Karadag asked carefully: "Should we withdraw?"

Suddenly news came from the Flying Wing Demon that the Mad Lion Resistance Army in Xuan Yuexing had not changed.

"Since the trash people didn't move.

Slardar looked at the map and sneered: "This can only be the monks' troops. They are here, what do they want to do, do you need to say! From the inland river bridge, they just want to move the tiger away from the mountain!"

"What if they came to behead?"

"Beheading?" Slardar laughed blankly: "Just rely on their dozens of mechas?"

"grown ups!'

As soon as Slardar's voice fell, the Flying Wing Demon rushed in and said: "The Fourth Demon Team, defeated by the enemy."


The expressions of Karadag and Slardar changed at the same time.

The sky was gradually brightening, but the clouds in the sky still enveloped Lott Town. The thick look showed no signs of dispersing.

The heavy rain is still falling.

Large drops of rain fell on the ground, splashing thousands of water. The stagnant water on the street flows down the terrain, and the leaves on the roadside are swaying in the wind and rain. They were all brightened by the rain.

The streets are crowded with people.

The residents hid in underground buildings.

The city that was originally bustling with noise suddenly became deserted.

There were only a few people, turning their heads from time to time to look at the Lion Warriors who lined up in the rain, the puppets and flying boats full of supplies and personnel.

The sound of explosions in the distance also came one after another. 570

Everyone has no idea where the war is actually going on.

The sound of explosions from the east, west, and south reverberated between the high-rise buildings, like east and west, and they sounded like everywhere.

It is said that the demons dispatched a large number of troops at a time, divided into different directions, and launched an attack on the town of Roth at the same time.

People can't help but be a little worried.

After all, the front line is only forty kilometers away from the center of the town. Once it is breached, the enemy will be able to rush here within an hour along the highway.

Can the cultivator army be able to stop it? Could it be that Lott Town will eventually become a bloody hell like Central City?

It was already seven o'clock in the morning, and various gossips were circulating on the street.

Some say that the monk army just fought a big victory in the south yesterday, and it defeated the demon's regular main force.

It is also said that Roth Town has been surrounded by the Devil's Seventh and Eighth Route Army. The position was lost, and now it can only rely on the line of defense to resist. It is estimated that it will not last long.

This news was ridiculed by many people. They said that although the enemy surrounded Dirot Town, they had not yet begun to attack. The defensive line was contracted. It was the monks who took the initiative to retreat. This was to maintain the strength of the defense.

The good news and the bad news circulated among the people in Lottown.

No one can figure out whether the news is true or false.

People can only pray, pray that the monk army will be able to keep the vicious enemy out of the line of defense. Pray that you and your family will not become a cold corpse in this troubled world.

Yuzhe Lili was underground, and the traffic lights on the street changed coldly.

The explosion sound in the distance seemed to be denser again.

An ugly puppet flipped onto the muddy ground, hiding its body behind a tall demon wreck on the dirt slope.

A few fireballs almost brushed its body.

Near or far, they exploded one after another. The explosion opened up several large holes in the soil slope, splashed wet mud, and hit the puppet's cold and hard outer armor. Immediately, it was washed away a lot by the pouring rain.

The hills and peaceful land around Xiaopo have been boiling in the flames of war.

Countless fireballs fell on the ground, and the wet soil mixed with broken branches and leaves rose up into the sky amidst the sound of the explosion, tumbling, crackling, and falling down. It was like a muddy rain. The muddy water on the ground, wrapped in blood-sprayed blood, flowed to the big hole that was blasted out, and gathered at the bottom of the pit.

Looking from the hillside, countless huge creations are firing at each other, red and black, rolling torrents galloping back and forth on the battlefield, killing each other.

The staggered fireballs were as dense as fishing nets, and shrieking talisman seals scurrying on the battlefield.

The ground is full of burning debris, even in this pouring rain, the raging flames are licking and billowing, billowing black smoke.

"Five in a row, have reached the designated position."

In the muddy puppet, the young lion-man warrior had bloodshot eyes and reported the situation with a communication talisman.

Behind him, more than forty identical puppets were passing through the flat ground full of debris one after another, avoiding raindrops of fireballs, and fell one after another on the hillside of 40 to 50 meters high.

Black puppets covered in mud and scars, with tired and excited faces.

A jade pendant worn around the waist.

(aicg) This is exactly the third group of monks led by Zeng Qi.

Just three hours ago, he found traces of the demons.

The battle between the two sides entered a white-hot state almost in the first second it started.

The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce, and the offensive and defensive transition was extremely fast.

Often the monks have just reached a breakthrough, and before they have time to intersperse and divide, the demons desperately try to re-block the torn formation.

While the demon was just retreating, the several commanding heights he tried to occupy were all beaten down by the monks.

Then, there is a tough battle. This one is two full hours!

Under the hillside, puppets who were so dirty that they couldn't see the color were lying down in the mud in rows.

The surrounding hills and flats of more than ten square kilometers are full of flashes of explosive light. The night has passed. In the early morning glow, this land does not have a trace of fresh air. The soldiers are gradually widening their vision. Burning wreckage and billowing black smoke.

After rushing for the whole night, and another two hours of fighting, these monk soldiers were almost exhausted.

If you can close your eyes at this moment, I'm afraid no one wants to stand up again.

No one dared to close his eyes. The soldiers know that the battle has reached the most critical moment.

The two demon teams that were surrounded are already at the end of the battle. Now, at most, only one-third of the demons are still panting and defending. The others have become wreckage. As long as you work harder, you can completely wipe it out.

The explosion in the northeast became more and more violent. It was the other two demon teams that arrived more than forty minutes ago. They were on the flank of the monk army, launching an offensive, trying to rescue the demon team that was surrounded.

If, at this time, a little relaxation, the enemy who constantly launches breakthroughs, it is very likely that they will jump out of the encirclement.

Staring with bloodshot eyes, the soldiers waited for orders.

The battle has been fought so far. It has nothing to do with victory or defeat. It is the result of this anti-siege and suppression campaign of the monk army. It is the lives of more than one million people in Roth Town. The blood debt of the slaughter of refugees!

At first, when they heard the statistics reported by the base, few people dared to believe it.

As a member of this world, the Lion Warriors have never had such an angry mood.

It seems that these people are numbers, but every number is heavy.

That was the blood and tears of more than 50,000 mad lion masters.

Is it true that the mad lion can only tremble and scream under the iron hoof of the devil?

The young soldiers listened to the explosion of the trembling earth and looked back at the vast land behind them. They rushed all the way from there and fought all the way.

Lottown, facing the six-way encirclement of the demons.

There are five ways to remove the Chuck Demon Corps that was defeated last night.

This is almost a desperate situation!

Zhang Zhengyi pointed out a way that is not a way.

If you want to survive, you must survive the enemy's siege for thirty-six hours!

Looking westward, the sky in Lot Town was already gleaming with white light. The enemy has already begun to attack the Roth town defense line.

There is not much time left for the three groups!

All eyes and all hopes are on this team!

"Go!" The platoon leader who finished the call waved his hand, and the soldiers jumped up, and more than forty puppets scattered, rushed down the hillside, crossed the flat ground, and rushed towards the enemy's defense line.

A fireball exploded beside them, and on the opposite ridge, the enemy's firepower became fierce again. .

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