The Dark City forces have yet to reach the Mountains of Madness.

Zhang Mu, Han Kexin, and Nancy Liya felt that a chaotic and crazy spiritual consciousness appeared in their minds.

"What a courage!"

"How dare you offend the Holy Mountain!"

Have you been discovered?

Han Kexin's expression changed slightly.

She ordered the troops to stop advancing and wait and see what happened to avoid falling into a trap.

Within ten minutes, an indigenous troop appeared.

It flew up from the canyon near the Crazy Mountains.

This is A race that Zhang Mu has never seen before. They have human-like bodies and obvious demonic features. They have blood-red skin, horns on their heads, and flesh wings and tails on their backs.

"Blood thirsty demon!"

Han Kexin said:"This is a kind of demon. They are good at using blood magic. Their vitality and recovery ability are very strong, so they are difficult to kill."

These blood-thirsty demons are different from normal blood-thirsty demons.

If you observe carefully, you can find that there are a large number of small cracks on their faces, foreheads, necks, and even torsos. When these cracks open one after another, there is a... Only eyes.

Although they look like decorations forcibly embedded on the body, they are actually active, emitting a strange and dangerous spiritual aura.

Zhang Mu looked at it.

Every blood-thirsty demon has a few... There are five to eight, as many as a dozen, or even dozens of them, all with eyes of different sizes.

I have to say, it’s very uncomfortable.

Especially for patients with trypophobia.

It’s like a kind of scalp. Feeling numb.

Nancilia said:"These demons seem to be semi-demonized!"

Although the demons and devils are both dark races, they are normal races and are two different things from demons.

What are demons?

If something goes wrong, they must be demons.

Evil and cruelty are demons.

Demons are not a specific race.

Anything, whether it is a piece of grass, a stone, or a drop of water, whether it is living or dead, under certain circumstances, there is the possibility of deriving monsters. The concept of monsters in this world is a bit like that of the fairy world."Become a spirit".

Whether it is low-level creatures such as pigs, dogs, insects, or objects without souls and life such as grass, trees, earth and rocks, under certain circumstances, if their life forms undergo abnormal and malignant changes, they will turn into monsters.

Thirst The blood demon is a ferocious demon.

It is extremely bloodthirsty and cruel. Now it shows the characteristics of a demon, and its strength will undoubtedly become more powerful.

Zhang Mu also discovered that the more eyes a blood-thirsty demon has, the higher its level and strength will be. The higher they are, the more powerful they are.

These eyes that are spread across the body can continuously emit mental pollution, affecting everyone who is close to or even sees them.

"Desecrate the Holy Mountain!"

"The sin is unforgivable!"

"You are all going to die today!"

While the leader of the bloodthirsty demon roared crazily, dozens of irregular eyes on his body released some kind of spiritual energy wave, mainly attacking the three leaders.

【You are attacked mentally and your vitality is -5! 】

Zhang Mu was speechless.

There's something interesting about this monster.

But after all, he only has the strength of the fourth-level overlord.

Unless the mental attack was of a special nature, it would have been impossible for him to cause harm to Zhang Mu based on his strength.

Han Kexin and Nancy Liya were also attacked.

The former is a master in the spiritual field and has very high mental resistance, so he does not take attacks of this level seriously.

The latter turned on the Elf King's psychic shield, a defensive magic that could specifically resist attacks at the spiritual and soul level.

The next second.

The bloodthirsty demon leader melted.

It turned into a large mass of bloody fog.

This is the powerful blood magic of the Bloodthirsty Demon. In this state, the Bloodthirsty Demon has a body similar to elemental life and is almost immune to physical attacks, making it even more elusive.


Even in the blood mist state.

Nor has the mental pollution he emanated diminished.

If you are swallowed by this blood mist, you will not only be attacked by blood magic, but also a more violent and crazy mental offensive.

Nancy Liya raised her long staff and was about to take action

"Soul control!"

The Succubus Queen moved faster, her face darkened, her left hand quickly raised, and a large number of purple filaments were released.

These filaments are not entities.

They are all composed of soul and spiritual energy.

Ignoring conventional physical and magical defenses, the falling In the blood mist formed by the blood-thirsty demon leader, the moving blood mist was instantly fixed.

Han Kexin pulled it casually.

The blood mist collapsed and disappeared.

A bound translucent soul.

It was directly removed from the blood-thirsty demon leader. Pulled out alive.

After the soul was pulled out, it twisted wildly and tried to resist, but its head, drive, and limbs were all bound by the thread of soul control, so there was no way to escape.

Han Kexin's opponent Heart.

He blew a small breath very gracefully.

A ball of purple demonic flames passed along the silk thread.

Finally it fell on the soul of the leader of the bloodthirsty demon, accompanied by a shrill spiritual scream, and burned the soul clean in the blink of an eye. There was not a single trace left.

In two strokes, a fourth-level overlord unit was destroyed casually.

When dealing with the Purgatory Balrog,

Han Kexin struggled to fight evenly.

It can be seen that

Han Kexin's strength is no longer what it used to be. Comparison.

Nancy Liya exclaimed in shock:"What a powerful soul attack method!"

It was the first time she saw the Queen take action.

She was shocked by the Succubus Queen's sharp and ruthless methods.

The Elf King had never seen anyone who could separate and destroy the soul from a living creature so easily.

The soul is the foundation of everything..If the soul is destroyed.

It is destroyed fundamentally. No matter how strong the body is and how many abilities it has, it will not be used. No matter how strong the recovery ability of the blood-thirsty demon is, it will be of no use when facing an attack like this from the Queen. The only outcome is to be killed instantly

"Do you want to try it too?"

Han Kexin glanced at the other blood-thirsty demons.

A royal power mixed with spiritual attacks burst out.

All the blood-thirsty demons on the scene fell into dizziness, but even showing such compelling pressure and strength was useless.

These blood-thirsty demons, instead of being frightened, actually arrived in even more hysteria.

"Kill her!"

"Kill them!"

"Sacrifice to the Holy Mountain!"

"Anyone who offends the Holy Mountain will die!"

The blood-thirsty demons used blood magic one after another, and countless blood mist turned into a sea of ​​bloody clouds, rolling up crazily.

Banshee troops, quickly counterattack.

Various magics kept blasting up.

Han Kexin frowned and said:"As expected, it is just like the rumors. They are just as crazy as they are, these guys can't communicate at all, and they don't know what fear is!"

It's too tricky.

Except for these crazy aborigines, the entire Crazy Mountains is full of mental erosion.

Just feeling such powerful mental erosion, the low-level banshee warriors can't bear it once they get close to the Crazy Mountains.

At this moment

Thousands of blood-thirsty demons turned into a sea of ​​blood and approached quickly.

Although the blood-thirsty demons are not as strong as the leader, they still pose a threat when there are enough.

"Shine brightly!"

Zhang Mu activated an A-level magic.

This is a divine skill.

It was originally a recovery skill, but it also has a very powerful killing effect on dark creatures.

The big devil used his huge mental power to summon a A huge beam of light.

Hundreds of thousands of bloodthirsty demons were directly enveloped in it.

The blood mist instantlyMost of them were evaporated. Countless bloodthirsty demons screamed and were evaporated directly by the light, completely unable to resist.

【You killed the mutant bloodthirsty demon, and you get +200 gold coins!】

【You killed the advanced mutant bloodthirsty demon, and you get +800 gold coins!】

【You killed the mutant bloodthirsty demon lord, and you get +2000 gold coins!】


In one move.

Nearly half thirsty blood demon. was defeated almost instantly

"Light element! Come out!"

The Elf King also took action at this time.

She summoned a burly, almost human adult man, the King of Light Elements whose whole body was composed of light.

"The holy flame that purifies the world!"

Nancylia pointed forward.

The light element turned into a beam of light and rushed into the blood mist and dispersed, instantly turning into countless holy white flames. As soon as the blood-thirsty demon was contaminated, it immediately revealed its original shape and was directly burned. Until death.

Han Kexin also took action again.

A large number of soul control threads were not penetrated into the blood mist.

Hundreds of souls were pulled out in one breath and smashed directly.

The blood-thirsty demons are by no means a weak race.

But such an offensive resulted in heavy casualties.

There are The survivors also died under the attack of the banshee troops.

However, there was no time to breathe.

Han Kexin frowned and said:"Trouble, I feel more and more auras approaching, and the nearby tribes seem to be able to sense our presence."

"The spiritual energy shrouded in the Crazy Mountains is too strong, making it difficult for my troops to get close to this place, and there are dozens or hundreds of crazy tribes nearby. Once attacked in a group, even the three of us will not be able to escape unscathed."

From this point of view, attacking the Crazy Mountains is not feasible.

We can capture at most a few Crazy Tribes during this trip.

What a pity. Han Kexin invited Zhang Mu this time, mainly because he wanted to jointly explore the interior of the Crazy Mountains, hoping to completely capture this mysterious tribe. Place.

Never thought about it.

The danger of the Crazy Mountains is beyond expectation.

Fight through the siege of the aborigines.

Han Kexin feels that at least 50,000 to 100,000 elite troops must be mobilized.

This is without mental erosion.

Now the entire Crazy Mountains are flooded. During the erosion, as long as you get close, you will be affected indiscriminately. The small soldiers cannot bear it at all, and the army's crusade is destined to be unworkable.

However, at this moment,

Zhang Mu said:"Don't go to such trouble. Han Kexin was stunned:"

Why, do you have any idea?"

Zhang Mu nodded and said:"I have sensed the source of the madness. We only need to eliminate this source. The spiritual energy of the Crazy Mountains will disappear, and these crazy aborigines will also be seriously injured.""


"Can you feel where that thing is? Han

Kexin asked in surprise:"But how did you do this!"

Zhang Mu smiled and said,"This is my little secret. When the time is right, you will naturally know it.""

"It's actually a lie. Han

Kexin snorted angrily:"But even so, we can't get in. There are too many aborigines nearby. Without troops, it will be difficult for us to resist the attack of so many aborigines."

Zhang Mu said:"This is not difficult. You have the banshee troops spread out around the periphery to attract the attention of most of the aborigines and buy us time."

Han Kexin asked:"Do you want to take the opportunity to carry out a beheading plan?" Zhang

Mu nodded:"Yes, as long as the plan goes well and the action is quick enough, this will be the most efficient plan with the least loss.""

If it were someone else,

Han Kexin would definitely hesitate.

But this time the partner is Zhang Mu.

Han Kexin only thought about it for three seconds:"Just do as you say!"

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