Five hundred thousand Hai Clan troops boarded warships.

At this moment, the mighty warships arrived at Shengtao City.

This is Cang Yue Kingdom's Grand Marshal Akikawa Taku leading thousands of warriors and an army.

Shengtao City also responded quickly, closing the city wall immediately, opening the barrier to protect the city, and establishing a defensive confrontation posture.

Akikawa Taku sneered disdainfully, jumped off the flagship and landed on the sea. The sea under his feet immediately rolled up, and he lifted it to the front of Shengtao City.

He crossed his arms in front of him.

Start shouting towards Shengtao City

"I am Grand Marshal Cang Yue!"

"Following the orders of King Cang Yue, he crusade against the Baisha rebels who usurped Shengtao City!"

"All the defenders in the city have listened carefully. It is not too late to draw a clear line with the Baisha rebels and open the city gate barrier to welcome the king. Your sins can be forgotten!"

"Otherwise, when this marshal forcibly breaks the city, all soldiers will be treated as rebels. I think you should understand what the consequences will be!"

Akikawa Taku is high-spirited and confident.

The garrison of Shengtao City can only be over 200,000 at most.

Both quantity and quality are far from comparable to the 500,000 troops he leads.

In such a short period of time, it is almost impossible for the Baisha family to completely control Shengtao. City.

Akikawa Takuo does not believe that the top and bottom of Shengtao City and the various garrison generals are all loyal to the Baisha family.

The king's army is pressing down on the border.

It is impossible for the Shengtao City defenders and all forces to remain unwavering.

It only takes a small part of them to surrender, and it is enough. Forming a powerful boost, Akikawa Taku can easily attack Shengtao City, and then gain control of Shengtao City in one fell swoop. Once he obtains this huge city,

Akikawa Taku can use the army in his hands to launch self-reliance in one fell swoop, and in turn Crusade King Cang Yue, and finally occupied the entire Cang Yue Peninsula, becoming the new ruler here.

However, to Akikawa Taku's expectation, the defenders remained unmoved.

There were no riots as imagined inside and outside Shengtao City.

Why? What happened?

Akikawa Taku was full of doubts.

Could it be that the entire Shengtao City and the various garrison generals were really subdued by the Baisha family? But how is this possible! No wonder Akikawa Taku couldn't figure it out.

The Baisha mermaid definitely doesn't have the ability to control the entire Shengtao family. All forces and officers at all levels in Tao City, but it is not difficult for the forces from Dark City to do this.

Through the permanent charm ability, Han Kexin has controlled the president of the Shengtao City Warriors Guild, and the people under her Qiuyue Dongxue and thousands of succubi use mental control methods to influence officers at all levels and representatives of various families.

Although ordinary succubus mental control cannot achieve such a perverted effect as permanent charm, there is no problem with subtle influence and temporary control..

So. Now all the major forces and all the influential generals and officers in

Shengtao City are under the control of Han Kexin, and they cannot get rid of control at all. Akikawa Taku was furious:"You really want to die so much?" I didn't expect Shengtao City's rebellion to be so resolute. In this case, there is nothing to say. I can only mobilize my power and take this place down. Huge waves rolled. Let Akikawa Taku return to the flagship warship. His eyes were cold and his tone was cold. The order was given:"The rebels in Shengtao City are stubborn. Send me an order to attack the city immediately. No rebels will be left behind!"" The conch horn sounded. Thousands of warships quickly approached Shengtao City. Tens of thousands of Sea Clan mages launched an attack directly from the bottom of the sea. They summoned a giant wave with a height of more than a thousand meters, like a huge wave. The incomparable palm slapped the Shengtao City fiercely. However, at this moment, a demon figure with wings on its back appeared in front of the waves. Although she had the image of a demon, her appearance was very cold and beautiful. No Others. They are the two most capable generals under the Succubus Queen. The Banshee King - Han Dongxue!

"demon? As expected, there are other forces behind the scenes of Shengtao City! Akikawa Taku's expression darkened:"It's just a foreign force trying to control Shengtao City, die!""

The water waves were overwhelming.

Han Dongxue did not dodge or evade, but the huge waves were about to press down and were about to be smashed into pieces with a million-strong force.

"Death freezes!"

Han Dongxue released a blue cold current at the huge waves. When this blue cold current was injected into the huge waves, a layer of ice crystals immediately condensed on the surface of the waves. The ice crystals spread rapidly.

Eventually, the huge waves overwhelming the sea were frozen. It turned into a majestic iceberg.

Akikawa Taku's expression changed drastically. This attack was at least A-level magic, and the opponent's strength was at least a sixth-level overlord.


A sixth-level overlord is not enough.

This guy is not an ordinary existence.

She is a A powerful sixth-level demon king!

A fifth-level demon is already a very rare existence, let alone a sixth-level demon king? The appearance of this existence subverted Akikawa Taku's cognition.

Although Han Dongxue's move made Akikawa Taku feel pressured. Not small.

But he has no intention of backing down.

Although the king is difficult to deal with, he cannot do whatever he wants in front of him. With the power of the evil god fragments in his body and his top level six overlord strength, he is enough to deal with a king.

Again. The reporter said.

Although the king is powerful, in such a large-scale battle, one or two kings cannot reverse the decisive gap.

Akikawa Taku took the opportunity to shout:"Shengtao City is the legal territory of Cang Yue Kingdom, and its legality dates back to six thousand years ago. It was written into the covenant before, and now the devil is trying to invade our Hai Clan's territory. This is absolutely unacceptable! He shouted impassionedly to all the sea tribe generals:"Shengtao City is the city of the sea tribe. We will never allow the evil demons to do whatever they want. Everyone, follow me to charge, seize Shengtao City, and kill the demons entrenched in it!""

Hearing this, all the soldiers were filled with righteous indignation.

The legal land of the Sea Clan established by Emperor Shuilan was actually invaded by demons from outside? This obviously violated the common interests of the Sea Clan and was enough to arouse the public indignation of all the Sea Clan..

However, further offensive has not had time to start.

At this moment, from the clouds above the head, bursts of fierce dragon power cover it like a violent storm.



"There is a dragon!"

"So many dragons!"

All the sea tribesmen panicked.

Abyss dragons with a size of at least fifty or sixty meters swooped down from the clouds. They were red, cyan, yellow, blue, black... they had various attributes, and the weakest They all exude the aura of a top level five overlord.


A scorching dragon flame fell instantly on the flagship of Cang Yue's army.

Although it was blocked by the flagship's defensive shield, the scattered flames fell around and ignited several nearby troop transport ships, scaring the sea tribesmen into jumping into the sea to escape..At the same time, hundreds or thousands of huge thunderbolts fell from the air like raindrops, instantly shattering dozens of ships, causing casualties to the Sea Clan army, and causing quite a bit of chaos.

"How come there is a dragon? Akikawa

Taku was stunned.

He suddenly thought of something:"You are from the Forest of Chaos, you are from the Undercity!""

"It seems you are not too stupid."

In a pleasant but majestic voice.

Han Kexin and Han Qiuyue also appeared on the battlefield. She was accompanied by more than a dozen high-level demons, all of whom were about fifth-level strength, and each one was terrifyingly strong.

"hateful! Akikawa

Taku was furious:"Your hands of the Forest of Chaos have stretched too far. This ocean is not within your reach!""

If the opponent is a demon of unknown origin,

Akikawa Taku is not worried at all, because there are almost no large demon forces in the Sea of ​​Chaos and the surrounding area.

But the opponent is from the Undercity.

Then the situation is completely different.

The Undercity has taken control of the Forest of Chaos, and even has the ability to launch an invasion of the imperial forces, killing millions of troops from the Thunder Empire's southern border, and even Bahor, the Grand Duke of the Southern Border Protector.

Such strength is definitely not inferior to that of Cang Yue Kingdom.

What's even worse is that the Forest of Chaos is too close to the Cangyue Peninsula. If the Forest of Chaos wants to annex the Cangyue Peninsula, the pressure on the Cangyue Peninsula will be greater than that on the southern border of the empire. After all, the southern border of the empire has the support of the entire empire.

Now Cangyue The peninsula is completely isolated and helpless!

Akikawa Taku angrily rebuked:"You are waging war on both sides of the Undercity and offending the Empire and the Sea Tribe at the same time. Are you so eager to die?! Han

Kexin laughed:"What a joke, the current Sea of ​​Chaos has long been unrestrained. The Cangyue Peninsula should have been the Forest of Chaos!""

"fart! Akikawa Tuo was furious,"

We, the Sea Clan, will never surrender to the Dark City. Cangyue Peninsula has been the territory of Cangyue Kingdom since ancient times. Outsiders like you can't even think of succeeding!""

Hearing this, the other sea tribes were also filled with indignation.

After all, this was no longer a rebellion, but an invasion, and it was an invasion launched by a foreign race, so the meaning was naturally completely different.

Han Kexin smiled playfully:"Really? Then I would like to ask, where is your so-called legality? Akikawa Tuo blurted out:"

Of course it is the covenant made by Emperor Shuilan six thousand years ago. She has clearly merged the entire Cang Yue Peninsula into the Sea of ​​Chaos and assigned it to the Sea Clan for governance, lasting for countless generations."

"Very good. In this way, your legitimacy comes from the Aqua Blue Empress."Han Kexin clapped her hands happily,"Then, please open your eyes and see who this person is."

As he spoke, another powerful aura spurted out from the ocean.

Countless seawater formed a pillar, rising from the ocean and blooming like a bud. Standing in it was a mermaid with a noble and majestic aura.

A transcendent aura. The aura of the king instantly enveloped all the Cang Yue soldiers present.

When everyone saw the appearance of this mermaid clearly, everyone's eyes widened and they were stunned, because this mermaid was so familiar.

Her statue.

Her portrait.

Spread. It’s quite wide.

But it’s impossible for people from the Hai tribe with a rich family background to not recognize it.

A senior commander of Cang Yue shouted in disbelief:"Empress Sui Lan, she is Empress Sui Lan, how come Empress Sui Lan is here!"

As soon as these words came out, the other sea tribes who were still in shock woke up from their dreams.

Those generals and masters with Cang Yue clan background all recognized Shui Lan's identity, and those who had never seen Shui Lan's portrait and statue Ordinary soldiers also learned the identity of the other party from the former.

How is it possible?

This is fake!

How could the Aqua Blue Empress appear here!

But to deal with the aura emitted, it is obviously beyond the king level, which is impossible to do It’s fake, this person is indeed a strong man who can touch the emperor level!

It’s so shocking!

It’s so subversive!

It has affected the morale of Cang Yue Legion.

This blow can be described as devastating!

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