Hu Si is the huge beast that the beast king talked to just now. It looks very similar to a tiger, but it already has some human characteristics.

"Do you need our help?" the beast asked slowly.

"I think too much that it's just a group of small characters, maybe even the human race who came here by mistake due to bad luck, maybe they will be killed by other relatively low-level beasts in a few days, my lord, these days In fact, "180" is too sensitive, but I still have to follow his orders." Hu Si said with some complaints.

Afterwards, Hu Si rushed towards the edge of the southern border. The sooner he finishes this task, the sooner he can come back.

It is already the fourth day for Lu Yun and their Ability Users Association team to be in southern Xinjiang. The food they prepared before is almost eaten, and the water source is not much left. Now it is time to go out to replenish supplies when.

So early this morning, Lu Yun called everyone over, preparing to assign Ren Luo who was going out today.

"Because of the failure last time, we must be very careful in every mission in the future, so that no one can die again, so I will participate in every trip, and I will always be with you like Wang Xiao Everyone's right and left." After Lu Yun pondered for a moment, he said slowly.

"How about this, all four of us will go out together for all future missions, so that our survival can be further guaranteed." Fu Zhiruo said very anxiously at this time.

Fu Zhiruo is Lu Yun's girlfriend, how could she tolerate Lu Yun taking the risk alone.

"No, the hiding place also needs to be guarded by experts here, otherwise if other beasts find this place, wouldn't we have no way out?" Lu Yun made a decisive decision and directly refused.

"But in this way, it's too dangerous for you to be alone. I don't want you to have an accident outside." Fu Zhiruo said very worriedly.

"So what? The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I still understand this truth. Since I am the most powerful person in our team, I must pay more responsibilities, so that we can guarantee more People's safety." Lu Yun said every word.

Lu Yun is also like Luffy in the Pirate anime, he doesn't want his companions to suffer any harm, so he came up with such an arrangement...

"But..." Fu Zhiruo was more worried about Lu Yun than other people's safety, but it was impossible for her to express this kind of thing in front of so many people

"There's nothing to worry about. This is the best arrangement now." Lu Yun said firmly.

Seeing Lu Yun's expression, Fu Zhiruo knew that there was nothing she could do to change his mind, so she closed her mouth obediently.

"For the next operation, Mosha and I will lead the team together. As for Fu Zhiruo and Ueda Ichitaro, the two of you stay at the hiding place. You must remember not to let the hiding place make too much noise, otherwise there will be There are a lot of dangers." Lu Yun asked very cautiously.

"Then how many people are you planning to bring over this time?" Fu Zhiruo asked slowly.

"Counting Wang Xiao's words, let's bring nine more people. By the way, let's bring Li Dan with him. His abilities may be of great use at that time." After thinking for a while, Lu Yun slowly Said.

After about ten minutes, Lu Yun and Mo Sha led ten teammates out of the cave. .

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