On the mountain road,

Lin Yi sat calmly in the main driving seat. His car logo looked like a pair of ponytails.

He controlled the steering wheel as if it were an arm, and it was smooth as flowing water.

He could even turn the drainage ditch.

"Drive slower, or it will break down!"

Su Miaomiao sat in the passenger seat, holding the armrest tightly, with a face full of resentment.

But soon, after breaking through the five consecutive hairpin bends ahead, she gradually lost her mind, even sticking out her tongue, and her eyes rolled up.

Her pupils gradually turned into hearts, maybe she was a little carsick.

""What the hell is that?"

The driver of a Santana with a license plate number of 605 didn't even see the other car's license plate number before the pink sports car left it behind and disappeared.

"Are you driving so fast to deliver tofu?!"

605, unwilling to admit defeat, immediately stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, trying to catch up with the other party.

But who is Lin Yi? How could these little car owners catch up with him?

Not long after, he caught up with a black car with the license plate of 607 and disappeared into the night.


"Damn, that guy next door is a beast, it's been two hours and it's not over yet."

The guest in room 605 cursed, but he was indescribably envious in his heart.

""Boss, I can't do it anymore. My voice is hoarse."

The heavily made-up woman next to her protested.

The fight ended two hours ago and only lasted three minutes.

The woman thought she could leave work early today, but the boss, who was too proud, forced her to shout for two hours. She did it just to avoid losing to the one next door. They had agreed that she would stop when the one next door finished.

Who could have thought that the one next door could be so fierce?

"What are you talking about? I'll give you another hour. I want to see how long the next door can last."The boss said impatiently.

Hearing this, the woman could only continue, silently praying that the next door would end soon.

The same situation happened in room 607.

The difference was that with a knock on the door, the movement in room 607 suddenly stopped.

"Boom boom boom~"

"It's so noisy! Stop knocking!"

"Boom boom boom~"

"Damn, what the hell are you knocking on? Didn't you see the"Do Not Disturb" sign on the door?"

This is a middle-aged man about 40 years old, a little fat, but his hair is quite thick, but I don't know if it's a wig or real hair.

""Boss, are you here to check on me?"

The woman was a little worried and hurriedly got up and dressed.

The middle-aged man calmed down immediately after she reminded him.

"Then you can say she is my wife"


""Knock, knock, knock~"

The dull knock on the door sounded again, as if urging someone to die. The man pretended to be calm and opened the door.

"Hello, room service."

Standing at the door was a tightly wrapped housekeeper, with her upper face covered by loose hair and her lower face covered by a thick mask.

Damn, I thought it was a cop, I was so scared.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, and then he was furious,"Didn't you see the sign at the door? Get away!"


The man was about to close the door when the lady in charge of the guest room suddenly raised her hand and held the door shut.

He was stunned by this scene and had no idea what was happening.

"The room was dirty...needed to be cleaned……"

There was a hint of coldness in the dead tone.

"What the hell is this!"

The man shouted angrily,"What's wrong with my room? I just like it to be dirty, messy and smelly. It's none of your business. Get out of the way. Believe it or not, I'll complain to you!""


"No one has complained to me in the past 30 years, and you want to complain to me? Clean up the garbage, clean up all of it.……"

The old lady seemed to be stimulated by something. Her speech speed suddenly increased, and her eyes became fierce, as terrifying as a wild beast.

"I am the cleaning lady, responsible for cleaning the rooms for guests"


""It should be cleaning the guest room, right? How could it be cleaning the guest room?"

The man had a bad feeling in his heart.

The next second, the old lady took off her rubber gloves, revealing her hands that had long been rotten.

She pressed the man's shoulders and gently

""Swish!" The man felt a piercing pain as his hands were torn apart and blood gushed out. He froze instantly and could not resist at all. He looked at the old lady in disbelief, with deep fear in his heart.

"It's... it's a cursed spirit. No, how could there be a cursed spirit here? No, don't kill me, don't kill... ah……"


With the sound of the wooden door closing, everything turned dark.

The only woman left in the room witnessed the man being dismembered bit by bit and then put into a black garbage bag.

She was so scared that she collapsed to the ground, her body trembling violently, and her body was already soaked.

Cursed spirits only exist in cursed places. Why would such monsters appear in the real world?

No, I must be dreaming.

It's not real, it's definitely not real.

Mom, I'm so scared……

"It's your turn, what kind of garbage are you?"

"Dry or wet?"

"It looks wet"


Soon, a tearing scream was heard from the room.

Not long after, the weird old lady who had finished cleaning the guests came out of the room carrying two bulging garbage bags.

She threw the two bags of garbage into the cleaning cart in the corridor.

The old lady pushed the cart and continued to clean the next room.

It stopped in front of the door of room 606 for a long time, staring at the house number, and then walked to the next room with a bit of loss.

Room 605

"Boom boom boom~"

"Looks like the takeaway has arrived, I'll go get it."

The voice in the room stopped abruptly, and the woman put on her bathrobe and opened the door.

"Hello, room service"

"Shit, I thought it was the delivery guy... Didn't you see the Do Not Disturb sign at the door? You have no sense at all. What kind of rubbish is this room service? I want to complain about you. What's your employee number?"

The woman had been yelling for two hours and was already full of anger.

But she couldn't vent to her boss, and the auntie just ran into the gun.

However, the auntie heard her favorite word in the other party's words:


"No one has complained to me in the past 30 years, and you want to complain to me? Clean up the garbage, clean up all of it.……"

As the woman looked on in disbelief, the weird old lady stretched out her hand and grabbed her neck.

"cough cough~!"

The suffocation became stronger and stronger, and the woman struggled to wave her arms.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she could not get rid of the weird old lady's grip.


An indistinct whimper came from her throat, the woman's eyes bulged, and her face turned from red to purple.


The weird old lady smiled slightly, crushed the man's neck, and turned to look at the other person in the room.

"Don't come over here!!!"


Then, it carried two bags of garbage and walked away.


The door closed and everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.


At the same time,

Lin Yi, who was driving on the Akina Mountain, did not notice anything unusual. He only found that the two old cars behind him had disappeared.

He smiled contemptuously, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped up again.

It was not until two o'clock in the afternoon that the two people, who were a little too hungry, finally stopped to rest.

Because they were too tired to go out, they simply ordered two takeouts.

""Dong, dong, dong~"

A dull knock on the door suddenly sounded, but Su Miaomiao curled up in her quilt and pretended to be dead.

She was too tired today and didn't want to move.

Helplessly, Lin Yi had to open the door himself.


The door opened.

"Hello, room service."

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