Global Creation: Create the Zerg Queen at the Start!

Chapter 94 Light clouds and light wind? Fake!

After saying that he didn't see him, he disappeared, and directly abandoned the fellow of the Heretic Temple, and immersed himself in thinking about how to enhance the time rule.

The remaining demon forces on Xuanyue Star were abandoned by the demons, leaving them to fend for themselves, and the demons' offensive in the immortal world began to slow down.

This gives many people a chance to breathe.

The followers of the monks entered Xuan Yuexing one after another, and other tribes also began to help Xuan Yuexing rebuild.

However, there was a dispute between the two sides as to how to deal with the remaining demons.

Although the tribes are united, they are not monolithic.

Among them, some races are interested in the strong physique and terrifying power of demons, and want to collect these demons to use as biological weapons.

And this move instantly aroused the anger of the mad lion people and the cultivators in Xuan Yuexing "Five-Seventy Zero" fire.

Zhang Zhengyi led a group of monks and mad lion people to looting materials and arresting demons frantically before the tribes. This move caused dissatisfaction among some races.

The two sides began a competition to snatch supplies and catch demons.

As a result, a small-scale conflict broke out between the monks' army and the coalition forces, which were collecting materials. Nearly a hundred people from both sides participated in the fight, and dozens of them were injured and admitted to the hospital.

"These bastards!"

Zhang Zhengyi jumped three feet high: "Brothers copy guys!"

In the spacious conference room, when the monks were drinking tea and chatting with smiles, few took care of it and jumped and jumped to justice.

Even Shangqing, Yuqing, Taiqing Guanzhu and others turned aside their eyes. Look at each other with a wry smile.

Ever since he captured Xuan Yuexing's high-level demon, Zhang Zhengyi has squeezed out all the oil.

Apart from all the technologies mastered by the demons were taken away, the cultivator army took advantage of the time difference and rushed to occupy the main industrial base of Xuanyuexing and other places before the allied forces of all races.

Not to mention, immediately, all the monks who could be sent out in Lot Town were sent out, using Na Jie to collect a large amount of materials.

Under Zhang Zhengyi's persecution, the remaining demon commanders ordered all the demon troops to hand over everything that could be handed over to the monks.

I heard that when the coalition forces arrived, their logistics officer ran out of the warehouse with a tear in his eyes.

Substances, technology, materials.

The monk army didn't let it go. At this time, everyone understood that this monk army was more ruthless than the devil.

And this time the conflict, speaking of it, was also a failure of the monks' army.

At that time, the attack on the demon forces stationed in the port was the place where the coalition forces independently completed the attack.

In that battle, the coalition forces of all races fought extremely hard, and under the situation of superior strength, it was almost a one-to-one loss, gnawing off this hard bone.

But who knows, the cultivator army didn’t help. Seeing that the port was beaten down by the coalition forces of all races, the cultivators who had waited nearby got in at one end, faster than the rabbits.

The mad lion soldiers of the monk army had a snakeskin pocket in their hands, and even the wind had to fish for it.

This can make the commander of the coalition attacking unit slanted and slanted.

I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless people. These bandits are really shameless.

Seeing that the warehouse was about to be evacuated by the cultivator army, the commander of the coalition forces, who was so angry, immediately ordered these people to be detained!

The two sides immediately clashed. The leader of the team was Zeng Qi. This guy was originally a man who feared that the world would not be chaotic. With Li You, he could still shake him, and let him out alone to grab things. It was like putting the weasel in. In the chicken coop.

There was a fight at that time.

It was said that both sides had injuries, and some people were admitted to the hospital, but Zeng Qi had bruises and other minor injuries. The coalition forces of all races were terrible. The location of the injury was embarrassing to say.

All kinds of lower three-way moves, a comparison of yin.

Is this still a gentle monk?

The cultivator army was completely stamped by Zhang Zhengyi! When I came back to ask, these moves were all taught by Zhang Zhengyi!

This kind of thing, everyone feels blushing, but Zhang Zhengyi is very unreasonable, and he actually calls for copying guys, what kind of people!

Seeing that no one responded, Zhang Zhengyi's indignant expression disappeared without a trace, and he sat down with a serious face without embarrassment: "Convince people with reason. Forget it, let's come out with a high posture. However, the coalition forces of all races. Negotiations over there still have to uphold a tenet.

As he talked, the guy got excited, stood up and stepped on a chair with one leg, and his mouth frothed: "You old guys didn't talk to those people before. Let's take the big heads of these things, but now it's nothing to regret. What's the matter, are we still a member of the world?"

The big guys have a splitting headache, and Zhang Zhengyi is really not a person.

People say you take the big head, but they didn't tell you to take all!

The face of this guy is clearly that I take Jinshan Yinshan, you take the needle and thread cloth head, anyway, it is the big head and the small head, and it is reasonable to travel around the world, and I am not afraid!

This bastard! I really don't know how Shangqing Guanzhu taught him. He has such a bad personality.

Originally, this battle of the monk army really fought beautifully.

Roth Town not only withstood the demon army's multiple attacks with inferior forces, but also wiped out nearly half of the opponent's forces.

And the sharp knife team headed by Zhang Zhengyi turned the Central City upside down, stole the victory from the devil with an absolute disadvantage, step by step, step by step.

It can be said that in terms of prestige, the coalition forces of all ethnic groups can't even compare with a single feather of the monk army.

Since all the credits belonged to the monk army, the coalition forces of all races could only play a role of picking up the bargain.

This has already made the coalition forces of all races mad, and this piece of justice is now sold cheaply, which is simply hateful.

"Boss!" A cultivator walked into the meeting room quickly and reported: "The Allied Forces has sent a representative and wants to meet you."

In the meeting room, 2.6 came down quietly.

Zhang Zhengyi's face turned straight.

Since the central city caught a group of high-level demons, Zhang Zhengyi has not sat down and officially met with the coalition forces of all races.

All the discussions between the two sides were made by the monks.

In this, Zhang Zhengyi played a trick. In addition to the need to postpone the surrender of the devil for a period of time before letting the coalition forces know about it, Zhang Zhengyi also determined that it is impossible for the coalition forces to openly turn their faces with him.

It is also because of this that the monk army has the opportunity to play rogues, and before the allied forces of all races reacted, they made a lot of money.

At this time, the coalition forces of all ethnic groups asked to meet. Obviously, some things need to be clarified. This also means that the golden period when the monk army used rogues to take advantage has passed. .

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