LV4 and surpassing those so-called predecessors!

He will surpass those white gloves supported by the big forces and those aristocratic chaebol inheritances one by one.

Retracting his gaze, he threw the can aside, stretched his body and refreshed himself.

He has been resting since yesterday, and it is time to devote himself to work.

Raging Tides is already complete, and he does not need to add more bricks and tiles. His next plan is to complete Winter is Coming as quickly as possible.

Raging Tides is just a beginning, and there will be more exciting things in the Wuchang series to bring to the people of this world.

As for why Winter is coming first, the reason is also very simple.

Because Great Wall Watch is much more complicated and difficult than Winter is Coming.

Winter is coming is mainly about the simplicity and brutality of a Russian, using weapons to pile up steel torrents and go straight to the point.

And Great Wall Watch is much more delicate, and there will be more mechanisms involved.

A single Winter is coming is enough for the people of this world to continue to suffer.

Another important reason is that once Great Wall Watch is involved, it involves a very important special event in Dragon Country, the “Nantianmen Plan”.

This thing can’t be done overnight, and with the current technology level of Azure Star, even if this thing is made in advance, Tianmu may not be able to approve it…

There must be a little bit of adaptation process for this world.

Lin Ye was about to enter the creation space when he heard the familiar prompt sound of Tianmu.

[Dear copy designer, your copy of Raging Sea has been reported by a large number of challengers since it came out. After Tianmu’s strict review and real-time evaluation of the three openings of your copy of Raging Sea… Tianmu believes that with the current strength of the people of Azure Star, it is impossible to pass Raging Sea. 】

Hearing Tianmu’s words, Lin Ye’s heart sank a lot.

Sure enough, it was exactly what he thought. Tianmu felt that there was a problem with the difficulty setting of Raging Sea, and he was going to start a series of castrations.

[Tianmu decided to conduct a comprehensive review of the copy of Raging Sea for three days to eliminate possible loopholes in the copy… During this period, Raging Sea will be temporarily classified as a limited-level copy. 】

“Restricted copy?” Lin Ye couldn’t help asking.

[Sky Curtain Tip: Restricted copy is the highest restricted copy on Azure Star. Challengers cannot enter restricted copies, and copy designers cannot obtain points from copies. 】

Lin Ye also understood that what Sky Curtain meant was to temporarily lock up the Raging Sea in a small dark room.

“Sky Curtain, I want to know, can the Raging Sea be reopened after three days?”

“This copy was previously approved by you before being released to Azure Star. If you delete it, it would be too unfair!”

[Sky Curtain Tip: Copy designers, please rest assured that after passing Sky Curtain’s

After the final review, the copy will be put back into the Azure Star; Tianmu will not delete any reasonable and innovative copy, especially the copy like Raging Sea that is of great significance to the Azure Star. 】

Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not forcibly deleted, everything is fine!

As for the so-called review, Lin Ye can be sure that the logic of each step he sets is very strict. As long as Tianmu’s program remains unchanged, it will review it ten thousand times and the result will be the same.

“Tianmu, then I want to know, is there any compensation for me as a copy designer during this three-day restriction period?” Lin Ye asked.


【Tianmu will extend all privileges such as the challenger’s copy pardon card and technology acceleration card by three days! These three days will not cause any loss to the challenger. 】

Hearing Tianmu’s words, Lin Ye was satisfied.

This way he will not lose.

Five days have passed since the design of Raging Sea, which means that there are still 25 days for the pardon card.

Tianmu gave him another three days, which means there are still 28 days left.

Lin Ye didn’t want to enter anyone else’s dungeon at this stage. His first task was to complete the dungeon creation.

If there was no pardon protection, anyone would pull him into the dungeon.

Even if he could pass the level easily, he would only get a few hundred points, which was a pure waste of time.

Only by upgrading to LV4 can he completely avoid being actively selected by others to enter the dungeon, so Lin Ye had to raise his level within this time.

“Just use these three days of free time to complete all the dungeon production of Winter is Coming!”

Lin Ye entered the creation space without any hesitation and started working.

Seeing the long-lost blue planet in the void, Lin Ye’s mood became comfortable.

Thanks to the continuous improvement of this planet before, the map of the Bear Country has been completed.

At a glance, the snowfields, glaciers, and the three main cities of Volgograd, St. Petersburg, and Moscow are all built vividly.

The next thing to do is to add various powerful weapons to the Bear Country and set up a task mechanism.

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