When Zhang Mu finally came to this small mountain village.

There was a sound reminding him that he had entered a new map and was about to unlock a new mission.

After Zhang Mu heard the prompt tone, he knew that there might be a big secret hidden in this mountain village.

But no matter what, he wanted to step into this mountain village and see what was hidden in this mountain village.

There must be things in this mountain village that she needs to practice, and they might even improve his cultivation.

Zhang Mu's blood boils whenever he thinks that his cultivation level can be improved.

Zhang Mu walked into this small mountain village without hesitation, but what he didn't notice was when he took the first step into the village.

Something changed behind him, and the village was once again shrouded in fog.

It was as if a village had never existed.

Zhang Mu would not notice all this at all, precisely because he did not notice it.

This will cause his next steps to become more and more complicated.

After Zhang Mu came to this small mountain village, he unexpectedly discovered that this small mountain village looked very harmonious and peaceful.

Zhang Mu felt that the atmosphere here was so harmonious that it seemed like it was not a battle royale game.

After Zhang Mu came here, he wanted to go to the village chief's home.

Although he is playing an escape game, he will also prompt information about important people when necessary.

And this time the reminder he got was from the village chief, and he had to go to the village chief's home.

But Zhang Mu had just arrived in this village, and he had no idea where the village chief's home was.

After Zhang Mu came to this village again, he started searching all the way.

After finally seeing a villager, Zhang Mu immediately reached out and stopped the villager.

"Hello, I would like to ask where the village chief's home is?"

After hearing Zhang Mu's words, the villagers' faces immediately became a little gloomy.

It seemed that they did not expect that there would be outsiders coming in this village.

At this time, the villagers looked at Zhang Mu with very dangerous eyes. He did not welcome him. Zhang Mu came here

"You'd better get out of here quickly, outsiders are not welcome in our village."

After Zhang Mu heard what the villager said, he frowned and felt that the villager was inexplicable.

Why don't they let outsiders in? What secrets are hidden in this village?

Or is there a bigger secret hidden in this village? They People come here just to cause trouble for them

"This villager, I am just here for the first time, and I accidentally got lost in this village."

"I didn't mean it, and I hope you can point me to a way to the village chief's home."

"I also want to leave here, but I don't know the way."

Zhang Mu deliberately said these words with some bitterness. It's true that he was deliberately making a misfortune with this villager.

He wanted to see if the villagers would still be so cold after hearing what he said again. attitude.

But he didn’t expect that after Zhang Mu said these words, the villagers would become even more indifferent.

He seemed to have heard such words countless times, but they would eventually lead to vicious endings.

"You people will only do this to us"

"Let me tell you, it is useless for you to fight against us. I advise you to leave here as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, we people will never let you go."

After Zhang Mu listened to the villager's words, he immediately grasped the key point of the villager's words. What the villager said was that besides him, who else in this village is an outsider?

Are they from this escape game ? Outsiders have also come here?

Just thinking that she will now face other escape game players makes his blood boil.

"Well, since you don't choose to tell me, I'll leave here first"

"If we are destined next time, we will meet again."

Zhang Mu left here directly after saying these words.

But in fact, Zhang Mu did not leave the village. He has not found what he wanted in this village.

The most important thing is that the villager's words just now The obvious meaning is that there are other people in this village.

He has not met other people yet, how can he leave so easily?

In the following time, Zhang Mu kept wandering in this village, but at the same time he also Got it.

People in this village really don’t like outsiders.

It’s better not to be discovered by them. If they are discovered by them, they will say bad things.

Zhang Mu thinks this situation is very strange. How could it be possible? The people in a village were so strange.

Soon, Zhang Mu saw a strange person. Zhang Mu immediately realized that this was probably someone else in the escape game.

Zhang Mu just looked at this person silently , chose to hide.

He wanted to see why this man came here, and what useful information this man found.

Zhang Mu kept following this man, wanting to see what this man wanted to do. What.

And this man is not a vegetarian. Of course he discovered the existence of Zhang Mu immediately. He also knew that Zhang Mu was a person in this escape game, and he was more vigilant about the people in these games.

He He is not treated as well as Zhang Mu. He has already chosen the foundation when he first came here.

He is just an ordinary hunter in Green River Village.

He can't expose himself too quickly yet.

So he put himself Disguised as an NPC, he looked as close as he did here. He would not make anyone feel uncomfortable, nor let anyone see what was wrong with him.

But unexpectedly, he eventually showed his flaws and was Zhang Mu saw it.

And this person was still following her. Now it seemed that he had to teach this person a lesson.

Liu Hai thought about this and hid in an alley next to him. After all, he had already I have been living in this village for a while.

And Zhang Mu is just a person who has just arrived here. Zhang Mu saw Liu Hai disappear again.

Sure enough, he was a little anxious and immediately ran over and looked around, but he didn't see anything. Liu Hai was about to turn around and leave.

He noticed a gust of palm wind coming from behind him. Zhang Mu immediately dodged the attack keenly.

Zhang Mu turned around and found that it was the man he had just been following.

At this time, Zhang Mu also knew this Men also have two brushes, otherwise they wouldn’t be aware of his existence

"who are you? If I'm not mistaken, you are not from our village."

"Didn't anyone tell you that outsiders are not welcome in our village?"

After Zhang Mu heard Liu Hai's words, he felt that Liu Hai had regarded him as a fool.

He could clearly see that he was not from the same village. How did he have such confidence?

"You may be able to fool others, but you can never fool me."

"Are you not from this village? Presumably we are both the same people."

Liu Haicai's face became darker and darker after listening to Zhang Mu's words.

He did not expect that he could not deceive Zhang Mu. Many people in this village had been deceived by him.

And he also successfully attacked Killing those people greatly improved his abilities.

But the person in front of him could immediately see that he was different, and he was indeed more powerful.

Liu Hai also realized that he could not offend the person in front of him. Otherwise, he might be the one who dies.

"Since this strong man chose to tell me the truth, I will not choose to lie to you either."

"I'm definitely an escape game guy, and you must be too."

Zhang Mu nodded after listening to Liu Hai's words. He didn't expect Liu Hai to be so frank. But then he thought that Liu Hai was just a person with low qualifications. He must have realized that he could not offend himself.

"You seem to be very familiar with this village. How long have you been in this village?"

Zhang Mu asked Liu Hai such words, and after listening to Zhang Mu's words, Liu Hai of course chose not to hide Zhang Mu.

He had already thought about surrendering to Zhang Mu, and if nothing else happened, he would choose to follow Zhang Mu. Zhang Mu forms an alliance.

He always feels that Zhang Mu is so smart, he must be very qualified, and he will definitely be able to lead her to the end.

"I did live in this village for a while"

"After I came to this game, I directly became an Orion in Green River Village."

"I did kill a few people, so I was able to make such a big improvement."

After listening to Liu Hai's words, Zhang Mu felt that Liu Hai was becoming more and more candid now.

Liu Hai now seemed to be expressing his loyalty, and he seemed to want to form an alliance with him.

"When you say this to me, can I understand that you want to form an alliance with me?"

Zhang Mu doesn't like to go round and round, he still likes to go straight.

If Liu Hai really wants to cooperate with him, he can agree to it.

"Yes, I hope the two of us can form an alliance"

"I believe you can see my qualifications. Based on my qualifications alone, I will never survive to the end."

"I don't want to be the boss of any game, I just want to survive until the end."

Zhang Mu nodded after listening to Liu Hai's words. He didn't know why, but he believed Liu Hai inexplicably.

There was that desire for survival in Liu Hai's eyes, and he seemed to really want to live.

Zhang Mu saw Liu Hai After looking like this, he really nodded, if Liu Hai could always be so loyal to him.

He wouldn't mind accepting Liu Hai as his little brother and leading Liu Hai to the end.

"Well, I promise you, if you can remain loyal to me, I will keep you alive until the end."

After Liu Hai listened to Zhang Mu's words, something that Zhang Mu couldn't understand immediately appeared in Liu Hai's eyes.

But this thing was not harmful to Zhang Mu. Zhang Mu just felt that the hope of survival was greater.

Zhang Mu I feel that choosing bangs is a very right choice.

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