Global Creation: Create the Zerg Queen at the Start!

Chapter 20 The future of the Zerg is the sea of ​​stars! (More comments!)

As the Zerg conquered the city, Abathur's research also came to an end.

This time, it used Dino Zulu's genes to transform three new types of Zerg.

In this battle, the flying ability of Dino Zorru dealt a severe blow to the Zerg.

The air defense capability of the Zerg has become the top priority of the new Zerg of Abathur.

As a result, the three new Zerg units it transforms are all air-to-air, ground-to-air, and air-to-ground combat units.

Air-to-air biological weapon, flying dragon!

Ground-to-air weapons, corrupters!

Air-to-ground weapons, Lord Brood!

Especially the emergence of flying dragons completely drove the entire land creatures into the abyss.

Countless birds of prey were torn to pieces by the flying dragons.

After completely devouring the land, the Zerg finally marched into the ocean.

In the ocean, Abathur gained the genetic genes of cetaceans.

The strong gas emitted by cetaceans breathed new inspiration for Abathur.

Combining the genetic genes of Dino Zuoru, Abathur has transformed the body structure of all new Zerg races, so that all newly born Zerg races can have strong adaptability.

And transformed a worm's nest, endowed with powerful gas propulsion.

This is how the Zerg’s first experiment to break through the planet began.

This kind of completely unreasonable thing really flies!

This can completely destroy the three views of biologists and technologists who watched the live broadcast.

In this regard, Liu Xi said that there is another kind of creature that controls the power of "I'm thinking." It only takes a few knocks and the sentence "I'm thinking that this thing can fly."

It really flies.

Then it's outrageous, the operation of the Zerg is just the basic operation, basic exercises, no six, all sit.

Propelled by the gas, the worm nest rushes into the sky like a rocket!

"Is this going into the universe?"

"I can't imagine that the Zerg created a biological organ similar to a jet engine."

"What kind of terrible creature is this?"

"I can't understand, but I was shocked."

Netizens marveled at the achievements of Insect Swarm.

During this period of time, the world of the creators of all countries has changed three times a day.

People are used to various rewards.

It’s not a matter to celebrate every day.

Your physical fitness has become stronger, but others have not become weaker, have you?

The work should be done, and the meal should be just right.

However, the Zerg has already begun experiments to break through the planet still amazed Xia Guo's netizens.

This is known, the first great scene where creatures in the world begin to march into the universe.

Like the Nordic mythology of the Chariot Kingdom, Thor is busy fighting with his sister in order to become the heir of the main god Odin.

The two sons of Adam in the country of John Niu were treated differently by Jehovah because of their different gifts.

Wakuni Susano has just announced that he will become the lord of Takatenhara.

Etc., etc.

In the world created by other countries, they are still busy fighting for power and arguing with each other.

The Zerg has begun to leave the original planet and enter the universe!

I have to say that it's not better than that, and it's hard to see.

The Worm Nest broke through the restrictions of the atmosphere and successfully entered the course of the universe.

Through the spiritual network that comes with the Swarm, the Queen and other Zergs screamed in excitement!

Soon, the second and third Worm's Nest skyrocketed!

[Congratulations to the creator of Xia Guo, the world's main creatures broke through the planetary limit and stepped into the ranks of universe creatures. All the citizens of Xia Guo gained physical fitness +5, and Xia Guo got 500 strange beasts and thunder beasts! 】

The netizens of Xia Guo started the carnival again.

"Niu b! This time I gave it to a strange beast!"

"Thunder Beast seems to be that big guy!"

"I don't know if you bite?! Can the official control it?"

In the enchanting light, five hundred thunder beasts appeared on the prairie of Xia Guomenei province.

Xia Guo's official soon got the news and dispatched, and tried to contact these strange beasts.

What's amazing is that this kind of strange beast is not afraid of life at all, and has a gentle temperament, and it is quite human.

After testing, the IQ of these strange animals is equivalent to that of humans at five or six years old, and they mainly feed on pasture.

He is docile and human.

These Thunder Beasts were quickly received by the authorities and trained.

Elder Xia Guoda watched the Lei Beast and the trainer play happily and was very satisfied.

Further research is still going on, but judging from the information currently available.

The Thunder Beast, tens of meters high, is undoubtedly a favorable weapon for Xia Guo to face the enemies in the future.

These creatures have thick skin and thick flesh, and their bodies are covered with steel-like exoskeletons.

Although it is impossible to test whether the Thunder Beast can withstand heavy firepower, the current characteristics of the Thunder Beast are enough to form a special new unit.

What? Why not experiment?

Just five hundred heads, and they can still be bombed? Are you crazy?

This number is less than that of national treasures.

After selection, some Thunder Beasts were diverted to the country, so that the majority of citizens could also see this strange beast.

As for the Zerg, the transformation of all the worm's nests has been completed at this moment.

The resources of the entire planet were completely used up by the swarm.

The queen gave an order.

Trillions of insect swarms got into the nest, and it was full.

Tens of millions of insect nests rushed into the sky.

They have completed the assembly over the original planet.

I have to say that Abathur is a real genius. After the successful transformation of the first interstellar Worm’s Nest, it has also been improved, allowing the jet of Worm’s Nest to control it, and its speed has also been greatly increased.

In the end, the Zergs collectively sat in the interstellar Worm Nest transformed with the Worm Nest, looking for a new habitable planet.

Waiting for them is a new galaxy that Liu Xi has planned for a long time.

ps: add more today! *

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