The rabble in the live broadcast room may not understand, but Jin Genshuo can’t fail to understand.

The soldier battle selection mode set by Lin Ye seems to be innovative, but in fact it cuts off a way out and gives challengers a greater chance to conquer the dungeon.

The reason is that there is a restraint relationship between the arms.

According to the content just prompted by Tianmu, unless the total war mode is selected, any other land battle, sea battle, and air battle mode will cause the weapons unrelated to it to be temporarily frozen and invalid.

This freeze is not only for the challenger, but also for the bear country!

If the challenger chooses air combat, it means that all land and sea weapons in the entire dungeon will be invalid.

As for air combat, the most feared thing is actually the air attack from the ground.

Mortars, anti-aircraft guns, and anti-aircraft artillery are all anti-aircraft weapons.

Even some machine rifles can attack aircraft in the air.

Not to mention, Lin Ye has mastered the technology of missiles, which is a killer for shooting down aircraft.

But the current setting makes all weapons that restrain air combat units invalid!

“Lin Ye, haha, you are anxious.”

“The loopholes in this mode are too big!”

“It can be seen that your understanding of the restraint of arms is too shallow. The previous raging sea allowed you to avoid this problem, but now it is all exposed.”

Jin Genshuo showed a disdainful smile on his face.

Of course he would choose air combat this time!

Because whether it is the Nan Gaoli settlement or their Jin family consortium, the best thing is air combat weapons.

Nan Gaoli can rise in these years by relying on air combat!

To put it bluntly, Nan Gaoli’s air combat is at the forefront of the Azure Star.

I dare not say it is the strongest, but it is definitely in the top three of the Azure Star!

The Air Force Research Institute of the South Korean Settlement has launched the Nightingale helicopter, which can be said to be the best air transport unit in the world today. It takes into account both transportation and ground strikes.

In addition, there is also the top fighter developed by their Jinjia Aerospace Company: the Black Hawk fighter!

It is even the ace in air combat.

Whether it is defense, attack power, or attack frequency, they are the best in the Azure Star air combat system!

Compared with the helicopters, reconnaissance aircraft, pigeon monoplanes, and biplane fighters that are common in the Azure Star, these two models are simply leapfrog.

Of course, there is another more important reason for choosing air combat, that is, air units are more conducive to occupying a city.

He is not a fool, can’t he see how big the Bear Country is?

The main cities of the three missions are all in the west of the Bear Country. If you choose land warfare, you have to travel a long distance across the Bear Country, which is purely asking for trouble.

As for naval warfare, first of all, it is not the strong point of the Goryeo people. Besides, Jin Genshuo has also seen Lin Ye’s fleet of annihilation and knows that Lin Ye’s naval units are very technical.

No matter how you look at it, air combat is the best choice at the current stage.

“Come here!”

Jin Genshuo shouted.

A subordinate of a consortium company immediately walked in respectfully.

“Master, do you have a battle strategy?”

“Humph, Lin Ye is just so-so. This time, we can pull him down from the altar!” At this moment, Jin Genshuo’s words were full of confidence.

“Master is really resourceful. We will actively cooperate with you.” The subordinate bowed to Jin Genshuo respectfully again, with a very admiring expression on his face.

Jin Genshuo doesn’t like these subordinates in his company from the bottom of his heart.

These people have been trained as weapons from beginning to end, so they look as dull as machines.

It makes people feel boring and boring.

However, Jin Genshuo still cannot do without these people, because these people are the elites of South Korea, all of them are above LV2, and they are all carrying weapons!

The next air battle also needs the participation of these people.

“By the way, have you done what I told you to do?” Jin Genshuo lit a cigar and asked softly. “Have you appeased the other challengers in the dungeon?”

“Master, we have actively explained to the other challengers that we are from the Jin family, but… there are still many people who choose to surrender and leave the dungeon directly.”

Jin Genshuo frowned and opened the dungeon background interface to take a look.


It has not been ten minutes since the start of the game, and four thousand people have left the dungeon!

You have to know that this happened when there were 5,000 subordinates of the Jin Family Group in the instance.

If this instance was full of random players, it would have ended in less than ten minutes.

At this moment, Jin Genshuo was somewhat glad that his father had arranged for someone to come in for him.

Otherwise, he would have been alone.

“Haha, a bunch of fun, a mob!”

“With a big family like my Jin Family protecting them, they can’t even grasp the opportunity to win easily, they deserve to be low-level garbage for the rest of their lives!”

“Really useless!”

Although he cursed, Jin Genshuo naturally knew the reason why these people surrendered.

Because the rewards and penalties for this mission were too high.

If they failed, all challengers would be deducted 800 points, which was fatal enough for some LV0 and LV1.

It was even enough to demote some newly promoted LV2!

So it was understandable that these people chose to surrender directly, which was more secure.

“That’s good. Those who left are all scum. I feel bad for letting them sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor in the dungeon.”

Kim Keun-suk took a deep puff of his cigar and exhaled a large cloud of smoke, showing the extreme disdain of a superior person for an inferior person.

“In that case, go gather the remaining 1,000 scattered people and let them follow my arrangements.”

“Tell them that they will never lose out if they follow the Jin family.”

The difference between this dungeon and the last dungeon of the Raging Sea is that there is no so-called mechanism for the Sky Curtain to directly designate the commander.

So it is no different from the other dungeons of the Azure Star. Everyone fights on their own.

In other words, the remaining 1,000 scattered people can completely bypass Kim Keun-suk and attack the dungeon by themselves.

Kim Keun-suk doesn’t ask them to be useful. At least don’t make trouble and don’t be a traitor like Iga Ryuji before.

The best way is to leave them all in the Black House.

The subordinate of the group nodded and immediately left the room to make arrangements.

Five minutes later, the subordinate returned to Jin Genshuo’s office.

“Master, I have made arrangements for those people, and they basically agree to listen to our Jin family’s arrangements.”

“Only one person raised objections.”

“Objection? Who dares to object?” Jin Genshuo almost laughed himself out of anger.

There are 5,000 people in this copy who are all from his Jin family. Who else can they listen to if not the Jin family’s command? !

Could it be that this person has never heard of the name of the Jin family?

There is actually such an ignorant country bumpkin.

“Master… is the Asan prince, Singh, who ranks 48th on the hero list…”

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