"Damn it, you're hurting her!"

"I am her guardian, ah!!"

"Idiot, I'm protecting you, go back, go back!"

Along with the angry roar, Eucalyptus held her head and struggled in pain.

Her ego struggled to wake up, two thoughts quarreling fiercely in her mind.

In the end, Eucalyptus's eyes gradually regained clarity.

Followed by two lines of tears.

"Yes, it was Eucalyptus that killed Xiongxiong. It was all Eucalyptus's fault... Only then did Xiongxiong leave..."

Eucalyptus choked with sobs and held the bear doll in her arms, holding it like a treasure.

When the tears fell on the doll, a white light lit up from the doll.

Lin Yi found that the surrounding scene suddenly became distorted.

When he came back to his senses, he was already in another world.

"Here is... the memory of Eucalyptus?"

There is a brand new building under his feet. The mother took the little girl's hand and introduced with a smile:

"Yuan, this will be our new home from now on, do you like it?"

"I like it. As long as my mother is there, it is my home~"

The innocent look of the little girl made the mother show a gentle smile.

The mother and daughter settled down in a small town.

The only relative is a distant relative of her husband, and the little girl calls her "Aunt Wang".

Lin Yi stood high in the sky, watching everything in the building silently.

Although there are only mother and daughter in this family, the life is very warm.

Occasionally, a little girl was bullied by children in the small town when she went out. When she returned home, her mother would use her tenderness to heal the girl's wounded heart.

Then the screen changed rapidly, as if the fast forward button had been pressed.

The first heavy rain in early summer made the roads in the town extremely muddy.

The girl broke her leg on the way home and went straight to the hospital.

"Wow~~Mom, my legs hurt so much..."

The girl's cry spread throughout the ward, which made other patients who didn't like outsiders feel disgusted.

Mother didn't care about other people's eyes, and took out the gift box that had been prepared from behind.

"Eucalyptus doesn't cry. Look, what is this?"

She opened the gift box, and it was the little bear doll inside.

The little girl's eyes suddenly lit up.

"This is knitted by mother for you, do you like it?"

"I like it, I like it so much~~Thank you mom~~"

Seeing her daughter's smiling face, the mother's eyes couldn't help getting wet.

"Good boy, from now on, the little bear will be like his mother, accompany and protect him, and never leave."

The little girl nodded heavily.


Lin Yi stared at this scene quietly until the picture turned again and the mother and daughter walked out of the ward.

He suddenly sighed as he already knew the outcome.

"Ah~ Misery always befalls poor people..."

When the girl returned home, the muddy road outside the door took on a new look, and a brand new asphalt road came into view.

The mother didn't explain too much, but the girl knew that Xiong Xiong must have solved this troublesome problem.

Because of the generous contribution of the mother, the attitude of the surrounding people towards the mother and daughter is slightly better.

There are also those who are jealous, and they can't see anyone living better than her.

Or coveting the money of the orphans and widows, or...the body.

"As long as this pair of sluts die, I'm the only heir to the property."

"The Snake God Festival is about to begin, why not..."

In the room, a man and a woman are planning something for their ulterior motives.

The next day, my mother received an invitation letter.

The person who delivered the letter was Aunt Wang.

The mother didn't think much of it, and was perfectly fooled by this so-called relative.

She had no idea how ugly the human heart can be sometimes.

The mother who received the invitation letter also did not understand how terrible danger was contained in it.

On that day, the candidates for the sacrifice were finalized, and what awaited the mother and daughter would be a catastrophe.


Mother, as usual, picked up the fairy tale book and taught Eucalyptus to read and write until dusk.

The girl was particularly fascinated by today's story.

That's the story about Bear and the Princess.

"Mom, if Yuu is captured by the villain, will you hit the big villain like a raging bear?"

The girl's naive inquiry made her mother laugh.

"Of course I will, Eucalyptus is my mother's sweetheart~"

She scratched the bridge of the girl's nose and smiled gently.

"After that, mother will be the head of the Bear Knights?" The little girl asked expectantly.

"Okay, okay, as long as you like it, mother is the leader of the knights."


Listening to her mother's doting tone, the girl happily ran around the room holding the bear doll.

The screen flashed by again.

On this day, there were bursts of thunder and storms.

The girl kept rummaging for something in the room with a nervous expression on her face.

The bear doll, which she regarded as a treasure, suddenly disappeared for some reason.

The girl was sweating profusely.

A doorbell woke her up.

"Who is it?"

"Yuan, it's Aunt Wang, open the door quickly~"

Hearing that it was Aunt Wang, the little girl was relieved.

Mom went to work and didn't come back, so the girl had to open the door by herself.

"Aunt Wang? Why are you here?" the little girl asked suspiciously.

Aunt Wang smiled kindly, and stroked her little head, "Aunt Wang, this is for you."

For some reason, the little bear doll that the girl had been longing for appeared in Aunt Wang's hands.

"Ah~ it's a bear!"

The little girl was overjoyed, and stretched out her little hand to pick it up, but she was too short to reach it.

"Hehe, don't worry." Aunt Wang smiled lightly and took out a paper figurine, stuffing it into the girl's hand with a strange expression.

"Will you sign your mother's name?"

"As long as you sign your name, the little bear will come back~"


A thunderbolt tore through the sky, and the deafening noise made the girl freeze in place.

"Mom's name, what does it mean..."

The girl raised her head in a daze, only to see a sinister arc raised at the corner of Aunt Wang's mouth.

Lightning flashed across, illuminating Aunt Wang's hateful eyes.

"Don't you want the bear?"


"Then sign it, can Aunt Wang harm you?"

Where do children understand the calculation and darkness between adults.

She only knew that this was the only relative in the world besides her mother.

How could your loved ones harm you?

The girl lowered her head and struggled to draw her mother's name.

"He Yin!"

She got her little bear as she wished, but lost her real bear because of it.

The picture starts to get a little blurry here.

The world is gradually collapsing.

The last scene Lin Yi could see was the girl crying in the basement holding her mother's diary.

The little bear doll that was once regarded as a treasure was also torn up by her at that moment and thrown into the closet in the basement.

"I killed my mother...it's all my fault..."

"You don't want me anymore..."

"Yuan has become a person..."

In the dark basement, the girl's helpless and desperate murmur echoed.

The girl kept repeating similar words like a demon.

After an unknown amount of time, the girl's hair gradually turned red, the color of blood.

"Forget about these... From now on, I will protect you..."


With a bang, the whole world collapsed completely.

[Hidden Mission: Eucalyptus's Little Bear]

[Task conditions: Unravel the secret between Eucalyptus and Bear]

[Congratulations to the player, successfully completed the hidden mission, the reward will be issued after the dungeon is settled]

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