The army has been designed, and the next step is the last link of the bear country’s weapon system.

That is naturally a nuclear weapon of the same level as the Eagle Sauce Country.

Lin Ye directly equipped the bear country with 6,000 nuclear bombs!

At the same time, he set up a super doomsday system for him-the “Hand of Death” system.

Once the bear country goes to war with any country, the hand of death system will be directly activated.

The hand of death system will always be on alert.

If the hand of death system does not receive a response from the top leaders of the bear country within an hour, it will automatically identify it as “the end of the world is coming”.

The hand of death will immediately release all the bear country’s nuclear bombs and bomb the entire planet!

Such a perverted system was not thought up by Lin Ye, but was thought up by the Russians themselves during the Cold War. Lin Ye is just borrowing it now.

This kind of thing is very logical no matter how you look at it.

All the design work on weapons has been completed, and the rest is to wait for the creation space to slowly complete various large weapons.

The next thing to do is to set up the dungeon task system.

This winter is coming, and Lin Ye does not want to set it up as a complicated task system like the raging sea, so the dungeon is set up in two stages in total.

Stage 1 is for the challenger to break through any of the three main cities of Volgograd, St. Petersburg, and Moscow.

Stage 2 is to continue to break through the remaining two main cities and seize the power of the Russian Bear Country at the same time.

The whole process reflects a simple and crude thing without any drag.

There are four types of dungeon challenge methods: air combat, land combat, naval combat, and total war.

Challengers can choose by themselves after entering the dungeon.

The task system is basically built, and the last step is to set the birthplace for the challenger of this copy.

Lin Ye has several alternative options for the choice of the birthplace of this copy.

One is to directly use the map of Dongying Island.

This is the most time-saving and labor-saving method. The disadvantage is that if Dongying Island is chosen, the combat method will be relatively simple, and it is likely to be mainly naval warfare, which is a bit repeated with the Raging Sea.

Moreover, the Raging Sea is still under restricted review. If Dongying Island is forcibly used as the challenger’s birthplace, there is a certain probability that it will not pass the review.

There are two other map options, one is the Chariot Country where Hans Cat is located in the Ouzhou area. The other is the Horse Country, which is directly adjacent to the Bear Country.

The Chariot Country was chosen because it has a long history with the Bear Country and can perfectly experience the full set of services of “Winter is Coming”.

The Horse Country was chosen because it is closest to the Bear Country, which will be more convenient in design and will be more exciting for land battles.

Of course, there is a better choice, which is to design all these birth points and let the challengers choose by themselves.

In this way, the richness of the dungeon will be greatly improved.

Lin Ye directly began to outline these areas in preparation for future emergency needs. No matter how to set them up next,.

Watching the Earth Online in his hands become more and more perfect, although a little tired, he still felt comfortable.

Unknowingly, three days have passed.

Lin Ye worked for three days without sleep and forgetting food.

Finally, he was pulled out of the creation space, and it was still Tianmu.

[Tianmu Tip: Dear designer, your copy of Raging Sea has been re-reviewed! After you exit the creation space, Tianmu will introduce the situation to you. ]

Lin Ye took a look at the completion of Winter is Coming. It is basically about 98% completed. There is still a little fur left, which should not take much time.

It should take another half a day to be completely completed and then submitted to Tianmu for review.

It was useless to wait, so Lin Ye withdrew directly from the creation space.

[Dear designer, after three days of review, Tianmu has made corresponding adjustments to your copy of Raging Sea:]

[1. After a detailed review, Tianmu believes that there are no problems with the map, weapons, and basic task process in the copy, so these basic copy contents will not be changed! ]

[2. After repeated tests by Tianmu, the number of challengers in the copy was finally adjusted to 100,000. ]

[3. The total war mode and task amplification and punishment system in Raging Sea are both extremely innovative, and Tianmu decided to keep them all! ]

[4. In view of the fact that the Raging Sea copy was deducted when it was opened for the first two times,

The situation of a huge amount of points, so Tianmu gave a restriction to the Crazy Sea: the points deducted from a single person in a single time shall not exceed 1,000 points! 】

【5. After passing the final review, unless the designer modifies the copy by himself, the Crazy Sea will not be reviewed again… Then the Crazy Sea copy can be put into use normally. 】

After listening to Tianmu’s introduction, Lin Ye smiled helplessly.

In fact, this result is not much different from what he expected.

Every brick and tile, every blade of grass and every tree in the Crazy Sea copy are logically supported, so Tianmu can’t find any thorns at all.

As for the reward and punishment mechanism of the task, it must be the same as Lin Ye’s previous guess, which meets some of Tianmu’s needs for managing the Azure Star people, and even helps Tianmu screen out those who are rebellious and war-oriented.

So Tianmu did not adjust it.

Tianmu actually just didn’t want Crazy Sea to wipe out too many people, and at the same time didn’t want Lin Ye to get a lot of points in a short period of time through Crazy Sea.

So Tianmu will adjust the number of challengers to 100,000 again.

If it is really to reduce the difficulty, Tianmu should continue to increase the number of challengers. The reason why it has decreased instead of increased is that Tianmu thinks that the Azure Star people have no chance of breaking through the Raging Sea.

Since there is no chance of success in the challenge, it is better to reduce the number of people so that fewer people can suffer.

As for why it was finally set at 100,000, Lin Ye thinks that Tianmu should have taken an intermediate value.

In addition, Tianmu has also set a limit on the deduction of points, and the upper limit for a single person cannot exceed 1,000 points.

In fact, Lin Ye is still very satisfied with this result.

Because no matter what, the Raging Sea can continue to be used.

This means that Lin Ye can still get points through the Raging Sea.

According to his own calculations, the challengers who enter the dungeon later are expected to choose to surrender right away.

20 points are deducted from each person, and 100,000 people are 2 million points!

According to the rebate rate of 1%, it means that Lin Ye can get at least 20,000 points every day.

Fly legs are still legs, and a few add up to a lot, which is also a considerable amount.

You should know that it only takes 10,000 points for a LV1 challenger to upgrade to LV2.

The fly legs in Lin Ye’s eyes are a huge sum of money that is enough to live a lifetime for most people in this world.


(There are two more chapters today, everyone read it first.)

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