Global Creation: Create the Zerg Queen at the Start!

Chapter 23 encounter! (Seeking comments, brothers)

The Emperor of the Kabal Empire, Carus the Great, has had a headache recently.

Although Kabal is known as an empire, the actual power of the empire is actually held in a parliamentary organization called the "Priest Group".

These guys are highly powerful but have extremely extravagant and corrupt life styles, and they occupy a large amount of wealth in the empire.

As Emperor Carus, he had to personally lead troops to suppress other races dissatisfied with the rule of Kabal.

A great emperor of labor and capital, even if he ran out to fight for his life, when he came back, he still saw you worms wasting the country's wealth.

Can this be tolerated?

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can not bear it!

The pastor group of conservative forces fell apart under his strong interference.

However, a considerable part of the pastor group members are also hidden, always preparing for revenge.

The Emperor Carus, who just made his name right now, has encountered new troubles.

Cabal's colonies in the galaxy have been reported one after another being attacked by some mysterious existence.

"Can't you let me enjoy a good life?!"

Emperor Carus was furious and immediately ordered the Scarlet Army commander Gaou to investigate the matter carefully, and asked the fleets stationed in various places to start patrolling the colonies in the star field, looking for traces of mysterious existence.

After giving the order, Emperor Carus held up his huge golden wine glass, then played music, and then danced!

Gaiou is a typical cabal man, he is five meters tall and has an ugly face.

He was abandoned by his parents because of albinism, and was later adopted by a consul of the priesthood. He was recognized for his outstanding performance in the arena of Emperor Carus, and he was promoted to the commander of the Scarlet Army.

Unlike other Cabarians who like to rampage, Gaou is scheming and he loves Carus even more.

But no one knew that his adopter was the enemy of Emperor Carus, a member of the priesthood.

Wearing a white armor, Geou looked solemn and began to lead his men to tour the empire's large and small colonies.

On the other hand, the Zerg began to divide its forces from Anu.

The Empress and Abathur sat in the rear, stepping up the development of the new Zerg and the application of the Kaibo Crystal.

The Queen of Blades, Kerrigan, led the remaining troops to search for the traces of the Kabars in order to obtain more information about the Kabars.

For the Zerg, Kabal and them are natural enemies.

Kaibo crystal can enhance the combat effectiveness of the insect swarm, accelerate the activity of the insect swarm cells, accelerate the reproduction of the insect swarm, and enhance the speed of the interstellar insect nest.

The development of the Swarm needs the Kaiber crystal, but the crystals are pinched in the hands of Kabal.

The moment the Kabal Empire and the Caber Crystal were discovered, the war had already begun.

The Kabal Empire, which occupies many Kaibo crystal veins, has naturally become the chief enemy of the Zerg.

While sailing in the endless sea of ​​stars, Gaou stared out of the window in a daze.

Before he left, Emperor Carus's heart-warming words and his adoptive father's consul's Dundun's teachings made him extremely contradictory.

Carus is a good emperor.

Although he is narcissistic and cocky, what I have to say is that he really cares about the Kabal Empire.

He disbanded the pastor group, did not take the money and wealth as his own, but returned the wealth to the people of Kabar.

Carus has great prestige among the people, and Gaio also regards Carus as an idol, and Carus is also very good to Gaio, and even regards Gaio as his son.

But the consul of the pastoral regiment who adopted Geo doesn't think so.

That is my money!

Give my money to the mud legs? !

Is there still a king's law? Is there any reason?

Isn't this bullying the honest person? !

During this investigation, the consul ordered Geou to perfuse the matter and make a false report to fool Carus to finish the matter.

It also allowed Geou to accumulate strength and prepare to overthrow Carus's rule.

Gaio, caught between Carus and the consul, is in a dilemma.

"Commander, there is an unknown fleet! Only half a million stars away from us!"

The subordinates' shouts awakened Gaou.

"What? An unknown fleet appeared in the territory of the empire? What did the fleet patrolling this star field do?"

Gaou was furious and went to the bridge to check information about the unknown fleet.

"My Majesty, what the hell is this?"

Gai was dumbfounded and muttered to himself.

Under the display of the interstellar radar, dense spots of light appeared directly in front of the Gaio fleet!

"Is the radar malfunctioning?!"

Geo couldn't believe his eyes.

Is this scale also called a fleet?

This is obviously a sea of ​​ships!

At this moment, Kerrigan, who led the Interstellar Worm's Nest fleet, also discovered Gaio's fleet.

The huge hull and the strangely shaped ship are really conspicuous.

"It's Kabal's fleet, the flying dragon troops are ready to dispatch!"

Kerrigan gave an order, and countless flying dragons began to move. They gathered at the exits around the Worm's Nest, ready to dispatch.

"Try to contact the other person and ask why you are here!"

Geou was also panicked. With such a huge number, the fleet in his current hands simply couldn't handle it.

This operation was not a combat operation. Geou only carried one flagship and more than 60 frigates.

The heavy weapons and energy he carried were not too much, and no matter how close Carus was to him, he wouldn't let him run around the empire directly with his huge fleet and weapons.

"Your Majesty, received a communication request from the opposing fleet."

A mother worm manipulating the nest reported to Kerrigan.

"Ignore it, the weak are not qualified to negotiate terms, speed up and eat them."

The cold-blooded Kerrigan ignored Geo at all.

"Commander, the other party did not answer, and the entire fleet accelerated towards us!"

Guy slapped the railing beside him with a slap.

"The main battery is charged and ready to fight! The Scarlet Legion is ready to fight!"

ps: Gradually began to enter the Xinghai chapter, because a lot of settings have been added in the theme, thank you for your continued support, the clear soup in the middle is still acceptable, and the update will be increased later, and I hope you don’t be stingy with the evaluation votes in your hands. What, your support is the biggest motivation for the author's codeword, thank you! *

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