At that time, the treasure of manure was only 0.01 cm away from my mouth, but after a quarter of the incense stick...

"Big brother, big brother, stop stop!!!"

"I said, I said everything!"

"It's over sooner than this."

Lin Yi took back the magic weapon, patted the opponent's head with satisfaction, and then asked, "Tell me, do you know Eucalyptus?"

The Bamboo Pole Curse Spirit had a painful expression and shook his head frantically.

"Are you kidding me?!"

Seeing that Bao Dung Bao came back out of the rivers and lakes, Curse Ling was almost driven crazy.

"No brother, I really can't say it, I will die if I say it."

Curse burst into tears.

"Can't you even die?"

"Well... I can't say it even if I die."

Lin Yi thought deeply, there was only one possibility for this to happen.

The existence of this copy is indescribable.

Only that kind of existence can make the curse spirit so afraid.

He had a vague understanding in his heart, but he became even more curious.

"Could it be that eucalyptus is the source of the curse?"

The bamboo pole mantra continued to shake his head frantically, "Brother, can you change the question?"

I saw that her body began to emit black smoke, and her figure became thinner again.

It seems that it is impossible to find the truth from the mouth of the curse spirit.

"Then let me ask you, where have all the people in the town gone?"

The curse spirit breathed a sigh of relief, and the black smoke gradually subsided.

"I know this. They all went to the shrine to prepare for the upcoming snake god festival."

"Shrine?" Lin Yi was stunned.

"Yes, every July 7th in the town, the snake god will be enshrined."

"How much do you know about festivals?"

"That is a legend that has been passed down from a long time ago. Many years ago, the Mitian family gave birth to two baby girls..."

The mantra briefly described the origin of the snake god festival.

The general story is that the two baby girls grew up to look like a fairy, named Yinji, and were loved by the villagers.

And the other one is ugly by nature, named Snake Girl, she is despised by everyone.

One day, a handsome man named Lvran came to the village, and he fell in love with Yin Ji and Snake Girl at the same time.

As a result, the man naturally chose Yin Ji, who was as beautiful as a flower, and the two lived a life that everyone envied.

But the snake girl held a grudge in her heart, and her resentment attracted the gaze of the snake god.

Since then, the village has become troubled.

Flash floods, droughts, plagues, and so on.

The Mita family, that is, the village head's family, in order to protect the village, offered Otohime as a sacrifice to the snake god, praying for the god's forgiveness.

As for the sacrifice method...

Anyway, green dyed hair is green.

Miraculously, when the ceremony was over, the disaster faded away.

Ever since, on July 7 every year, the village will select a woman who looks like Yin Ji as a sacrifice for the snake god to vent his anger.

To ensure the smooth weather of the village.

This kind of festival has continued to this day, even if the village has become a small town, it has never changed.

After listening to the curse spirit's narration, Lin Yi was silent for a long time.

It is obviously just a natural disaster, so we must engage in this kind of feudal superstition.

Although reading may not be useful, it can enlighten fools.

As long as there are a few people in this village who have read books, they know what freedom, democracy, and prosperity are...

[Story Exploration Degree: 58%]


"Such an important clue, but the exploration speed has only increased so much?"

"System, are you right?"

Is this curse spirit lying to me?

Deliberately throwing out half-truths and half-false clues to mislead me?

[Trigger hidden mission: The truth about the snake god festival]

[Mission Description: The truth will never be that simple, unravel the secret behind the festival, perhaps, you will unlock the unexpected ending]


The more clues there are, the more Lin Yi's cup burns.

The messy clues seem to fit together, but they reveal weirdness everywhere.

The plot that Lin Yi can guess so far is almost consistent with what is described in the diary.

My wife was chosen to be this year's sacrifice to the snake god. In the end, she escaped home for unknown reasons and hid in the basement with Eucalyptus.

Eventually he was forced out of the basement due to food shortage and was killed.

But how should the stories between Eucalyptus and Little Bear be connected?

Is it just because the bear is a gift from the mother to the eucalyptus, so the eucalyptus will not harm the cub?

And the most critical prop.

The broken stuffed bear in the basement.

Who put the note inside?

Is the curse outside the basement door my mother or the villagers who killed my mother?

Why can't Eucalyptus see the bear doll?

"Damn, I hate this nerve-wracking copy!"

Seeing him talking to himself, the bamboo pole girl couldn't help but speak.

"Brother, if nothing happens, I will leave first."

Lin raised his head when he heard the sound, his expression was a little strange.


"Do you think you can leave?"

", what do you mean?"

"What I mean is very simple -"

He slowly approached the bamboo pole curse spirit, making the other party tremble in fear.


Lin Yi punched the opponent to the northwest.

"After all, it's an E-level cursed spirit bead, worth fifty or sixty thousand. It's a pity to let it go."

The curse spirit was killed, leaving only a dark glass bead.

Lin picked it up and put it in a garbage bag.

"It's still early, let's go to the shrine and see if there are any new clues."

He walked toward the foot of the mountain east of the town.


Nearly a thousand people gathered on the hillside at this moment.

These people were all kneeling on the hillside, wearing snake-head masks, and each of them was a strong man.

In front of them stood a richly dressed woman.

The woman is the current head of the Oden family and the mayor of the town.

"After paying homage, let's start working for the sake of the peace of the town."

After burning incense and praying, the mayor mobilized everyone to build an altar.

But the strange thing is that these people move slowly, stagger, and let out painful wails after taking two steps.

Like a patient who is suffering from various stubborn diseases and is about to die.

In addition to the sound of "ping ping ping pong" being beaten, there were also various blood-curdling screams.

"Ho~ho uh~!"

" hurts so much!"

"Someone come and help me, my waist is about to be broken!"

The shrill shouts kept ringing out, causing the surrounding birds and beasts to scatter in shock.

"what happened?"

As soon as Lin arrived at the scene, he saw such a strange scene.

If your liver doesn't move, don't get cirrhosis. Why torture yourself like this?

"You're here?"

Luo Bing jumped down from the branch and landed quietly behind Lin Yi.

"Senior, you scared me to death. Please remember to tell me in advance next time you appear. My little heart is not very good."

Luo Bing rolled his eyes, "Keep your voice down, don't expose our traces."

Lin Yi shrugged and shut his mouth obediently, while the cat watched from behind the bushes.

Although these curse spirits are all old, weak, sick and disabled, nearly a thousand E-level curse spirits are not something they can deal with now.

"Put it on and follow me."

Luo Bing found two snake head masks from somewhere and threw one to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi followed the instructions and put his face against the mask. He suddenly felt an eerie coldness coming over him and had goosebumps all over his body.

Following Luo Bing, the two of them avoided the patrols of guards and quietly entered the shrine.


"Why haven't I seen you before?"

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