
In fact, up to now, for Qian Yuling, this matter is not just due to Su Mu's order. If the Sixth Emperor of the Yuan Devouring Clan descends, it will definitely have a huge impact on Planet Z, and even cause immeasurable losses.

Therefore, the solemn expression on Qian Yuling's face at this time is not pretended, but it is really so.

The headquarters of the Qianyu Family is on Planet Z. If something goes wrong with Planet Z, all will suffer, and in the end, the Qianyu Family will not be much better off.

Especially the civil strife that the Qianyu Family has experienced during this period, and Qian Yuling's subsequent thundering means to undermine the rights of other branches, have caused great consumption to the entire family, and it is difficult to withstand the blow.

Moreover, Seth, one of the Sixth Emperor of the Yuan Devouring Clan, has descended. Qian Yuling feels that Su Mu will not be shooting in vain, and it is very likely that Seth will really descend.

As for the other party's purpose, Qian Yuling is not clear

"Lord Cheng, our Longxia Alliance has just encountered disturbances from the Yuan-Shi Clan, and all major human planets have been traumatized to some extent. Perhaps Seth just wanted to paralyze us before?"

"But his real purpose is on Planet Z. We have just cleared out the Yuanshi people, and it is the most relaxed time. Then Seth suddenly came and we were completely unprepared."

Qian Yuling continued to analyze and said

"Well, your analysis makes sense. I will report this matter to the higher-ups now. No matter what, we do need to be on guard."

Cheng Yu nodded, his face was also very solemn.

After losing contact with Qian Yuling, Cheng Yu contacted another high-level strongman.

"Sir, I have something important to report.

After getting through to the other party, Cheng Yu immediately said

"What's the matter?"

Cheng Yu then told him everything that Qian Yuling had told him.

"Seth, one of the six emperors of the Devouring Clan? The Condemner?"

After hearing what Cheng Yu said, Kuo Du was somewhat shocked. After all, this was not an ordinary matter.

"Among the six emperors of the Yuanshi clan, there is indeed one named Seth, but what is this condemner? Why did Seth risk coming to our human planet for this?"

"The Condemned……?"

Kuo Du said in a low voice, thinking about the information about these three words in his mind.

"Hmm? Condemner? Isn't that person's profession Condemner? It appeared in the previous video. Is Seth here for this?"

Kudu suddenly remembered that he had seen the word Condemner appear somewhere.

It was when Li Li brought the video back to Longxia Alliance. Many high-level officials saw it, and he was one of them. It's just that he didn't remember it just now. Moreover, many people think that the Condemner profession is just a profession they don't understand.

But now, this profession called Condemner actually involves Seth, one of the six emperors of the Yuanshi clan. In order to compete for this profession, he is willing to take huge risks and come to snatch people?

"If it was that person, the first possibility was that the Yuanshi Clan felt that he was too threatening, so they sent one of the Six Emperors to directly kill him."

"The second is, what secrets does this Condemner class have that Seth wants to get?"

Kudu secretly speculated.

After all, he also watched the video at that time and knew that Su Mu ignored the suppression of divine power and was able to kill a god-level strongman. He was indeed very powerful, but he didn't know what the relationship was between Su Mu's ignoring divine power and the Condemner class.

They thought more that this was a certain ability that Su Mu had.

Therefore, it is not impossible for the Devouring Clan to wipe out such a powerful human race.

"Now the alliance is also looking for this person. Since Seth has come, then this person must be on Planet Z?"

Thinking of this, Kuodu's face lit up. The alliance is now constantly looking for the other party, and it is said that the top leaders have said that they will do everything they can to find this person.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I got the news first."

Kudu thought excitedly

"Well, this matter is indeed of great importance, I will report it immediately!"

Kuodu said to Chengyu and then cut off the communication..............................................


The old man had received an order to find Su Mu at all costs, and the upper level also gave the old man the authority to directly retrieve Su Mu's information in the highest system of the alliance so that he could find Su Mu faster.

However, when the old man found Su Mu through the authority, he was completely stunned.

Character: Su Mu

Age: 18

Level: Level 22

Occupation: Condemned

Attributes: None

Special attributes: None?

? ? ?

? ?

As for the rest, they were all question marks, and there were no attributes or special attributes. Seeing this simple character information, the old man was directly stunned.

This is too simple, simpler than any ordinary person's information, and Su Mu is not an ordinary person. The information updated in real time in the alliance system is only these few, which is impossible. The existence that can be set as the highest authority by the highest system of the alliance will have its information recorded in great detail. In addition to name, age, and other family relationships, they will also be recorded.

But now there is nothing, only four types of name, age, level, and occupation.

In other words, the old man has found out something useful, which is the other party's name, Su Mu.

"How is that possible? Is there something wrong? Why are there only four messages?"

"But this is inside the highest system of the alliance, how could there be an error? What is going on?"

The old man could n't figure out what the reason was. However, neither he nor the strongest existence in the Longxia Alliance could have thought of it.

This is because when Su Mu first awakened, the system in which Su Mu awakened had reset all his information, and the Longxia Alliance could not record his information at all.

Previously, the highest system of the alliance prompted that Su Mu's information had been classified as top secret. In fact, only Su Mu's information was transmitted in, and nothing else.

In fact, not to mention other people, even Su Mu himself didn't know about this matter. After all, the system prompted the data reset at that time, and he didn't care too much. He just thought that it would prevent others from detecting his attributes.

"No! I have to report this, it's too strange."

The old man thought for a while and decided to inform the higher-ups. No matter if there is a problem or not, only the higher-ups can handle it.

Beep beep!

But at this moment, the old man's communication rang.

"Kuodu, what's the matter?"

The old man asked directly after seeing the other party.

"Sir Yuan, I have something important to report!"

Kuo Du didn't waste any words and told Yuan Qi everything.

"What? Seth will come to Planet Z?"

"Where did you get this news? How credible is it?"

After hearing this, Yuan Qi was also shocked. Each of the six emperors of the Yuan Devouring Clan is extremely powerful. If they descend on the human planet, it will definitely be a disaster for the planet.

"Mr. Yuan, I can't guarantee how credible it is, but I think this matter is not groundless."

"And Seth is looking for���"I came here for this person."

Kuo Du continued.

When he was talking about Seth coming to Planet Z, he was interrupted by Yuan Qi. Now he can only continue.

"For one person?"

Yuan Qi was stunned."Who is worthy of Seth's personal visit?"

""Mr. Yuan, that's the person we're looking for."

Kuo Du said excitedly.

"Su Mu? What did Seth do for Su Mu?"

Hearing this, Yuan Qi couldn't help but reply

"Su Mu? Sir Yuan, have you found out about him? Is his name Su Mu?

Kuo Du immediately asked.

"Well, I just found out, his name is Su Mu!"

Yuan Qi nodded.

"But why are you sure that Seth came here for Su Mu?"

"My lord, in my opinion, there are two possibilities. The first is that the Yuan-devouring Clan also knew about Su Mu's slaughter of gods on that continent, so they wanted to kill Su Mu. But knowing that Su Mu was very strong and could ignore the suppression of divine power, they might want Seth to take action and kill him with one blow!"

"The second reason is why I am sure that Seth is looking for Su Mu, because I didn’t know his name before, but the person below mentioned a key word, which is the condemner."

"Isn't Su Mu's profession the Heaven's Condemner? When we watched the video, we didn't know much about this profession and thought it was a rare profession, right? We have never seen or heard of such a profession."

Kudu paused when he said this.

"Therefore, in my opinion, there are only two possibilities for Seth. One is to kill Su Mu, and the other is this profession of the condemner. Perhaps this profession has something we don't know."

"This profession, Su Mu is very likely to have inherited from that dangerous place."

Kudu's eyes flickered. Although they didn't see many things with their own eyes, they could guess them based on their experience.


After listening to it, Yuan Qi couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The condemner, that's right, the profession of Su Mu revealed in front of him, isn't it the condemner?

And there is no relevant information about this condemner profession in the alliance database.

"The upper echelons also spared no effort to find Su Mu. Could it be that they were hiding something?"

Yuan Qi couldn't help but think in his heart

"Forget it, I can't interfere with what the higher-ups think. Anyway, it seems that it is no longer something that people like us can intervene in."

Yuan Qi shook his head.

"I understand. No matter what the reason is, Seth is coming to Planet Z. It is of great significance. I will contact him now."After

Yuan Qi finished speaking to Kuo Du, the image disappeared.

Anyway, he was just about to contact the upper level to report what he had found out. Now he could also report the information provided by Kuo Du.

"Alas, the aura of that adult is too terrifying, I really don't want to face it."

Yuan Qi still has lingering fears when he thinks of the terrifying aura before.

But for the sake of the human race, he still has to continue to face it. Seth's arrival cannot tolerate any mistakes.......................................................................................

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