The empire was in session.

The Great Demon King is patrolling the Fortress of Eternal Life.

The performances of Long Yi, Zhang San, and Li Si in this battle were all as expected, but the performance of this fortress was amazing and surprising.

Zhang Mu guessed.

Fortresses are anything but simple.

But I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Eleven fortress cannons are enough to kill top masters, and a hundred missile silos can carry out long-range strikes of dozens or hundreds of miles. Once the powerful fortress shield is opened, it is ten times stronger than the city's protective barrier in Colo City.

Even more fierce.

Tens of thousands of fortress soldiers can fight without being mobilized.

All of them are long-range attack units, and they have a lot of power when they stay in the fortress, and together they form part of the firepower of the fortress.

There were casualties on the empire’s side this time.

At least half of it was caused by the Fortress of Immortality.

It is easy to imagine how powerful this fortress is and how efficient it is in killing enemies. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a battlefield harvester.

Of course.

Fortresses are very expensive to run.

Zhang Mu’s statistics found that the cost this time was as high as 22 million gold coins. All the love spent was money, and the landlord’s family had no food left!

Fortunately, the gains from this war were large enough.

If it is a small-scale war, or a war with little profit, wouldn't there be a risk of losing money? It seems that we must clarify the details of expenditures, increase revenue and reduce expenditures.

Zhang Mu found that everything was being consumed.

Shield consumption, cannon consumption, missile consumption, and void device consumption account for the highest proportions.

Super Magical Fortress has a special feature.

The void device, flying device, and shield device conflict with each other's paths, so they cannot be turned on at the same time.

Although the Eternal Fortress can move, it does not move very fast. If it rushes to the battlefield slowly, it may be discovered as early as a hundred miles away.


The enemy will have plenty of time to react.

Thereby concentrating fire to attack the fortress that lacks protection during the movement.

Therefore, the fortress used a void device to enter the area directly by teleportation, and turned on the shield immediately to achieve such an effect.

Such a huge fortress.

The consumption of space transmission can be imagined.

This alone consumed nearly ten million gold coins.

Zhang Mu realized that although the void device was very easy to use, it was extremely expensive and had an extremely long cooling time. In the future, it was best not to open it personally unless absolutely necessary.

More than 10 million others.

All spent on shields and fortress cannons and missiles.

As for the energy consumption of fortress guns and fortress shields, this is actually unavoidable, but ways can be found to reduce it.

Zhang Mu decided.

Recruit more garrison soldiers for the garrison.

It is best to recruit all the fortress troops.

When the fortress army is strong enough and the firepower is fierce enough, the use of cannons and missiles can be reduced, thereby reducing consumption.

As for the shield, you can add a team of mages to the fortress, let the mages form a team of enchantment mages, and use mental power to reduce losses.

In general.

Just use various devices and heavy fires with reasonable restraint.

The consumption of the Eternal Fortress will be controlled within a reasonable range. This fortress has great military value whether it is used for defense or offense.

Not only that.

The Everlasting Fortress has a large number of facilities.

In addition to various top laboratories.

There are also equipment production lines left over from the ancient magic era.

The goblin magic scholars in Ten Thousand Tooth City have already mastered the manufacturing technology of some low-level magic cannons and magic firearms. The mass production in the future can create considerable commercial value.

For the Magical Fortress.

After further replenishing troops.

Long Yi was summoned by Zhang Mu.

The Dark Dragon King knelt down respectfully and said,"What are your instructions, Your Majesty?"

Zhang Mu replied,"This battle, the Grand Duke Bahor of the Southern Territory, was seriously injured. He will not be able to take action again in the short term. We must seize the opportunity and take further action." Expand the territory."

Long Yi immediately understood:"Yes, we will organize a corps immediately, continue to expand to the north, and annex more human territory!"

Zhang Mu nodded with satisfaction.

The Principality of Bahor will not take action again in the short term.

This means that the Chaos Federation has gained a new round of encroachment and expansion opportunities.

Among the several major noble territories near Colo Province, the Craigie Territory is the largest. After all, it is a marquis territory.

So far.

The territory of the Chaos Federation is still within the Forest of Chaos.

Most of the Koro region is surrounded by the Forest of Chaos.

For the empire.

This is a strategic location for attacking the Chaos Federation.

Since it is now impossible for the Empire to take back the Koro area, the Chaos Federation must also change its defensive posture and actively launch an invasion.

The first goal.

Of course it is the fiefdom of the Marquis of Craigie.

The Craigie family controls three provinces, a total of twelve cities, and a population of nearly five million. The territory is rich in mines, water and grass, and has a large area of ​​plains.

Just eat this territory.

The Chaos Federation will truly open up the Forest of Chaos.

In the process of occupying the three provinces of Craigie, the Demon King can also obtain very rich capture rewards, thus further improving his strength.

Lord Craigie is dead.

The Principality of Bahor is temporarily unable to support.

Most of the Craigie family knights were also wiped out.

Under the current circumstances, with the strength of the Three Dragon Kings, it is easy to capture the three provinces of Craigie. After capturing the three provinces of Craigie, they can continue to annex some nearby earldoms and viscounties.

About half a month at most.

The southern border of the empire has a population of nearly ten million. will be controlled by the big devil.

With such a large population, so many labor forces, and so many cities, as long as they can be completely conquered and utilized, they will have to create great value for the devil!

Return to the Undercity.

Zhang Mu awarded meritorious ministers with titles.

More than ten leading figures, including the golden giant Jin Kui, the elf city lord Miley Mirren, the paladin Platinum, the orc Gru, and the great mage Bai Jie, all got a chance to be baptized by the devil.

Some of them have not yet reached the cooling-off period.

You can wait for the cooldown to end before baptizing.

And against a large number of middle and high-level generals.

A collective baptism of the Holy King was conducted.

Miley Mirren has directly reached the quasi-sixth level of overlord level, Jin Kui and Bai Jin have also reached the peak of fifth level strength, and they can break through after at most one more baptism.

Great Mage Bai Jie and Orc Gru are both Tier 4 units.

It will be much easier to upgrade.

Under two baptisms.

It broke through directly.

The reward is completed.

Zhang Mu came to the Evil God Training Center.

The various trophies obtained in this war are still being sorted out. One of the trophies is very special, and that is the"corpse" of Duke Bahor.

Although Bahor's soul escaped using secret techniques.

But this powerful body remained.

For Zhang Mu, this body is also valuable. As long as it is valuable, it must be extracted and must not be wasted.

As for how it works?

Zhang Mu can use the Eyes of Death to inject death energy and create an undead like a zombie.

With Zhang Mu's strength.

With the power of this Evil God's Eye.

Zhang Mu feels that it is not difficult to create a fifth-level overlord unit.

However, the fifth-level overlord-level undead are of no use except for fighting. After all, such things have no IQ, and the big devil does not lack a high-level combat unit.

So I thought about it.

It's better to use it as material.

Will be put into the Evil God Cultivation Center.

Let him fuse with Super Dragon Guard.

About an hour later, the Evil God Cultivation Center completed the processing, and Wei Yi walked out of the Cultivation Center with a strong aura.

This time.

Weiyi has changed a lot.

The body size grows to 4.5 meters.

Huge muscles bulged.

This guy is almost twice as big as the Demon King

【Tyrannosaurus Eye Guard: Wei Yi], fifth-level overlord, vitality 3500, mental power 3000, strength 270, constitution 259, agility 300, will 248, loyalty 100% (locked), fatigue 10%, hunger 10%.

Skills: Instant Summoning (Talent), Release Beholder (Talent), King's Body (Talent), Shura Killing Field (A Level), Super Ray (A Level), Dragon Fighting Qi (A), Eye of Insight (A Level) ), slow light (Class A), etc.

Wei Yi is completely different from ordinary Long Wei.

After absorbing and merging the fresh body of a sixth-level king.

Wei Yi's strength has reached the ceiling of a fifth-level overlord, and his one-on-one performance will not be inferior to that of Long Two, Long Three, nor any fifth-level unit in the Federation of Darkness.

This is also the cultivation center for evil spirits.

The highest combat power that can be cultivated at present.

Wei Yi is a low-level dragon who was originally an ordinary combat soldier. Now he can be cultivated into a high-end combat force. Zhang Mu is satisfied with the result of the synthesis.

The Cthulhu Cultivation Center has powerful functions.

There just aren't many suitable synthetic materials.

Among them, only the evil eye can be produced stably.

After Zhang Mu carried out a more thorough transformation and improvement of Wei Yi, his next plan was to enter the devil's spiritual space and take a look.

Thousands of mental programmers have recently gone to work.

Under the leadership of the Elf King Nancilia, efforts are being made to enrich the spiritual space created by the Demon King, and so far it has been fruitful.


This spiritual internet.

It will be opened to more people in the future.

It will bring huge benefits and create huge value for the devil.

However, at this moment, Zhang Mu's player interface received a private message. The sender of this message was none other than the strategic partner Succubus Queen.

Han Kexin asked:"Are you short of spiritual gems and soul gems recently?"

Zhang Mu:"It seems that you have seen my orders on various trading channels."

"Yes, I want to build a special building, which requires a lot of spiritual gems and soul gems. Do you have any in stock?"

Han Kexin:"My little inventory is definitely a drop in the bucket for a big guy like you, and I'm still short of gems myself, so don't worry about it, I won't sell it!

Zhang Mu asked:"Then why do you ask this?" Han

Kexin replied:"I know a place. If you can conquer it, you can get a lot of spiritual gems and soul gems.""

Seeing this news,

Zhang Mu's spirits were slightly lifted.

He had been planning to look for this kind of place recently.

Such a large number of gems cannot be completely acquired.

Unexpectedly, Han Kexin sent the information before he started looking. Zhang Mu immediately asked:" what is the place? Is it very difficult? Why don't you take action yourself? These two gemstones are not cheap." Han Kexin:"Nonsense, if I can deal with it with confidence, how can I give you, a potato seller, any advantage? Zhang Mu:"Hey, if you have something to say, please tell me. Potatoes were an early product of the Undercity. Now our farm has abundant products, and the proportion of troll potatoes is already very low."" Having said that, Han Kexin was not sure how to deal with it. Zhang Mu immediately became very interested. In fact, it is not difficult for Zhang Mu to find a place to spawn monsters. There are many adventure areas with wild monsters in the Forest of Chaos, and he still has immortals in his hands. On Bird Hubbert's map, you can find many ruins or demon caves. The problem is that most places are too low-level. Zhang Mu's current strength does not require him to take action personally. And he is also a fifth-level demon king. The Succubus Queen may not be as good as himself. But It is definitely not an existence that can be underestimated. If even she can't deal with it, the level of this place will not be lower than that of a fifth-level king at least. This kind of place is very valuable for exploration. With this in mind, make an appointment with Han Kexin immediately. Zhang Mu decided to Let’s discuss this time. Let’s see if there is a chance for the two demon kings to cooperate again.

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