Global Devil Fruit: Start With Thunder Fruit

【176】The Fierce Beast Who Can Speak Human Language

"Why do you speak the language of our human race?" Lu Yun suddenly asked.

"Ape-like animals are generally smarter. Taking me as a beast, IQ development is better. Besides, the language of the human race is not very difficult, so I learned it quickly." The ape spoke slowly.

"You actually knew that we had come to southern Xinjiang? How did you become aware of this?" Lu Yun suddenly said worriedly.

Lu Yun always thought that they were very well concealed, but he never expected that there would be fierce beasts and noticed their appearance. This also made Lu Yun feel very nervous. If the beast knew where they were hiding, then Fu Zhiruo and those who stayed behind would be in danger.

"My strength is not that strong. What I am best at is nothing more than learning ability, and there is no way to predict your appearance, but our beast king is different. Although he has been living in the deepest part of southern border, he A person who can monitor what is happening in every corner of the entire southern border." After a moment of meditation, the ape said slowly.

"There is such a thing. Could it be Observation Haki? But isn't this the specialty of our human race?" Mosha said with some trepidation.

"It shouldn't be difficult for some high-level beasts to master Haki, so don't make a fuss." Lu Yun said slowly.

"I didn't expect that you, a little guy, still have some insights, but after all, you can't change your ending. Your death is already a certainty." The ape said arrogantly

"You just said that you are not good at fighting. We have so many people here. Are you so confident that you can defeat us all?" Lu Yun asked in surprise.

"Of course I don't need to defeat you, because I have other ways. Huuuuuuu-" While talking, the ape suddenly stretched out his hands, patted his chest, and then called out loudly. The code that Hu Si gave them.

Once he found the traces of the human race, he immediately shouted such a secret signal loudly. Hu Si's perception ability is also very strong, and he can clearly detect the shouting in these ten small areas.

"You just wait to be killed by our guardians, hahaha, what a group of ignorant (bfac) humans dare to step into our southern border." The ape laughed very loudly.

"Did you just call out to your other companions?" Lu Yun asked in surprise.

"Since you are all about to die, it doesn't matter if I tell you that you will all be killed by our big guardian immediately. Our guardian came to kill you under the order of the beast king." The ape Said.

"It's a good thing we have the Fruit of Tranquility, otherwise it might fall right into your arms. Everyone is ready now and immediately enters the state of battle. We must defeat him in the shortest possible time, and then leave this place as quickly as possible." Lu Yun suddenly shouted very loudly.

Afterwards, each team member took out their own weapons and looked at the ape in front of them very vigilantly.

"You don't think you can kill me, do you? Although I am calling for the guardian, it doesn't mean I can't beat you. Before the guardian comes, it is also a good thing to teach you a good lesson." The ape clenched his fist, and then rushed towards Lu Yun at a very fast speed.

"This ape really has a very well-developed brain. Since you know the principle of catching the thief first, you are wrong." Lu Yun said slowly. Because Lu Yun is not something this ape can defeat. .

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