In the blink of an eye, the people in the two castles faded from the dream world and returned to the real world again.

It was the very familiar practice field again, Gao Nai Reiko and Li Jiu stood on the high platform, quietly watching the people below who had just woken up.

"This trial is over, so, according to what I just said, the group that failed will receive endless punishment." Reiko Kona said expressionlessly.

Before the students present could react, a huge black hole suddenly appeared from behind them out of thin air. The black hole released a huge suction force, and immediately sucked all the students in the failed group into it.

Mo Sha, Ueda Ichitaro and others once again fell into the closed space in the first trial 15 where they were before.

"Mosha! Aren't you known as the iron man? Aren't you the strongest in physical arts in the association? Why did you throw away the flag when I was about to win!" Ueda Ichitaro shouted angrily.

Hearing Ueda Ichitaro's words, all the people present immediately focused their attention on Mo Sha, and for a while, countless anger and cold-eyed ridicule rushed over.

"I'm sorry everyone, but I really tried my best. That guy Lu Yun is very powerful. He has developed his Thunder Fruit to Ultimate, and I really couldn't stop him." Mo Sha also knew that he was being unreasonable, and said very sorry .

But an apology, how can everyone let it go? Ueda Ichitaro pulled out the double swords behind him, and seemed to be planning to compete with Mosha here.

"In the last trial, you were a group. You can't blame all the failures on one person. And it was just a trial. What I want to see is not that you guys are fighting each other. For the sake of war, I want you to realize your own shortcomings in the trial and constantly improve yourself. Our future enemies are not the people around us, but the enemies of other countries." Reiko Takana's gloomy voice in this Constantly echoing in the confined space.

After everyone heard Kona Reiko's voice, they also slowly restrained their hostility towards Mo Sha.

"Countless beasts will appear around you in the future. What I hope to see is that you unite and fight against the beasts together. When your performance satisfies me, I will release you naturally." Gao Nai Reiko paused for a moment, then spoke slowly.

Takana Reiko's voice stopped abruptly, and finally countless White's souls appeared around these students again. Ueda Ichitaro turned his head and stared at the small ray of souls beside him.

"This time, let's stop here. If you rely on my hind legs later, I will not spare you." Ueda Ichitaro said coldly.

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Mo Sha immediately said very seriously.

In the 430 practice field, the students who just won the previous trial are waiting here for the next trial.

"I am very satisfied with your performance, but I hope you will perform to the best in the next trials, but you must not let me down." Reiko Takana said slowly.

"What's the next trial?" Lu Yun asked curiously. He is still very interested in the next trial.

"Don't ask more questions if you shouldn't. That's all for today. The next trial will not start until the group of students just came out of the confined space. You are a group, so you need to wait patiently for your companions. "Takana Reiko said slowly. .

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