Global Day Online

Chapter 110: monkey

There were soldiers guarding outside the barracks. Rick found it difficult to leave on his own, but the little queen next to him didn't care.

The little queen took Leike and went to a tent behind the military camp to directly find a small military officer who had just started the military jeep.

The jeep was sitting in a small officer in the driving position, and there were several large wooden boxes with rectangular parallelepipes behind the car. It seemed that the front line was going to send something that didn't know anything.

The little queen walked across from the officer.

"What, beauty?"

The little queen looked at him with his eyes, "geass", and launched the skills, only to see the little queen's left eye pupil flying a red bird wings.

"Get on the bus."

The little queen then said to Lek next to her, she went directly to the jeep, and the small officer at this time, sitting in the driving position of the car, did not stop the little queen from getting on the bus.

Rick also went to the jeep, thinking that the little queen's mental control skills are really easy to use.

After both of them sat down, the small officer started the jeep and drove outside the military camp.

The little officer’s expression had become normal when he was driving to the camp to guard the gate.

"How come with two people out, there is a female soldier, not the Corps of today!" The guard asked and laughed at the officer.

"They are war correspondents, they have to go to the front line to take a look, then come back with me!" The officer said naturally.

After the guards listen to open the roadblocks after release.

The small officer continued to drive his jeep, and with Lectra and the little queen quickly drove to the nearest front.

After driving for more than two hours, Lake has been able to hear the sound of gunfire in front of him. Fortunately, the little queen found the jeep, which was the front line and far from their base camp.

More than three hours later, the officer drove the jeep and parked behind the military's frontline camp. He began to call two soldiers carrying the wooden box behind the jeep.

The little queen and Lake get off.

"Wait for us to come back!" said the little queen. She and Rick quickly walked to the position and walked for more than twenty minutes before they saw a long trench.

The two front forces are fighting.

The little queen jumped into the trench with Leek. Rick felt the effect of the artillery and the guns outside the trench. Just a few steps away, there were shells falling not far from the trenches, splashing a lot of dirt and falling him. One body.

"Quickly shoot the arrow, we will go back after reading the effect. This front line is farther away from the base camp than I expected." The little queen urged Lake.

Soldiers in the trenches looked at Lek and the little queen, the military uniforms that wore their troops, until they had asked in the past.

The attention of the soldiers at this time is mostly in front of the enemy.

Because at this time, the enemy opposite had just launched a small charge, and was forced to go back by the firepower in the trench.

Rick took down the bow and arrow on his back, pulled the bow, put a special effect feather arrow, and began to aim at a soldier outside the trench.

With a bang, the feather arrow shot and quickly shot the arm of the enemy soldier in the distance.

An explosion of "Boom", the soldier's arm and shoulders were blown up by a big hole, and the soldiers fell to the ground and died.

"Yes, the archery has improved a bit, and the explosion effect is also good. This arrow can also attack." The little queen looked at the enemy soldier who had fallen to the ground and said.

Rick actually aimed at the soldier's heart position, but shot his arm.

In his mind, the voices of the online games were heard.

"Destroy one of the ordinary soldiers of the Hydra, and reward 1 point of the coins."

"The little queen, killing a Hydra soldier, there will be a little reward for the coins." Lake said to the little queen.

"Oh, the days are still so stingy, don't give more." The little queen sighed.

Suddenly, Lake saw that in the trenches on the right side of the little queen, there was a man out of thin air, a naked man who had nothing to wear. The man opened his eyes and shook his body. He climbed out of the trench. Immediately, the naked man heard a cry from "Ah!", his leg was shot and he fell back into the trench. .

"You didn't wear anything, what is your name.

Scared me, I thought it was the egg of the Terminator! The little queen stepped forward and looked at the man in the naked body who was shot in the body.

"Cole!" The man said this painfully in his mouth.

Rick wanted to go forward and see the wounds of the man who appeared out of their air.

Rick always felt that the naked man who appeared out of thin air was familiar with it, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it. .

"Ah! After retreating, let's get out of here, damn, how come you met him!" After the little queen squatted for a while, she screamed in horror, pulling Lek and ran to the camp behind the trench.

However, after the middle-aged man finished his name, it was just over ten seconds. In the minds of Lake and the little queen, the voices of the online voices were heard.

“Congratulations to the poker team and contacted the main story character Cole in The Twelve Monkeys.

This copy of the US team 1 ended.

Afterwards, several copies of the world, the Little Queen and the No. 2 Supreme, will have a chance to trigger the later story of "Twelve Monkeys". ”

"It’s over, it’s still triggering the eggs of the days online!

Why are you so bad! Have you received the online tips from the days? The little queen said with a sullen face.

"Well, Cole of "Twelve Monkeys" is the movie star who tells the story of the doomsday world after the virus has passed, and wants to save the future!" Rick said, he also wanted Why do you look at this naked man with such a look, it turned out to be a tragedy through the people of Cole.

"Yes, the No. 2 sage, the "Twelve Monkeys" is a virus plus a copy of the world through black technology.

The virus outbreak inside is unsolvable, and it can only be relied on by the immune system.

It even triggered the egg of the virus's doomsday series of the online days. If you just responded quickly, just leave it. It is estimated that you can hide this dangerous copy.

No. 2 Sayādaw, a piece of advice, after the end of the copy of the US team, you should not enter the copy space of the modern time and space of the late 1st time of the US team. Otherwise, if you encounter a few times of Cole's crossing, you will be Zhu Tian Online is forced to do the "Twelve Monkeys" copy task.

This kind of copy of the virus doomsday that can kill most people around the world, can contact without contact, otherwise it is likely to be trapped in the sky online can not go back. "The little queen's serious expression, a voice reminded Lake.

"Is the copy of "Twelve Monkeys" very dangerous? The passing time machine inside is an artifact! Do you know the copy task of "Twelve Monkeys", do you have a Raiders?" Rick thought about the movie he had seen before, while walking. Said to the little queen.

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