The Supreme Council of the Sea Tribe.

The highest authority of the Aquablue Federation.

There are only thirty members of the Supreme Council, and each member of the council is a representative from each sea area through an extremely complex review mechanism and election mechanism.

They possess the highest level of federal secrets, so their identities are extremely mysterious and rarely appear in the public eye.

Speaker Valentina is the exception.

Vallentina served as Speaker for fifteen consecutive terms.

It stands to reason that after having been in a high position for so long, he has already become a dictator-like being.


The actual situation.

But that is not the case.

The unique loose structure of the Aqua Blue Federation.

The power of a central body like the Supreme Council is limited.

There are many kings and families from all over the world. Although they usually respect the Supreme Council three points, once their core interests are touched, they will not take the Supreme Council seriously. This situation has become more and more serious in recent years.

It can be said.

Powers of the Supreme Council.

It is being lost rapidly.

The federal system is actually half paralyzed.

Vallentina is very worried about the current situation in the Federation.

She knew very well that the current prosperity and wealth were just an illusion, like a palace built on a sand dune. It looked gorgeous and glorious, but in fact it would fall down if it was pushed down.

For the sake of immediate interests, the top leaders of various countries and the heads of major families act increasingly unscrupulously and without any bottom line, relying on the legitimacy conferred by the Aqualan Covenant.

Nearly 10 million people are lost each year as slaves.

It can be said.

If there is no covenant.

War has long broken out between these greedy leaders.

The resentment of ordinary sea people and emerging forces who have been oppressed by nobles for a long time is so great that it is almost impossible to suppress it. Once it breaks out completely, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Mr. Speaker!"

"About the Trench of Calamity"

"We've investigated everything"

"There is enough evidence to show that this invasion of the Calamity Trench to destroy the seal is a good thing done by the deep-sea hermits!"A middle-aged sea elf reported to Valentina,"Many of the federal troops have been infiltrated by the Deep Sea Hermits."

Ocean elves.

A branch of the elves.

This race is amphibious on land and sea. They generally live on islands in the center of the ocean. Their appearance is very similar to other elves, but they have the ability to breathe underwater and are also proficient in various water magic. Known as the Tide Elf.

This elf is no ordinary ocean elf.

His name is Boldka, one of the newly promoted members of the Supreme Council of the Aqua Blue Federation. He became the leader of the Aqua Blue Federation's law enforcement elders at a relatively young age. The chief law enforcement elder.

It can be said that he has a bright future.

Vallentina may abdicate after one or two terms.

This Boldka is regarded as a strong candidate for the next generation of Aquablue Federation Speaker.

Valentina asked:"Seal under the sea, How is the situation? Is it stable?"

Boldka replied:"I'm telling you, Mr. Speaker, we have sent people to carefully inspect the seal altar. At present, the seal is in good condition and there is no sign of damage."

"Well, as long as the seabed seal of the Calamity Trench is not destroyed, it will not pose a threat to the Aquablue Federation. We must strengthen the guard of the Calamity Trench!"


Falundina was not surprised by the action of the Deep Sea Hermits.

She had already released as many as a dozen baits, which were specially used for fishing. The Disaster Trench was just one of them, but she didn't expect the Deep Sea Hermits to move so secretly and quickly..


Although the external seal of the Calamity Trench was destroyed, the seal used by the empress to seal the rift in the world is still there.

So in general, the Aqualan Federation did not suffer direct losses. On the contrary, the Deep Sea Hermits paid no attention to this incident. There is a heavy price to pay for meaningless actions.

Why did Vallentina set up so many baits about the Aquatic Covenant?

In addition to covering the real Aquatic Covenant, it was also to deal with the Deep Sea Hermits, an organization that emerged in the past few hundred years. The many internal and external forces involved are very mysterious.

The Supreme Council has no way to destroy them directly.

The only way is to use the Aqua Blue Covenant as bait to lure them into action. As long as the Deep Sea Hermit takes action, it is almost impossible not to expose flaws.

For example, This time they finally entered the Disaster Trench.

But there was nothing in the Disaster Trench that the deep-sea hermits would want.

They didn't get a dime of benefits, but instead hired several top experts to hide in the federal forces. A group of internal spies were also exposed incidentally.

It can be said that at this efficiency.

If the deep-sea hermits bite the bait a few more times, their power will be almost wiped out.

The sea elf Boldka continued. :"In addition, regarding the Disaster Trench, we discovered two things worth paying attention to.

Vallentina immediately asked:"What is it?""

Boldka said:"First, the power mobilized by the Deep Sea Hermits this time is suspected to be the Demon King and the Warriors. This shows that these two groups of the Aqua Blue Federation have a high degree of collusion with the Deep Sea Hermits."

Hearing this,

Vallentina frowned.

This is also a hidden danger that she is more worried about.

The high growth potential of the Demon King and the Warrior can easily destroy the balance. Now these two uncontrollable forces have been exploited by the Deep Sea Hermits. This will bring great danger

"It seems necessary to systematically clean up the demon king and find a way to send the warriors to other places, such as the Forest of Chaos in the north.

Vallentina continued to ask:"Where is the other one?""

Boldka said:"We found that in addition to the forces of the Deep Sea Hermits, there is also a mysterious but powerful force involved."

"What is it?"

"It’s not clear yet, but it seems to be an external force, suspected to be related to Cang Yue Shengtao City."

Falundina frowned.

Trouble was happening one after another.

The Aqualan Federation will never allow any infiltration by external forces.

She decided to organize people to conduct an investigation to see if there were any signs of Shengtao City being infiltrated by external forces.

However ,.

There was no time to make arrangements.

A guard elder of the Supreme Council came in and reported:"Speaker, it's bad, our temple on Poseidon Island was attacked!"

Hearing this,

Vallentina was shocked.

Boldka had a strange expression:"What did you say? Poseidon Island? Are you sure it's Poseidon Island? The place is heavily guarded and located in the heart of the Federation. There are abundant resources nearby. Why would the Abyss Hermits attack this place?"

The elder of the guard said quickly:"This time it seems that the Deep Sea Hermits did it. Not only are they numerous, but they are also powerful, and they directly broke through the nearby garrison. Vallentina said in a deep voice:"In the name of the Supreme Council, all nearby troops that can be mobilized will be sent to reinforce immediately. The temple must not allow any losses!""

The elder of the guard was stunned.

He didn't quite understand why he was so mobilized.

However, the order of the Supreme Speaker was the order of the Supreme Council.

The elder of the guard did not raise any objection, immediately agreed and went to prepare.

Boldka was a little puzzled:"Sir Speaker, is it necessary to do this? If all the troops are sent to the temple, there may be mistakes elsewhere, giving the enemy an opportunity."

Valentine's face was ugly:"I don't care about so much anymore, this Sea Temple must not be lost, because the real Aquatic Covenant is in it."

Hearing this,

Boldka's face changed drastically.

Although he is one of the members of the Supreme Council, even he cannot know about the Aqualan Covenant.

In this Federal Supreme Council, the only people qualified to deal with the covenant are There were only a few people inside Valentina, so as to ensure the highest degree of concealment.

"no time"

"We must take action ourselves!"

Boldka immediately said that this matter was of great importance, not only affecting the fate of the Supreme Council, but also related to the survival of the entire federation.

Because of this,

Valentina informed Boldka.

The two quickly brought an elite team The troops in the army used expensive long-distance transmission methods to go directly to the center of the island.

This small island is almost not marked on the map.

It is called Poseidon Island, and there are a large number of temples of various sea gods. On weekdays, It is mainly used to worship the gods.

At this moment, the war is fierce.

The Deep Sea Hermits have launched two demon kings.

These two demon kings have been trained by them to the fifth level.

At this moment, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of combat units are recruited. Emerging from the sea water on all sides, the tide and ant colonies disappeared like one of the temples of the Ocean Goddess. The defense of the temple was in danger.

In addition to the low-cost Demon King Army, most of the masters of the Deep Sea Hermits were dispatched.

Vallentina was 100% sure. The Deep Sea Hermits had already determined the location where the covenant was stored, otherwise it would not have been possible to take such a great risk to attack the island.

She immediately gave the order to the accompanying troops:"Block them."

After that,

Vallentina took Borca and several council elders.

Together they teleported to the temple of the Ocean Goddess. Unlike the chaos and war outside, it seemed peaceful here and there was no attack.


Didn't succeed!

It's no longer safe to keep the covenant here!

Valentina decided to transfer the covenant. She immediately activated the formation of the goddess statue in the center of the temple. Various restrictions were unlocked and it suddenly became watery and transparent.

"come out!"

Valentine stretched out her hand and grabbed it.

A square jade box appeared.

Although she couldn't see inside the jade box, she could clearly feel that a powerful, ancient, mysterious power of contract was released. come out

"This place is no longer safe!"

"Bring it back to the main city first!"

Valentina held the ancient covenant in her hand, and an extremely sharp and powerful aura attacked from behind her. The distance between the two sides was too close.

The attacker's strength was far beyond imagination.

Valentina was directly blasted hundreds of meters away and hit After breaking several huge pillars, they hit the wall of the temple heavily, and several other council members and elders were directly killed instantly.

Her face was horrified, regardless of her injuries:"Boldka, you……"

The sea elf waved his hand.

The jade box was in his hands.

He couldn't wait to open the box, and an ancient and mysterious scroll quietly appeared in front of him.

A force that is almost close to law!

"What a strong energy!"

"What a high-end item!"

"Looks like I finally found it!"

Could it be said that the young New Ocean Councilor is a traitor?

Valentina screamed in horror:"Who are you and what do you want to do!"

Boldka said with a smile:"In order to act in front of you and hide my strength over the years, I have spent a lot of effort and effort, and now I finally succeeded. He paused and continued:"Please allow me to introduce myself. I am the president of the Deep Sea Hermits!""

Hearing this,

Valentina was shocked.

This is one of the members of the Supreme Council.

He is actually the mysterious and mysterious president of the Deep Sea Council? He has been waiting for so long and arranging for so long just to wait. At this moment!



The contract has been obtained!

Boldka did not chatter like ordinary villains.

In order to obtain such an opportunity, he has paid too much price, time, and cost. He must not give these federal high-level officials any chance.

"Space cutting!"

Boldka launched a space skill.

The next second, a tear ripped through the space and penetrated the contract scroll. However, after the space calmed down, the contract scroll was still intact.

Valentina felt a glimmer of hope in her heart.

The Empress' Covenant is an epic item. existence.

This thing is not so easy to destroy.

Boldka was not surprised at all.

He came prepared today and did his homework. When the spell was destroyed and ineffective, he immediately took out a dagger. This dagger was filled with an epic atmosphere. The equipment still has a powerful aura

"This is……"

Valentina felt bad.

Is this a near-legendary piece of equipment?

Bordka stabbed the scroll with the dagger, and violent energy was released from it, instantly turning into a violent explosion, turning the entire Sea Temple into ruins.

Almost at this moment.

Everyone in the Aqualan Federation felt that the profound soul restraints that had existed for thousands of years suddenly disappeared. destroyed!

Aqua Blue Covenant!

It was destroyed like this!

Vallentina watched all this happen, but she had no time to stop it, and the moment the contract collapsed, she fell into complete despair!

The covenant is gone!

The restraints are gone!

The Aqualan Federation... is over!

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