Almost instantly.

An incomparably confused and chaotic atmosphere spewed out.

The big devil and the small city lord felt this aura, and immediately felt very uncomfortable, unable to describe the nature of this power.

It can't be called evil.

It is full of disorder and chaos.

[You are affected by negative abilities, vitality -15! 】

[You are affected by negative abilities, vitality -12! 】

[You are affected by negative abilities, vitality -16! 】


Zhang Mu's vitality began to lose again.

This is still under the condition of blessing the Spirit King.

Zhang Mu is still like this, Nancy Liya's situation will undoubtedly be worse, she can only give herself another healing buff.


Even with her strength.

· · · Flowers 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

There is no way to stay in this environment for too long.

This time, the confidence of the little city lord was shaken a little bit. He thought that he had been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and the ancient evil god was already very weak. Who would have thought that there was such a powerful aura and energy?

"don’t worry."

"It's just some kind of range skill."

"Although this evil god is not as weak as you think, it will never be so strong that we can't deal with it, let's go!"

The devil gives the small town the main climate.

The two entered the third layer of sealed space.

As soon as Nancy Lia came in, she immediately shot a few dangling light bombs, barely illuminating the hall space where her fingers could not be seen.

The hall is also too big.

There are several football fields in size.

There is a 100-meter altar in the center of the hall. It was covered with sealing incantations, and was locked by more than a dozen chains, shrouded in a magical enchantment.

Just this moment.

The surface of the altar is severely cracked.

The seal enchantment has long since faded away.

Zhang Mu had an indescribable sense of crisis. There was something beyond the ordinary life level that seemed to be watching him.

......... 0

source locked.

It is the top of the altar.

It was a thing with a large head, similar to a crystal ball. At this moment, on the crystal ball, a flaming vertical pupil opened.

Instantly when I saw this thing.

Relevant information emerges.

[Eye of the Evil God], fifth-order overlord, life force 1, spiritual force 35000... Skills: death gaze (a class), undead creation (a class), evil spirit breath (a class), confinement beam (b class), hell dance (B-level), Abyss Gaze (B-level), Soul Extraction (B-level), Mental Barrier (B-level), etc.

Introduction: The ancient eight-eyed evil god has eight different powers, and the source of these eight different powers comes from the eight eyes of the evil god, which is one of the eyes of the eight-eyed evil god, representing the power of death controlled by the evil god ... Although it has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, it is very weak and has lost most of its abilities, but it is still not something that mortals can contend with.

Nancy Liya was shocked: "What is that! The breath is so terrifying?"

Zhang Mu said, "This is the evil god, or more precisely, one of the evil god's eyes!"

Hear this.

Nancy Liya is stupid.

She said in disbelief: "The ancient ancestors created such a big seal, is it just to seal one of the eight-eyed evil spirits?"


The giant tree tribe has long been rumored.

The Sealed Land sealed a part of the body of an evil god.

But even if Nancy Lia wanted to break her head, she would never have imagined that the so-called part of her body was actually just a big eyeball, which was really outrageous.

The Fallen Patriarch was caused by it.

And it caused the disaster three hundred years ago.

How can an eyeball have such great power? This is comparable to the legendary artifact!

See the prompt message.

Zhang Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

The Evil God's Eye shows vitality, which means that it is not indestructible, but the strange thing is that it only has a little vitality.

A dignified fifth-order overlord.

There is only a little life force.

The mental power is as high as 30,000 points! Nine.

Chapter 117

The existence of evil spirits.

Completely incomprehensible.

Not so much a creature as a natural disaster.

It belongs to a special uncontrollable natural phenomenon.

The Eight-Eyed Evil God was defeated in ancient times.

This eyeball has been removed and sealed for tens of thousands of years, but it still maintains a strange "activity".


The eye has a mind.

It can sense the intrusion of intruders.

It can judge and respond to environmental changes.

It's so weird, after someone's eyeballs are buckled, the eyeballs can still live on their own. Wouldn't that be fine?

It's really hard to understand!

Never heard of such a thing.

Zhang Mu said, "Let the earth element give it a try!"

The town lord nodded.

The earth element overlord immediately rushed towards the sealing altar.

The big eyeball that sealed the altar immediately burst out with a terrifying spiritual power.


The Earth Elemental Overlord was hit by some force.

This powerful elemental lifeform was instantly destroyed.

It breaks down into hundreds of pieces in an instant.

Each small fragment breaks down into hundreds or thousands of pieces.

Each crumb goes on to break down into hundreds or thousands of dust.

Unlimited decomposition.

until evaporated.

Not the last speck of ashes remained.

"What happened? What happened? What did this eyeball do to the earth element!"

So weird!

Nancy Lia's eyes widened in disbelief.

She didn't even know when the attack was sent, and when Jiuyi Zero hit, the earth element overlord she summoned was gone.

To know.


The Earth Elemental Overlord is also a Tier 4 overlord unit, and is known for its defensive capabilities. How could it be dropped so quickly?

such a thing.

Even Zhang Mu could hardly do it.

Zhang Mu frowned and said, "It's the death gaze of the Evil God's Eye. Once this skill is activated, it is almost impossible to avoid it."

The Eye of the Cthulhu has many A-level skills.

The most dangerous is probably the death stare.

This skill will take effect the moment the line of sight touches the target!

Unless the speed is so fast that the Evil God's Eye can't catch it, or it exceeds the skill range, it is difficult to block a blow, and it can even be killed in seconds.

"How do you fight this?"

The little city lord felt a burst of powerlessness and despair.

No wonder the eyeball should be sealed, no wonder the guards of the elves should seal it from generation to generation, this eyeball is too dangerous.

The two have yet to take further steps.

The eye of the evil god burst with powerful energy.

One after another, ugly and twisted monsters with the breath of the undead were created out of thin air. This is a Grade A skill - the creation of the undead!

Zhang Mu glanced at these created monsters.

They look very twisted and deformed, like a mess of unknown corpses, randomly stitched and glued together, both disgusting and curious.

[Aberrant Corpse Demon], Tier 5 Elite... Skills: Roar of the Undead (Level B), Blast of Resentment (Level B), Curse of Corpse Demon (Level C), Dissolving Corpse Poison (Level C), Distortion Pollution (Level C) ).

"What is this?"

"Never heard of such an undead."

Nancy Lia looked at the hundreds of distorted ghouls that surrounded them from all directions, and she could feel the chaotic energy within them.

This is an undead creature no doubt.

However, it is very different from normal undead creatures.

These distorted and distorted monsters not only look spiritually polluted, but the breath and energy they emit will also constitute spiritual infection.

Too much!

Not only that.

Aberrant ghouls come together.

They began to devour each other and fuse together.

When more than a dozen heads were entangled together, a giant monster with a larger size and more spiritual pollution was finally created.

[Abominable Abominable Ghouls], Tier 5 Lords... Roar of the Undead (Class B), Blast of Resentment (Class B), Curse of Abomination (Class B), Distortion Pollution (Class C), Aura of Fear (Class C).

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