The northern border of the Thunder Empire.

It is an environment of snowy mountains and plateaus.

The ice and snow here have not melted for hundreds of thousands of years. At first glance, it seems to be an inaccessible place that is not suitable for most people to survive.

This is not the case in the world.

The northern region is rich in products, especially gold, crystals, and gemstones.

Just rely on these natural resources.

The wealth of the Northern Territory is not inferior to that of the other three realms. In addition, the Duke of the Northern Territory has an advantage that the other three realms do not have.

The Grand Duke of the North and the Emperor of the Empire have the same origin. The current Duke of the North is Ophelia-Frelio, known as the"Ice Queen".

It is no coincidence that the imperial duchess and the imperial emperor share the same surname as Freglio.

Strictly speaking.

The Freglio family in the north and the Freglio royal family were the same family thousands of years ago, but were separated due to some historical reasons and changes.

The current Northern Family is actually equivalent to a branch of the Royal Family.

Emperor Freglio is actually equivalent to Duke Ophelia's brother.

It is precisely because of this relationship and origin.

Therefore, the Northern Family is the one with the most stable and transcendent status among the four duke families, and is also the most powerful in the four realms of the empire.

How powerful is the North?

It can be said that the power of the southern, eastern and western borders can only be overcome by the combined power of three Grand Protectors. If only the power of two Grand Protectors is used, it will not be enough to shake the Northern Territory.

This is the power of the North.

Duke Ophelia's talent is not inferior to that of Frelio XVI, who is a member of the royal family. Although they are both at the level of a sixth-order king, the Dukes of the other three realms cannot compete with Ophelia.


Archduke Ophelia held a very high position in the empire.

The nickname"Snow Queen" is not for nothing.

Ophelia is no different from the king in the Northern Territory. Even if His Majesty the Emperor wants to intervene in the affairs of the Northern Territory, it is not that easy to do.

"Grand Duke!"

"Something bad is happening!"

"We have verified the message!"

"The Imperial Capital was indeed attacked by the Demon King's Corps and fell!"

"The current situation of His Majesty Forelio and all your lords is unknown, but judging from the news coming back from various channels, it is probably more serious than the worst."


In the political hall of the Grand Duke of the North.

Six northern marquises, thirty northern earls, hundreds of minor nobles such as viscounts and barons, and hundreds of northern political officials are all gathered here at this moment, and everyone has a worried expression on their face. heavy.

About the Demon King.

Everyone at the scene was no stranger.

It is not that demon kings have never appeared in the territories of these feudal nobles.

But in the distant southern territory of the empire, there is actually a demon king who can grow up to be able to occupy and annex the entire southern territory, and even enough to annex the great imperial capital.


It's incredible.

No one can accept this reality.

The atmosphere immediately became deathly silent.

Grand Duke Ophelia broke through the sinking. She said coldly:"Both the imperial capital and the southern border have fallen. Now the situation in the empire is in critical danger. How about you tell me what to do next?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

At this time, a general with a powerful aura stood up and said:"Report to the Grand Duke, the last general thinks that we should immediately communicate with the nobles and armies in the central area of ​​the empire and the northeast to form a large army that can resist the devil."

After hearing this , talk.

There was immediate objection.

A white-haired marquis who looked very old stood up:"No, no, forget it. Duke Bahor in the south. As far as I know, your majesty did not underestimate the enemy this time. He did not call for reinforcements from all sides. After activating the power blessing of the Hall of Heroes, even so, it still failed miserably. It can be said that the overall situation is now decided.……"

The general angrily shouted:"Are we going to betray the empire and succumb to a demon king?"

At this moment.

Another voice sounded

"I also feel that sending troops rashly is too reckless."

A middle-aged nobleman came out. This man was slightly fat and looked inconspicuous, but he was the famous Marquis of Clarence in the North. The Marquis of

Clarence was less than forty years old, and his strength was said to be that of the North. Among the nobles, he is second only to Grand Duke Ophelia.

This marquis has always been ambitious.

He wants to use Ophelia's identity and bloodline to seek higher interests and power for himself and his family.

It can be said that if Not only does Ophelia have a special status, Clarence will even find a way to get the duchess herself.

In this way, he can not only obtain the most beautiful and powerful woman in the empire, but also obtain the Freglio family's power in the north.

Now, the royal family has declined and the entire empire is in chaos.

Marquis Clarence saw the opportunity.

He explained:"It is almost impossible for us to change our fate against fate. Even His Majesty the Emperor has unfortunately died for his country. The empire's Weakness and even temporary destruction are inevitable. What we need to do is not to use our hands as a chariot, but to preserve the fire!"

"Everyone, don’t forget that the Grand Duke also has royal blood. Even if all the royal family in the imperial capital are wiped out by the demon king, as long as we are still here, there is hope to re-establish the empire."

"Therefore, we can neither surrender nor resist recklessly. We should seal off the northern border, and let the Grand Duke declare his succession to the throne as the seventeenth emperor of the empire."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

But if you think about it carefully, it might be a solution.

Various plans such as main war, main alliance, self-reliance, etc. were constantly discussed. Everyone was calculating their own interests and calculations in their hearts. Only Ophelia sat on the Duke's throne and frowned.

She could not make a decision for a moment.

Her intuition told her that the Demon King this time was no small matter.

Her subordinates were often too short-sighted.

They might not have truly realized how powerful the Demon King was.

Before Ophelia could make a final decision, a strong wind suddenly began to blow in the Duke Hall, and a gust of wind suddenly began to blow. The terrifying aura and coercion, like a storm appearing out of thin air, suddenly descended on everyone.

"What a strong pressure!"

Everyone was forced to retreat with shock on their faces.

Some nobles and guards with lower strength lost consciousness and fainted, losing their combat effectiveness on the spot.

Ophelia stood up from her seat, with a strong and smart voice. The frosty aura lingered around her, and she said solemnly:"Long Wei? It's the Demon King!"

The sober nobles and important officials in the north recovered.

When they stared at the past, they only saw a figure with dark golden scales, exuding a mysterious aura, full of majesty, and domineering, swaggering about. Without concealing his appearance, he appeared in the middle of the hall. It was none other than the Great Demon King Zhang Mu himself.

Zhang Mu appeared here single-handedly.

He could feel that there were more than ten or twenty sixth-order units on the scene, among which at least the king-level ones were There are four, and it can be said that they are indeed very powerful.

At least the Bahor Principality in the south does not have this kind of strength.

However, even so, it is not a cause for concern.

With Zhang Mu's current strength and condition, he will not do it at all. Taking these guys too seriously, the Great Demon King's gaze fell directly on the Grand Duke of the North,"Hello, I am the founder of the Chaos Federation, the master of the Undercity, and the conqueror of the empire, which is what you call the Demon King."

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene was shocked.

Who would have thought that the Demon King would be so arrogant and dare to appear directly in the core of the Northern Territory.

How did he break in? The main city of the Northern Territory has strict space restrictions. It stands to reason that space spells cannot be used in this place, but the practical means that the Demon King just came to use are indeed space methods.



The Demon King's ability is probably far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Ophelia felt huge pressure, but she After all, he is a Grand Duke, so he did not show any fear and just asked:"Do you want to deal with us all by yourself?"

"No, this is not my purpose. If I want to destroy you, there is no need to do it myself."

The words of the Great Demon King can be said to be extremely arrogant.

No one in the north of the empire takes it seriously. He continued:"The reason why I traveled thousands of miles in person is to invite you to work for me.

Ophelia felt ridiculous:"Invite me?" What can I do for you? Is there anything else that qualifies me to do it myself?

The big devil explained:"I hope you will go to the imperial capital, announce your accession to the throne, succeed the emperor, and become the seventeenth emperor of the Thunder Empire.""

Hearing this, everyone present was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

The Great Demon King appeared here with great momentum.

He just came to invite the Grand Duke of the North to become the emperor in the imperial capital? This is really hard to turn around for a while!

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