Global Devil Fruit: Start With Thunder Fruit

[070] Pole · Nose Gun · Qilin Ten Thousand Shooting Sculls! 【Subscribe】

next second!

Feng Zhong rushed towards Lu Yun, and at the same time, he swung his extremely long neck vigorously!

A Blue crescent Tempest Kick was unleashed by it!

Straight towards Lu Yun!

This is a slash due to a powerful kick, and it is difficult to learn in Marine Six Styles.

I didn't expect that Feng Zhong in front of me would actually do it!


The sharp Tempest Kick pierces the air and makes a screeching sound!


Tempest Kick has come before Lu Yun's eyes.

Accompanied by the palpitating sound of piercing the sky.


Faced with this blow, Lu Yun didn't even move his body, just let the Tempest Kick come towards him.


The sharp Tempest Kick passed through Lu Yun's body without causing any damage!

See this scene.

Feng Zhong nodded without changing his eyes.

"Elementalization is really annoying! Slashing is useless!"

"In this case, let's fight in close combat!"


While speaking, Feng Zhong rushed towards Lu Yun. He is huge but still very agile in moving speed!

Then, his gigantic neck jerked back.

Immediately afterwards, the whole head blasted towards Lu Yun.

"Try my own move! Nose gun!"

While speaking, the long lens with its long neck shook its head and blasted towards Lu Yun.

Armament Haki covered and up.

Facing such an attack, Lu Yun had no idea to resist it.

Quickly jump to escape.


Nose gun missed.

It hit the battlefield heavily.


There was a dense cracking sound.

On the ground paved with special floor tiles, cracks appeared, like spider webs!

"Nice power!"

Seeing this, Lu Yun smiled.

Zoan Devil Fruit is indeed very advantageous. Even this kind of herbivorous type can be supported by the fruit ability.

Break the specially laid floor tiles of this battlefield!

"Hmph! Don't get hit by me. If you run out of the battlefield, it will be a violation of the rules. W!"

Seeing Lu Yun dodging, Feng Zhong was dissatisfied regardless.

In the next second, his body was still changing like a Transformer!

The originally long neck was bent and bent just now.

At the same time, Feng Zhong squatted down, his limbs were fixed on the ground, and his neck stretched back and was compressed.

It looks like a cannon!


The huge compression sound resounded continuously on Feng Zhong's body.

"Giraffe Cannon!"

next second.

The huge giraffe neck squeezed out from the fort, rushing straight towards Lu Yun.

"Is it a move to compress your neck with a spring to increase your muscle power?"

Lu Yun narrowed his eyes and said to himself.

Although he often watched One Piece in his previous life, seeing it with his own eyes still made him feel a little novel!


The huge neck makes a deafening sound.

He came straight towards Lu Yun.

Then, although this blow is powerful, it is easier to dodge because the charging time is over.

Lu Yun's body moved slightly, but he still avoided it.

"Don't underestimate me, Qingbei High Court has no rookies!"

"Extreme Nose Spear Qilin Ten Thousand Shooting Sculls!"

Accompanied by Feng Zhong's voice, one after another piercing sound came.

Lu Yun took a closer look, and the air was full of Feng Zhong's necks!

He has already launched dozens of attacks in an instant, just like Luffy's violent beating.

But every blow is much stronger than Qiang Luan Da's attack.

Because the speed was too fast, afterimages formed afterimages, and all these afterimages were heading towards Lu Yun.

For a while, it was impossible to tell who was the entity and who was the phantom.

Or, all of them are entities!

This is like a strong random attack, it is not really a random attack!

It may seem chaotic, but every move is coordinating with each other!

Blocked all the possibilities of Lu Yun's evasion!


Then Lu Yun can move instantly, such moves naturally cannot attack him.

next second.

He has come behind Feng Zhong.

A finger stretched out lightly, and it was about to use the Thunder Fruit's discharge ability.

Feel the pain of needle pricks coming from behind.

Feng Zhong's fine hair stood on end in an instant, his body stretched, and he forcibly passed down the pole nose gun!

He supported the ground with one hand, and used the giraffe's neck to rotate at high speed through centrifugal force.

A circular Tempest Kick is released from the neck!

"Week Break!!!"

Feng Zhongli shouted.

A circle of light formed by the bright blue light directly covers the entire battlefield!

"Buzz buzz!!"

This move was so powerful that many referees who looked wrong hurriedly stood at the four corners to intercept this blow outside the battle field!


360-degree attack without dead angle!

Faced with this blow, Lu Yun could only choose to resist.

Armament Haki instantly covers the body.

Accompanied by a brushing sound, his upper body instantly turned black purple, exuding a metallic luster!

follow closely!

Weekend has arrived!

It was so powerful that it forced Lu Yun back several steps!

".whiss!! The power of this me, I can't take it!"

"I can't take it either!"

"Lu Yun is really amazing. He actually resisted directly. This time, he didn't use Logia Devil Fruit!"

"Still has some strength! It's not all due to Logia Devil Fruit!"

"Indeed.. Incredible!"

"It can be seen that at the beginning of the battle, Lu Yun seemed to have let go, otherwise, Feng Zhong would have been dealt with directly!"

"Water? I thought it was an ocean!"

"If this kid Feng Zhong doesn't have other more powerful means, he will probably be defeated soon!"

(Wang Nuohao) "If you don't envy, this is life. Thunder Fruit... seems to be able to reach 30 million volts at most. Can you bear it?"

"I can't, who can withstand normal people! I don't pretend, I don't have the habit of being struck by lightning!"

"It's not like that!..."

"Hmph, I'm looking forward to the scene of fighting with Lava-Lava Fruit, Light Fruit!"

Under the ring!

Deleted from the auditorium.

They watched the battle between the two on the battlefield with surprise on their faces.

He didn't expect Feng Zhong to be much stronger than they imagined, but everyone's strength is not weak, he can naturally find that Lu Yun is also constantly releasing water!

And some players who are about to play.

He looked at the two with different expressions.

Some people frowned tightly, their faces full of dignity.

Some have calm faces, obviously very sure of their own strength!

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