Global Curse: The Price Of Groceries For Your Mother Will Rise

Chapter 6 I Haven’T Worn My Fat Clothes Yet

Lin Yi frowned slightly, why did he come again.

"Didn't I ask you to come back tomorrow?" He replied impatiently, a little irritated.

But after his body was strengthened, Lin Yi's sense of smell also increased.

He vaguely smelled the smell of blood coming from the cleaning car.

Something is wrong.

When a person has doubts about something, he becomes extra sensitive.

Details that are not usually noticed will also be infinitely magnified.

Lin Yi looked at the strange-looking aunt in front of him, and the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched.

Isn't this a murderer who just collected the body?

The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong, and he immediately became vigilant.

"Are you dissatisfied with my service?"

"Are you going to complain about me?"

"No customer has complained about me in thirty years..."

The aunt's tone gradually became urgent, with a hint of madness and hysteria.

"No, I am very satisfied with your service. If you can come again tomorrow, I will give you a five-star rating."

Lin Yi quickly shook his head in denial and tried to speak as softly as possible.

This kind of perverted murderous maniac can easily lose control of his emotions, so you must not argue with her.

Unexpectedly, the aunt was very happy after hearing this and seemed to be looking forward to the five-star praise.


The next moment, a piece of bloody human skin slipped from the trash can.


A pool of blood flowed from the trash can.

"Sorry, the trash bag wasn't fastened tightly."

The aunt bent down to put away the garbage. When she looked up again, she found that Lin Yi had closed the door of 606 and locked it behind her back.


Young people do not respect martial ethics.

It got carried away by the five-star reviews and was careless.

Lin Yi stood behind the door, breathing heavily, his heart pounding.

It was so horrifying that he was almost killed and silenced. He decided not to go to the hotel again, but the room was still open.

"Tick tock, tick tock~"

Blood slowly slid down the crack in the door and gradually spread into the room.

"Boom boom boom~"

The dull knock on the door sounded again.

Now, even a fool knows not to open the door.

Lin Yi ignored the increasingly violent knocks on the door, quickly came to the bedside, and quickly shook Su Miaomiao awake.

"Crazy girl, get up quickly, we are in for a big deal."

Su Miaomiao opened her eyes in a daze, "What's wrong?"

"It's too late to explain, get in the car quickly!"


Lin Yi grabbed the clothes scattered on the ground and put them on the other party.

"Wait a minute...I haven't put on my fat yet."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

By this time, the blood had flowed across the porch and toward the foot of the bed.

How the hell is this a murderer? This is a cursed spirit with mysterious power.

"We are all adults, so let's do ward rounds. Why are we in such a hurry~"

Su Miaomiao, who hadn't realized the seriousness of the situation, rolled her eyes at him angrily.

There was a dull pain in her lower body. After all, she had just become a woman and needed some time to recover, so she stumbled and fell into Lin Yi's arms as soon as she stood up.

"Ouch~ It hurts, please be gentle."

Now that people's lives were at stake, Lin Yi would not show mercy to her. He directly picked up Su Miaomiao's weaker body and kicked the window open.

Seeing that the other party was about to jump off the sixth floor, Su Miaomiao immediately exclaimed.

"You are crazy, this is the sixth floor, you will die..."

Before she finished speaking, she noticed that the door was already covered in blood, and she couldn't help being petrified.

"Mist Grass~ What the hell is this?!"

As if sensing that the guests wanted to escape, the speed of blood spreading began to accelerate.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, picked up Su Miaomiao, and jumped.

With his amazing physique, he abruptly jumped onto the air-conditioning box four or five meters away.

"hold me!"

With a low snort, he slammed on the air-conditioning case and jumped again. He jumped up and landed on a certain case on the fourth floor.

Just like Jackie Chan, he stepped on the air conditioner to the first floor.

Su Miaomiao was completely shocked by Lin Yi's operation.

Although I have experienced the power of the opponent's physical fitness just now, this kind of operation of jumping back and forth between tall buildings is a bit exaggerated.

What's more, there is another person hanging on him.

It's like martial arts movies that only exist in TV dramas.

She even forgot to scream.

"Crazy girl, can you walk?"

Lin Yi urged him several times, seeing that Su Miaomiao was still looking at him dully.

In desperation, he hugged his princess in his arms by the waist.

"The skirt will be gone."

Feeling the chill under her body, Su Miaomiao blushed, and subconsciously put her arms around Lin Yi's neck as a reminder.

This benefit cannot be seen by outsiders.

So Lin Yi smiled awkwardly, and supported the hem of the skirt below with his hand to prevent it from slipping off.

"What do we do now?"

Su Miaomiao's little mind is in a mess, she hasn't reacted yet.

Everything just now was like a dream, which made her unbelievable and even more difficult to accept.

Lin Yi looked around and found that the surrounding area had already been shrouded in white mist, making it impossible to see anything clearly.


He frowned, realizing that a separate space had been formed here.

If you want to leave this place, you must either forcefully break through a powerful spell, or directly kill the source of the curse.

But he just got the curse brand last night, and he was still a defensive .

He can directly ignore the curse attack, and even increase the strength of the curse through .

But if the curse spirit came up and fought him hand to hand, he would only be beaten.

He felt a little overwhelmed to deal with the source of the curse, but he didn't have a powerful spell that could directly break through this ghost creature.


Who said I don't have it.

He used his other hand to dig into his pocket for a long time, and a yellow charm lay quietly in his palm.

"It's a good thing I didn't lose it. This is a family heirloom of our old Lin family."

[Spells drawn by Lin Zhengfeng with his feet]: Activated spell power can exorcise evil spirits, summon spirits, move mountains, suppress demons, and cut off the sun, moon, and stars...

"Lin Zhengfeng, I believe in your evil!"

After receiving the blessing of the curse, Lin Yi already contained 100 points of curse power in his body.

At the same time, it seems that due to the relationship with Su Miaomiao's dual cultivation, his magic eye was opened for some reason, and he can see some information prompts related to the curse.

However, some high-level spell tools and spell spirits cannot be seen through by the magic eye.

Since Lin Yi was able to see through the information of the spell, but couldn't break through the curse spirit aunt, it meant that the level of the aunt was higher than the spell.

How powerful is a spell that even Lin Yi can break?

What's more, it was drawn by Lao Lin with his feet, and he knew it was a piece of garbage at a glance.

As for the awesome Plath's instructions displayed in the spell information, he directly and selectively ignored them.

If his father really had such formidable means, how could he have fallen into the desolate situation he is today.

It is estimated that Lin Zhengfeng himself added instructions to the magic tools during production.

After all, it is a family heirloom used to fool his son, so of course the more awesome it sounds, the better.

"I really doubt whether I am my own."

There is no way, escape is definitely impossible.

Then... face your fears and live to death!

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