Global Devil Fruit: Start With Thunder Fruit

[056] The Airship Is Launched, And The Demon Hunting Cult Debuts! Prehistoric Monsters! 【Subscribe】

"If she really dies, and that smelly woman dies too, then our previous conditions will be void!"

"By the way, I can also find out what this mysterious organization is doing!"

After finishing speaking, the burly man smiled, but no matter how you looked at it, the smile was a superficial smile.

The woman kneeling on the ground couldn't help but take a deep breath after listening to the man's words.

This strategy is clearly killing two birds with one stone!

Not only did they investigate this organization, but it also posed a lot of threats to the Abilities Association.

If possible, you can also see for yourself how the damned man died!

This man cannot be deceived by appearance at all.

the other side.

Lu Yun and others have come downstairs.

"Mr. Lu Yun, we set off overnight, and we should be able to arrive tomorrow morning!"

No wonder Su Bai is in such a hurry, the battle in southern Xinjiang is imminent!

If possible, he really wanted to fly there immediately.

Lu Yun nodded, he also understood the seriousness of the matter.

But he also has his own ideas, that is

It's called Skyship Departure, yes, it's the spaceship that Lu Yun obtained in the secret territory!

"Use my means of transportation!" Lu Yun didn't intend to ink, and said directly.



When Lu Yun's voice fell, he was immediately confused!

your means of transport

What's up, private jet?

No, they have conducted an investigation, and Lu Yun himself does not have any prominent background!

The three of you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what Lu Yun meant by this.

However, Lu Yun was not prepared to show off, and took the two of them to an open area in the community.

Then took out the Vice Admiral skyship from the pocket.

It's strange to say, I don't know why the magical equipment from the world of One Piece came to Blue Star.

It can change shape and is very convenient to carry.

At this time, the skyship was quietly staying in Lu Yun's palm.

Seeing the spaceship in Lu Yun's hands, the three of them froze on the spot. Su Bai was stunned for a long time before he stuttered:

"This...Mr. Lu Yun, isn't this the boat you got in the secret realm?"

"But we don't have water flow here!" 880

Su Bai never thought that the boat would fly in the sky.

It is possible for cows to fly in the sky!

Lu Yun, on the other hand, smiled lightly, knowing everyone's astonishment, and explained:

"It's really a boat, but it doesn't need to be launched!"


"You don't need to go into the water, can you fly into the sky?"

Li Changjiang's eyes widened, and he looked at the boat in Lu Yun's hand with surprise on his face.

Because in the past there were players who received cargo ships in the secret territory, but

To be honest, this kind of equipment is very tasteless, and more often it is sold, and their association of ability users will also buy these.

Because Daxia has a vast land and many coastlines, ships are needed by the officials!

Originally, Li Changjiang also thought about asking Lu Yun if he thought about selling the boat after the matter was over.


"Well! Yes, this is a ship flying in the sky. Let's go back early and try to invite everyone back for breakfast tomorrow morning!"


The question marks on the heads of Su Bai, the secretary, and Li Changjiang all resembled the question mark faces of old men in the subway.


Is it really a flying ship?

Although in the Devil Fruit era, people who can fly can occasionally be seen.

And I heard that I already have a sea train, but this is the first time I have heard of a ship that can fly.


go tonight? come back tonight?

Want breakfast?

Brother! This is a ghost-level disaster...

Fighting against that huge octopus must have been at least two days and one night!

In their thinking, even if Lu Yun could win, it would be a fierce battle.

But Lu Yun didn't explain, and gently dragged the spaceship in his hand upwards.

next second.

The spaceship that was originally as big as the palm of your hand became bigger visible to the naked eye.

Within ten seconds, a huge spaceship appeared in front of everyone.


Accompanied by the appearance of the huge spaceship, thunder appeared faintly in the sky.

Lu Yun knew that this was the spacecraft's operating system starting to work!

"Let's go!"

Although it was also the first time for Lu Yun to open this spaceship, few people were far from shocked.


Su Bai and others swallowed saliva frantically.

They all looked at the spaceship above their heads in amazement, they never thought they could really fly!

And... what a big ship!

It wasn't until Lu Yun jumped up that they came to their senses and quickly jumped up one by one.

Even Su Bai is capable, and not too weak!

After all, this is the era of All People Devil Fruit.

After boarding the airship, Lu Yun did not hesitate to control it. The control method of this airship is very simple.

Just need Lu Yun to step on it, you can control the airship through the current under your feet!

Very convenient!

"Mr. Lu Yun, here is the azimuth map, please take a look."

The secretary took out his mobile phone, set the route and handed it over.

"Okay! Sit tight!"

Lu Yun took the phone and glanced at it, current surged under his feet.

Immediately, the speed of the spaceship suddenly accelerated, and suddenly it slid towards the distance.

The impact speed of the speed made it almost impossible for the three of them to pull it!

Fortunately, although the speed is very fast, everyone can enter the interior of the spaceship!

Taking a look at the wind power on the deck, Lu Wei feels that his big ship still has a lot of room for evolution!

Luckily I have a Vegapunk tech talent!

"Wow! Wow! Look! Lu Yun big brother and they left by boat!"

"Lu Yun big brother's boat can fly in the sky!"

Xiao Yu had already seen these ten scenes by the window and immediately yelled loudly.

Xiaoxue and Zhao Boya hurried over upon hearing the sound.


"Is this the big secret treasure of student Lu Yun?"

Seeing this spaceship, Zhao Boya shook his head and smiled wryly, he even said it was tasteless!

This is obviously a private jet!

Or the unique luxury VIP version!

Not only Xiaoyu Xiaoxue, but many people also saw this scene!

Hurry up and take pictures!

Not for long.

The flying ships appeared in the commercial city, and they became hot news on major websites.

Southern Xinjiang.

In a broken house.

ring ring ring ring ring

Hearing the phone ringing, a man rushed over immediately.

"Yes! It's ready! Do you want to start the live broadcast now?"

"Okay, don't worry! You won't be found out!"

After hanging up the phone, the man opened the door and walked out. There were four or five people in the room outside.

Looking at the crowd, the man nodded and said in a deep voice: "Flying team!"

"It's here! The flight team has finished debugging and is ready to go at any time"

Two young men spoke loudly, each of them had a notebook, and the other was holding an aircraft-like device!

Seeing this, the man looked to the other side. Seeing the man's gaze, a man and a woman quickly said, "The filming on land has also been completed!"

After speaking, they took out a suitcase and opened it, and several phone bugs came out slowly from it.

In the herd, the phone bug is much safer.

Because the beast will attack the camera, but it will not attack the phone (bfcb) bug.

So later, many places began to use phone bugs to shoot.


Occasionally there are broken phone bugs, but that's mostly due to the battle spilling over!

"Start shooting, let this live broadcast announce our official debut!"

The man waved his hand and spoke in a deep voice!


In response, these people started to act one after another!

In half an hour!

On major websites and major video self-media platforms, everyone discovered that there was a live broadcast room called Southern Border Battlefield!

Although there are not many people, they are at the top!

Out of curiosity, people clicked in one after another!

What appeared head-on turned out to be a gigantic ferocious beast, which was furious in the jungle at this time!

The eight tentacles kept waving, the rocks cracked, and the trees were destroyed!



The tentacles slapped one by one, the movement was like an earthquake, it was very terrifying!

However, from the angle of view, everyone was surprised to find that the path of this beast was heading towards the city!

Although the speed is not fast, it should reach the city before dawn!

And in front of the beast, the defending army has long been defeated!

At this time, you can only attack with your hind legs!

At the same time, countless unmanned aircraft are constantly swaying on the left side of the beast, hoping to arouse the idea of ​​the beast to change its direction!

But this big octopus doesn't even look at the drone!

Occasionally, when I get irritable, I stretch out two tentacles and wave a few times, smashing the drone to pieces!

Seeing such a picture, the people in the live broadcast room were all upset!

"Damn!!! Fuck! Why is this beast so powerful? The tank looks like a little guy in front of it?"

"what is this!"

"I wipe!!"

"??? This is too scary! What is the government doing, why doesn't it stop them!"

"Mud horse! Is this the battlefield in southern Xinjiang that was rumored on the Internet? I know, has it gotten to this point?"

"The government, the army, why don't you destroy this beast!"

"Hiss... It's too scary! This can also be broadcast live? Is this the country that is about to be wiped out?"

"Destroy? Don't you guys know yet? Now there is little news that the phoenix Fu Zhiruo has died!"

"??? Impossible, this is a joke!"

"This... I heard this gossip too!"

"Fuck! Who did it! Damn!"

"The beast did it! With such a powerful beast, the Ability User Association refused the Xu family's help!"

"Why did you refuse the Xu family's help? I can't understand!"

"Now it leads to this result... what to do now, who can deal with such a powerful beast?"

"I heard that Lu Yun has gone"

"Even the four little kings are not good, can he do it? Does anyone really think that he can compare to the four little kings?"

"Look, if you really go, it will be captured by the live broadcast!"

Seeing the live broadcast room, audiences slowly poured in.

After discovering that it was the murderer in Southern Xinjiang, it was naturally spread, and more and more viewers came here admiringly.

There are more and more bullet screens, but some caring people are slowly taking advantage of them.

The tire is off.

"Now that the phoenix Fu Zhiruo is dead, I wonder if it's too late to find foreign aid!"

"That's right! Why don't you look for the Xu family? Could it be that you still want them to sell for nothing?"

"Damn! My Goddess Fu! I was sacrificed just like that!"

"No matter how strong Lu Yun is, he is at most about the same level as Fu Zhiruo, so why not look for the Lu family?"


However, because of Lu Yun's previous performance, Lu Yun's fans in the live broadcast room are no longer a minority.

"That's not necessarily true! Lu Yun's strength is very strong. After all, what Fu Zhiruo is good at is not attacking but dragging and surviving!"

"Yes, Lu Shen is a Devil Fruit that is very suitable for attacking, enough violence! I believe Lu Shen can do it!"

"Wait for God Lu to blast the beast!"

"I think you are too optimistic! This beast is really powerful! Anyway, I saw my legs trembling!"

"You guys are really too optimistic! Look at the picture!"

As the picture advances.

inside the video.

The huge octopus is constantly pushing forward, and no grass grows wherever it goes!

The eight huge tentacles are constantly flapping, and the army keeps on their hind legs!

It is not the enemy of the beast at all!

Even these soldiers are all wearing advanced weapons and have learned Marine Six Styles.

But it can't cause fatal damage to the beast at all!

Under the constant attack, it made this beast even more impatient!

A tentacle was straightened and smashed towards the opponent!



With one blow, the tank exploded directly, and a black mushroom cloud rose slowly.

Fortunately, these soldiers can shave and Iron Body, dodge those who can dodge, and use Iron Body to carry them down if they can't dodge!

But even so, the shock wave of the explosion pushed everyone away!

Under this blow, the soldiers retreated back again and again.

They have figured it out, this beast will become violent after a while!

as expected.

In the next second, the eyes of this beast turned red, and its body grew bigger again. At the same time, its attack speed and strength were stronger than before!

Eight for sale at random waving!


A tentacle slammed into a nearby mountain, and everyone saw the mountain collapse and the rock break!

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