Global Digitalization: A Hundred-Fold Increase, Pushing Everything Horizontally

Chapter 99 What Does The Enmity Between Father And Son Have To Do With Me?

An Dabao also nodded at this time, because he finally let go of the hanging heart. After all, if the Dark Alliance tried to launch an attack on his Nine Suns Empire, then he might not be able to parry it at all.

With Lin Miao's help, his own Nine Suns Empire will be able to survive.

At this time Lin Miao spoke to An Dabao again and said,

"Your father is also the old Nine Suns Monarch in the past. When he broke through the seal and appeared in the world. How should you deal with yourself? If he comes out, you will definitely not have a safe life, so you must unseal it and put him rescued?"

At this moment, An Dabao clenched his fists tightly, frowning angrily,

"No, he's not my father. I don't have that kind of father. I'm just a dispensable tool in his eyes." Of course I won't let his "563" seal be lifted, nor will I You can rest assured that his intentions in this world will succeed, and I have already planned in my heart. "

Lin Miao could only shake her head helplessly,

"Well, since you said that, then I have nothing to say, but if you encounter trouble at that time, you can come to me at any time. I will definitely not let you go, after all, our contract has been reached.

An Dabao nodded, and stopped talking,

And Lin Miao also took Ye Xin and disappeared into An Dabao's sight. An Dabao also disappeared into the hall after seeing Lin Miao and Ye Xin leave one after another.

After Lin Miao and Ye Xin left, it seemed that Ye Xin's mentality hadn't adjusted from just now. Ye Xin approached Lin Miao and said,

"Lin Miao, it seems that An Dabao was a rather pitiful person in the past, so whether we can take him for our own use, there is no need to go to the point of exterminating him, maybe he can still be saved."

But Lin Miao sighed, "It is not easy for a person with such a dark personality to surrender, I'm afraid it will not be as you wish."

And Yexin also thought of this question at the moment,

"Well, if there is really no other way, we can only destroy it. After all, if such an existence remains in the world, it may only be a disaster."

Lin Miao also nodded in agreement, and then said to Ye Xin, "Let's go back.

Then the two returned to Eternal Night City, and Lin Miao and Ye Xin appeared in front of the city lords of Eternal Night City in an instant, with white mist drifting behind them.

For the state of Lin Miao and Ye Xin, flying through the clouds and disappearing everywhere is nothing worth mentioning.

And those thousands of city lords in Eternal Night City fell to their knees when they saw Lin Miao and Ye Xin return. I saw one of the city lords slowly raised his forehead,

"Oh, Master Lin Miao, you are finally back, the subordinates and others have been waiting for you for a long time."

The other city lords also very much agree with what the city lord said,

"Yes, yes, Master Lin Miao, I don't know what kind of good news you brought back this time, whether the Lord of the Nine Suns has belonged to your seat and obeyed your orders.

Lin Miao raised her eyebrows, "The Lord Nine Suns has already signed a contract with me, swearing to be loyal to me."

When the city lords heard Lin Miao's words, they all raised the corners of their mouths and showed very proud smiles. At this time, Ye Xin, who was standing by the side, also spoke excitedly.

"Yes, there is nothing in this world that Lin Miao can't do."

Ye Xin was also proud, raising her neck as if to show off Lin Lu's great achievements.

But at this time Lin Miao interrupted Ye Xin's complacency,

"Okay, don't say any more, we must have to deal with more situations in the future, I believe that the dark alliance that An Dabao said has already paid attention to us at this moment, after all we have made such a big commotion, and they are sure It is known."

Sure enough, things went as Lin Miao expected. At this moment, a city lord suddenly had a thought in his mind. It was the good news from the cultivators guarding the gate outside the city.

"Report to the city lord that there are two people at the city gate who claim to be the Dark Alliance and want to meet Lin Miao."

When the city lord received the news, he hurriedly got up and reported to Lin Miao, "No, Master Lin Miao, just received the news that people from the Dark Alliance have arrived outside our city and want to meet you , I wonder if you agree."

The next moment Lin Miao showed a wicked smile, "Really? I found the door so quickly, and there were only two people. Let them in. I want to see what tricks they play...

Then Lin Miao said to the city lords, "You all go down first, Ye Xin you go down too."

Although Ye Xin was a little surprised why Lin Miao didn't let him accompany him to meet the dark alliance member,

But Ye Xin didn't think too much, just nodded slowly and retreated with the city lords, and the city lord who passed the news also nodded and bowed quickly when he heard what Lin Miao said. Informed the defenders of the city,

The next moment, two burly men in black armor with serious faces appeared in front of Lin Miao,

I saw the two bowed deeply to Lin Miao, and then said,

"I have long admired the reputation of Master Lin Miao, and we are the deputy under Noah of the Dark Alliance. He is the left ear and I am the right wing.

At this moment, Lin Miao sat leisurely on the throne made by the Eternal Night Monarch with his hands open, looking at the two members of the Dark Alliance,

"I remember that there is no relationship between us. I don't know why you guys from the Dark Alliance came here uninvited?"

At this time, those two people were standing under Lin Miao,

"Please forgive our sudden visit. It's just that we Noah said that we appreciate your ability. If you can join our Noah and join our Noah, then you will be an incomparable existence in the whole world." 1.5

Lin Miao couldn't help staring straight ahead with gloomy eyes after hearing what the two said.

"Since you, Noah, know my abilities, you must also know how I can be inferior to others. It's just wishful thinking."

"I have already known about your dark alliance, and I still want to attack the world behind the bronze gate, and since you two are here, don't even think about leaving."

But when those two people heard Lin Miao, they didn't even think about letting them go. They said viciously,

"As the saying goes, the two armies do not fight each other. If we Noah know that we can't go back, then your Evernight City will suffer disaster, and even you will never be able to escape our Noah's sanctions."

Lin Miao laughed, "You guys should think about yourselves more."

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