After Liu Hai saw this scene, he had a bad guess in his heart.

It is very possible that all the trees on this land have become spirits.

In order to verify his guess, Liu Hai launched an attack on two other trees.

And without exception, the two trees escaped the attack of bangs very smoothly.

"Chen Mu, it is very possible that all the trees on this land have become spirits."

"I had just tested two trees, both of which ducked when my dagger was about to hit them."

Chen Mu was very surprised after listening to Liu Hai's words. If all the trees on this land have become spirits, then the danger they will face this time will be troublesome.

With their current strength alone, they are very They may not be able to deal with these tree demons in front of them.

If these tree demons unite to attack the two of them, it will be very difficult for them.

"Now it seems that the two of us should pay attention."

"If all the trees on this land became spirits, they would most likely unite to fight together."

After listening to Chen Mu's words, Liu Hai knew that Chen Mu was telling the truth.

Now his expression became more and more solemn, and he could not let these trees unite them.

And the only century-old Cangtian old man who became a spirit Shu, after hearing the conversation between Chen Mu and Liu Hai,

I felt that Chen Mu and Liu Hai were really stupid. Even if the tree here did not become a spirit, he, the spirit tree, would protect the tree here and allow them to practice smoothly..

But it is also good for him that Chen Mu and Liu Hai are so stupid.

When the time comes, he will be sorry for Chen Mu and Liu Hai, but it will be much easier and he will not have to bother to look at other trees.

It seems that last night The adult informed them too much and thought too much.

These two people were not as powerful as they thought, nor were they as thoughtful as they thought.

They were just bluffing on purpose.

The tree demon once again They launched an attack on Chen Mu and Liu Hai. The vines entangled Chen Mu and Liu Hai became more and more painful.

Chen Mu and Liu Hai realized that they could no longer let these vines entangle them.

Otherwise, these vines were very likely to It will make them breathless

"Bangs, we must get away from this big tree now"

"We can't let this tree demon keep pestering us, otherwise we will be exhausted to death."

Liu Hai nodded after listening to Chen Mu's words.

But now he has no ability at all, and there is no way to leave this vine.

Liu Hai doesn't know how to do these things at all.

He hopes that Chen Mu can Tell him everything clearly, and hope that Chen Mu can tell him well.

"Chen Mu, what should we do now?"

"How do we break free from this vine's grip on us."

Chen Mu shook his head after listening to Liu Hai's words, but Liu Hai felt that since he and Chen Mu said they wanted to get rid of the vine, the vine has wrapped around them tighter and tighter.

I don't know if this is him. Illusion, or is it a real fact?

"Bangs, do you feel like this vine is getting tighter and tighter?"

Liu Hai nodded immediately after listening to Chen Mu's words. He also wanted to tell Chen Mu about this matter.

Now it seems that this was not his illusion, but a real thing.

It is very likely that the tree demon heard this. When it comes to their conversation, they want to kill them now.

If the tree demon can really kill them from their conversation, then their current situation will be even more critical.

Liu Hai and Chen Mu were killed at this time They were so strangled that they couldn't breathe. Now they all wanted to get rid of the vines' restraints on them.

But they had no way to break free. Instead, the more fierce they struggled, the tighter the tree vines entangled them.

At this moment, Chen Mu stood up At that moment when I was about to suffocate, I heard the voice from my heart

"With your blood, with your blood, you can be freed from bondage."

After Chen Mu heard the voice, he didn't know whether what the voice said was true or false.

He could only take a gamble now. If what the voice said was true, he and Liu Hai could get rid of the tree demon's attack on them. Control.

But if what this voice said is false, he will only hasten his death a little.

For him, there is no harm.

Chen Mu slowly raised the knife in his hand and scratched him His hands.

Then he held his hands on the tree vine fiercely, as if he wanted to burn the tree vine to death.

And this once-old tree immediately began to tremble after coming into contact with Chen Mu's blood..

He didn’t expect that someone’s blood could restrain him.

This old tree wanted to get rid of Chen Mu and prevent Chen Mu’s blood from touching him again.

But now he wanted to get rid of Chen Mu, but it was even more difficult..

It was just as difficult as it was for Chen Mu to get rid of him, even a hundred times more difficult.

Bangs was thrown heavily to the ground by the vine, and in a daze, he saw that Chen Mu had been caught in the hands of the vine.

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