After explaining these things, Lu Yun led a large group of people and rushed towards the castle in the distance

Lu Yun and the others have just walked 100 meters, and they have already met with the opposite party, but neither side responded to the opposite party. They all have their own goals, that is to rush into the other party's castle and take the flag. It is the final victory, if not, even if there are more battles, it will be of no avail.

When the two teams passed each other, Lu Yun saw Yamada Ichitaro who had challenged him before.

Yamada Ichitaro walked at the forefront of the crowd, holding his two sabers tightly in his hands, his eyes full of heavy killing intent.

"It seems that Zhiruo's luck is good, and she can finally find a chance in this trial to fight Yamada Ichitaro. I hope she can successfully defeat Ichitaro." Lu Yun said hopefully in his heart.

After a while, Lu Yun's team also saw the opponent's castle below.

And at this time, Mo Sha led many students to kill them in their direction.

The people on both sides collided immediately, and a fierce battle broke out. Everyone used their housekeeping skills to fight life and death with the opponent's people.

In the melee, Lu Yun slowly walked in front of Mo Sha. The two of them stared at each other intently, making the last test before the battle.

"I didn't expect that so soon, we have become opponents." "Lu Yun said slowly.

"I didn't expect it either, I hope you can do your best, but don't show mercy." Mo Sha said expressionlessly.

"Your nickname is Iron Man, does it have any special meaning?" Lu Yun asked slowly.

"That's because my Armament Haki is very powerful. You'll see how powerful it is in the battle." Mosha said as he quickly rushed towards Lu Yun.

During the sprinting process, Mosha kept using the razor in Marine Six Styles, and his trajectory became unpredictable. For a while, Lu Yun couldn't predict that he would appear in the next second where.

"The speed is so fast, it is worthy of being a strong practitioner of body art." Lu Yun said in amazement at this time.

In the next second, Mo Sha had appeared silently behind Lu Yun, punching heavily towards Lu Yun's back quickly.

Lu Yun has a very strong Conqueror's Haki, relying on the feeling of Observation Haki, he immediately noticed Mo Sha behind him, but with the current distance between the two of them, he has no time to dodge.

But at this moment, Lu Yun suddenly had a quick wit and elementalized his back, creating a huge opening. Mo Sha's punch was actually empty and passed through the opening.

"." I didn't expect your reaction speed to be so fast, but this is not over yet. " Mo Sha also said in amazement, but then he quickly stepped on the ground with his left foot, his body was suspended in the air, and then he kicked (Wang Wang Zhao) Lu Yun's head with his right foot.

But now Lu Yun was able to dodge, he kept moving his body towards the back at lightning speed, only then did he avoid Mo Sha's kick.

"Thunder gun." Lu Yun, who stood firmly on the ground, raised his hands at this time, countless small electric balls rushed out from his index finger, and quickly moved towards Mo Sha's direction.

Faced with such a dense attack range of electric balls, Mo Sha did not show the slightest panic.

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