Afterwards, Lu Yun waved the golden sharp knife in his hand with lightning speed, and cut countless cuts on the body of the beast. The whole process was very cruel and ruthless. The knife is not enough to kill, but it can make the beast Feeling excruciatingly painful.

When the torture was almost finished, Lu Yun slashed towards the head of the beast, ending the life of the beast.

"Ueda Ichitaro? Come out now, I have dealt with that beast." Lu Yun suddenly looked around and shouted loudly.

After hearing Lu Yun's shout, Ueda Ichitaro immediately came out from a hidden bush.

"Lu Yun, have you been hiding your strength? Before, I clearly felt that you narrowly beat me, but now I feel that your strength is far superior to mine, and you can defeat me with a snap of your fingers." Ueda Ichitaro said in shock.

"I didn't hide my strength. It may be because the death of a team member aroused the anger in my heart, so my potential was tapped out`". Lu Yun said vaguely, of course he couldn't give a reasonable explanation for his real strength.

"We must leave here as soon as possible, because there was still a lot of commotion just now, and it is estimated that many beasts will rush towards this place in the near future, and this place will become very dangerous." Just in Ueda When Ichitaro was about to continue asking questions, Lu Yun suddenly changed the subject.

"Then what should we do with the body of this beast? This is extremely precious food for us, should it be placed here? It would be a pity if it was eaten by other beasts." Ueda Ichitaro He said thoughtfully.

"That's no way. Life is the most important thing. We can cut up some of the meat and take it away, but the two of us can't take all the meat away. At this time, we have to make a choice." Lu Yun pondered for a while , said slowly.

"Okay." Ueda Ichitaro had no choice but to compromise at this time.

Afterwards, Lu Yun and Ueda Ichitaro immediately cut out a part of the meat, and then quickly rushed back to the hiding place.

Not long after the two of them left, a group of ferocious beasts came towards this side. These ferocious beasts began to compete for the meat of the beast that was just killed by Lu Yun, and a big melee immediately broke out here. .

Not long after, Lu Yun and Ueda Ichitaro finally successfully returned to the previous hiding place. After seeing the two of them successfully returned, everyone immediately showed a particularly surprised expression.

"." You finally came back safe and sound. Do you know that I am very worried about your safety? Don't do such risky things in the future. "Fu Zhiruo saved Lu Yun with tears in her eyes, and said joyfully.

"I'm sorry to make you worry. But we didn't get nothing this time. In the end, we got some beast meat back." After hugging for a while, Lu Yun and Fu Zhiruo slowly pushed her away, and then, from here A lot of delicious meat was pulled out from a backpack.

(No's) "Lu Yun! Could it be that you and Ichitaro Ueda killed that beast?! That beast is very powerful!" At this moment, Wang Xiao, especially


"It's not so much that the two of us teamed up to kill the beast, it's better to say that it's all due to Lu Yun alone, because when he rushed over, I was already exhausted by the beast. Did not participate in the next key battle." At this moment, Ueda Ichitaro said with a guilty face. .

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