[March 20, Qing. My husband’s death made me feel disheartened. I took my daughter to my husband’s hometown and wanted to settle here. The air here is really fresh and the sunshine is so warm...]

[April 29th, cloudy, the residents here don't seem to like us very much, their behavior is a bit strange, I began to be curious about the town...]

[May 12th, Yin, my daughter was bullied by a child of the same age today, she was very sad, I told her a lot of fairy tales before falling asleep...]

[On May 25, it turned cloudy and the roads in the town were a little muddy. My daughter fell while walking and broke her leg. She cried for a long time. I bought her her favorite bear doll, and she finally smiled...]

[On May 31, Xiaoyu, I decided to use my husband’s savings to pave a road for the town, so that my daughter will not fall down in the future...]

[On June 20th, there was a thunderstorm and the road was completed. Although there were some twists and turns, the residents of the town seemed to have a much better attitude towards us. We were gradually accepted. This was a good start...]

[July 7th, cloudy. Today is a festival unique to the town. Only people recognized by the residents of the town can participate. I was invited to go. I finally integrated into the town...]

[July 8, Qing, how could they do this? The residents here actually want me to be a sacrifice. This is unfair. I don’t agree...]

【July 9th...】

[July 10th, unknown, I dare not leave, but for the sake of my daughter, I have to do this. We don’t have much food. If I don’t come back...]


[Obtain key props: Diary of the Widow, plot unlock rate: 15%]

Lin Yi read through the diary carefully.

The page dated July 9 was soaked with some liquid, and nothing could be seen.

In addition, he learned a lot of useful information from the diary.

The first is the first of the Bear Rules, "Tell her a joke when Eucalyptus is sad."

This rule is obviously false and should be told as a fairy tale.

Secondly, it also makes sense why the road was so new just now, thus proving the accuracy of the diary information.

Now, there are a few more questions.

What happened to Madam on July 7?

Is the sacrifice that the lady is talking about the sacrifice that the gentlemen in the audience are thinking of?

Why is the weather on July 10 filled in as "unknown"?

Lin Yi had no clue about the first two questions, so he could only look for opportunities to go to the town to look for clues.

The third question is understandable.

Only in a closed environment can you not see the outside weather, so it is unknown.

On the last day, the mother and daughter must have taken refuge in an attic or basement somewhere.

There must be important clues in that place, and we have to find a chance to find that place.


at this moment.

An extremely pitiful howl resounded throughout the house, making people's hair stand on end.

This sound is made by big waves!

Lin Yi put the diary in a garbage bag and hurried downstairs.

As soon as he rushed to the corner of the second floor, he saw Da Lang sitting on the ground with his chest covered, his face as pale as paper.

"What’s wrong with you!"

He hurriedly ran to ask, but unexpectedly, as soon as he reached out and touched the other person's body, the big wave suddenly roared sharply.

"Get out! Don't touch me!"

Da Lang's eyes were red and his whole body was shaking, as if he was going crazy.

Lin Yi was startled by the other party's appearance and quickly took a few steps back.

"You are not my Xiongxiong, and you want to deceive me again. Die! Die!"

Eucalyptus's soft and crisp childish voice became sharp and harsh, full of anger and murderous intent.

"No, I am a bear, I really am a bear!"

"Don't come here, get out of here! Get out of here!!"

Da Lang looked excited and kicked her legs wildly, as if something was really approaching her.

Only then did Lin Yi notice that there was a tear in the big wave bear's clothes, which just split the cartoon bear pattern in half.

The crack doesn't look like it was opened by something huge.

It's more like a small cut was made by some sharp instrument, and it collapsed after being put under tension.

The magic eye opens.

In Lin Yi's sight, Eucalyptus had a ferocious appearance and a head full of red hair.

Her eyes were blood red, her pupils dilated as if out of control, and there were dark purple markings around her eyes.

The exposed skin on the arms, neck, and calves is even covered with veins.

It is no longer the lovely eucalyptus before.

"Damn it, it turned into red hair!"

Lin Yi's left eyelid twitched wildly, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly surged in his heart.

Something is wrong, very wrong.

I can't control other people's life and death, so run away first.

But just as he turned around, he heard the painful moan of the big waves coming from behind.

He ran towards the third floor and glanced back before leaving.

Good guy, the bear really split, and the scene was cruel for a while.

The body of the big wave is like the pattern on the clothes, it was torn in half by Eucalyptus.

Facing this kind of strange power, even Lin Yi's current physique is probably not good enough for him.

Exactly at this moment, Gu Gu, who was in a frenzy, raised his head and met Lin Yilai's eyes.

Lin froze for a moment, and his left eyelid twitched more and more.

He turned his head and ran without hesitation, not daring to look back.

He ran all the way, regardless of the rooms on the third floor, just found an unlocked room and rushed in.

He blocked the door with his backhand, and pasted three "charm drawn by Lin Zhengfeng with his feet".

"Tat Tat Tat..."

Footsteps sounded from far to near.

Lin Yi leaned against the door and his whole body tensed up. If there was any abnormality, he had to get out of the way immediately.

"Bear, are you inside?"

The sound of eucalyptus came from outside the door.

Lin Yi held his breath, and quietly took out the treasure of excrement, and held it in his hand.

"Bear?" Another shout came from outside the door.

Lin Yi: "..."

"Woo~" Eucalyptus's voice became aggrieved, "Xiongxiong, I'm so hungry..."

"Can you help me find something to eat?"

Suddenly, an electric current seemed to flash through Lin Yi's mind.

He seemed to understand why Eucalyptus kept shouting that he was hungry.

It is written in the diary that the lady finally left the safe zone in search of food.

Is that possible.

His wife was killed after leaving and never returned, so Eucalyptus was starved to death.

If she can fill the other party's stomach, will she be able to return to the safe state at the beginning?

Hmm~~ Sounds reasonable.

But where was he going to find food for her now?

Lin Yi pondered for a moment, and decided to try to force his way down the stairs.

With a "squeak" he pushed the wooden door open, opened his magic eye, and looked out, only to be stunned.

I saw that the corridor was empty, and there was no shadow of eucalyptus at all.

He closed the door again and let out a long sigh of relief.

Made, this dungeon is too fun, really exciting.

Everyone here is talented, and they speak nicely.

Lin Yi gradually fell in love with this place.

But before he had time to be happy for a long time, his expression froze suddenly.

"Bear, I found you~"

There was a chuckle like silver bells coming from the ceiling.

Yuu's head poked out from the inspection window, staring at Lin Yi gloomily.


Lin Yi was frightened out of his wits, and hurriedly ran out of the room.

He kept panting heavily and blinked his left eyelid, as if warning something.

"Don't go, Xiongxiong, play with me..."

Eucalyptus's voice was still soft and sweet, but it revealed a strange coldness.

"Your sister, why do you always stare at me alone, did I provoke you!"

Lin Yi desperately ran downstairs, the dumplings in the kitchen should have been cooked, right?

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