Lin Yi and the others were somewhat at a loss for what to do after seeing the aunt's reversal.

My goodness, this aunt is actually a relative.

Isn't it said that the aunt is a nobody, where does her backing come from?

Lin Yi pretended to be calm and continued to deceive. At most, he would just fight. With the talisman, he still had some confidence in dealing with the E-level curse spirit.

"Your son was also fired for violating hotel regulations."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"The aunt glared at Lin Yi,"My son is the deputy general manager of the hotel! How could he be fired!"

Lin Yi was shocked. She didn't expect her son's position to be so high, but this didn't bother Lin Yi.

In his previous life, although his parents had passed away, the Lin family had a lot of wealth. He inherited more than a dozen hotels from his parents. He was very familiar with the internal staff structure of the hotel.

"Our hotel is owned by a group. How could this notice issued by the group headquarters be false?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The aunt didn't believe what Lin Yi said at all.

"Then why don't you go to the headquarters and ask? We won't stop you, so do as you please!"

After saying that, Lin Yi simply shut up.

The more you say, the more mistakes you make, so it's better not to say anything.

The aunt's eyes gradually lost focus, as if she was dead.

Lin Yi found that the opponent's level dropped again, directly falling to F level.

What the hell are you waiting for? Take advantage of your illness to kill you.

If the aunt realizes that she has been deceived and her strength returns to the peak, then they really have no chance.

As his thoughts turned quickly, Lin Yi did not hesitate to activate the mantra in his body, and the yellow talisman bloomed with brilliance.

"The general is here!"

"Evil spirits retreat!"

""Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

After the spell was finished, the yellow talisman turned into golden light and covered the old lady's face.


"You are lying to me!"

The old lady screamed, her body exploded instantly, and blood plasma mixed with foul-smelling mucus spilled all over the ground.

Lin Yi and the other two quickly ran away.

"How did you do that?" Su Miaomiao stared with her beautiful eyes, her face full of shock.


""Forget it, hum!"

After finally getting rid of the cursed old lady, Lin Yichang breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the talisman still had some power, and Old Lin didn't trick him.

Otherwise, they would really have died here today.

""Strange, why does the hotel feel more and more dilapidated?"

Su Miaomiao let out a surprised cry, which made Lin Yi feel bad.

The ghost den did not disappear!

Is there still a curse spirit in the hotel?

Isn't the aunt the source of the curse?

Lin Yi found a black glass bead from the aunt's remains. This is the curse spirit bead dropped by the curse spirit after death.

The sorcerer can improve his own curse power by absorbing the curse power in the bead.

The D-level curse spirit bead in his hand is worth at least 500,000 dragon coins in the outside world.

However, the spirit bead is extremely precious. Basically no one will exchange it for money. Most people absorb it to improve their strength.

In addition to the spirit bead, Lin Yi also found a black garbage bag and 20 curse coins.

【Cursed garbage bag: has 10 cubic meters of internal space and can be used to store garbage】

【Spell Tool: D-Class】

【Note: I hate garbage sorting】

"Not bad, a cursed tool was found, and it's a super rare space tool, it's worth it."

Lin Yi stuffed the garbage bag into his trouser pocket, and then pulled Su Miaomiao to the front desk.

Now, he just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

The ghost den is evolving into a copy, and it is irreversible. There must be something more terrifying behind the hotel, which is definitely not something the two of them can deal with.

"606, check out!"

He threw the room card on the front desk counter and shouted.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared out of nowhere at the empty front desk, scaring the two people so much that their scalps went numb.

【Dear guest, are you satisfied with the room service?】

A line of bloody small words appeared on the room card

"Satisfied, must give five stars"

【If there is damage to the items in the room, you will need to pay a penalty for early check-out. The total room fee is 25 ghost coins.】


"I should have booked an hourly room."

Lin Yi only had 20 ghost coins, which was not enough to pay for the room.

This meant that he had to pay something else to leave.

The hotel's corrosion rate was accelerating, and the shadow at the front desk was gradually becoming clearer.

In less than ten minutes, this place would become a real copy, and what would be left behind would not only be that little price, but also his life.

Lin Yi could only bite the bullet and throw the 20 ghost coins at the front desk, grab Su Miaomiao and run out of the hotel.

【Dear guest, the room fee you paid is insufficient. Please pay the remaining 5 ghost coins. 】

A message was transmitted to Lin Yi's mind.

"Damn, I don’t have any money!"

Suddenly, two more doormen appeared in front of the hotel and stopped at the door, not letting him leave.

Lin Yi had no choice but to stop.

"Lin Yi, woooo, in the next life, I will definitely marry you."

Su Miaomiao could already foresee the ending of the two of them, and took advantage of the last moment to prepare for a passionate confession.

But at this moment, Lin Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is there such a good thing?"

"You want to marry me in your next life, right?"

Su Miaomiao thought that what he said was a response to her last words.

But in fact, what Lin Yi said was something completely different.

【Insufficient ghost coins, please choose one of the following options to compensate for the hotel's losses】

【1. A living arm】

【2. A healthy kidney】

【3. Cursed by the hotel until all the room fees owed are paid back]

Lin Yi is a man with the"Rebellion" curse, and the thing he fears least is being cursed by others.

"3, I choose 3!"

【The deal is done, welcome to visit us next time~】

【Cursed by"Ru's Hotel", yes/no rebellion】

The two doormen who were blocking the door retreated after Lin Yi paid the room fee.

Lin Yi didn't bother to check the effect of the curse, picked up Su Miaomiao who was immersed in the grave of marriage, and ran out of the hotel.

The next second after the two stepped out of the hotel, the ghost cave completely grew into a cursed copy.

Restricted by the copy rules, the two actually heard the copy task completion prompt in their minds.

【Congratulations to players: Lin Yi, Su Miaomiao, for completing the main task: Check out and leave the hotel】

【Congratulations to the player for completing the hidden mission: The complained room aunt】

【Instance Rating: A】

【Mission Rewards: Curse Power +100, Curse Coins +50, Hotel Membership Card*1, Cursed Dung Puller*1]

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