"Yang'er, you are finally here. You have been waiting here for a long time for your father."

At this time, the Nine Sun Sovereign kneeled down on the ground very respectfully, and kept worshiping a stone statue in front of him, and the voice that came out suddenly just now was also coming from this statue.

This statue is five meters tall, and its huge body looks like a Warrior of the Protoss, wearing heavy gold armor, although the top is dim,

But it can be seen that on each of the scales, there seems to be traces left by previous battles, and beside the statue stands a long knife that is twice as tall as the statue, and the one at the top is The hilt, and the long knife just stood above the ground.

At this time, the Nine Sun Sovereign directly took out a small dagger, and slashed towards the tip of his finger,


Fresh from all over the place Red

Essence blood flowed from his fingertips and dripped into the soil in front of him,

But a strange scene happened. I saw that the blood essence that had been dripping into the soil began to spread towards the feet of the statue like vines, and then a red light flashed, and the blood essence disappeared immediately.

On the contrary, on the sculpture, the gray scales that were originally wrapped, suddenly flashed a glimmer of life,

"Yang'er is really hard. You have to offer me blood every day, which really makes me feel a little uneasy."

But at this time, a crazy light flashed in the eyes of the Nine Suns Sovereign, "As long as the father can be resurrected, it will be a breeze to recover from this abyss.

After listening to what Lord Nine Suns said, the aura sealed in this sculpture couldn't help but suddenly exploded,

"Hmph, just a few old things in the Dark Alliance tried to unite with other empires to seal me, but I didn't know that I kept a hand in the dark. The secret room I created is the escape route I left for myself. "

"Don't worry, it only takes a hundred days before I can break the seal and directly lead the Nine Suns Empire once again, leading our people to rule the entire world."

"As for the Dark Alliance, I have long put them out of my sight. Yang'er, you are about to reach the demigod level now. Let me see your strength."

However, at this time, the Lord Nine Suns showed embarrassment, stood up tremblingly, and suddenly exploded his attributes, only to see the violent aura on Lord Nine Suns instantly revealed,

Thanks to the unique enchantment of this secret room, they were completely restrained, otherwise, it would definitely cause chaos in the Nine Suns Empire,

At this time, the aura on the Nine Sun Sovereign's body gradually weakened, and the sculpture spoke again,

"Are you kidding me? The cultivation method I gave you is enough to make you reach the demigod realm, but why your attribute has never been improved, are you lazy?

The Lord of Nine Suns knew that it was useless, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while, but then the eyes of the sculpture shot out a dazzling light, directly enveloping the Lord of Nine Suns in it, and then shouted loudly,

"Damn it."

"You are still thinking about the love between men and women at such a critical moment. I really don't know why you were born, and why you were passed on to the position of the Nine Suns Monarch. You really let me I'm a little too disappointed."

The forehead of the Nine Yang Monarch kept hitting the ground, "Father, I know I was wrong. Father, please give me a chance. I will definitely work harder to reach the demigod state as soon as possible, and help you unify the world."

At this time, Ye Xin and Lin Miao, who were hiding in the corner, finally understood the clue of this, as well as the relationship between the statue and the Nine Suns Monarch.

"It seems that this old guy who was sealed was the real monarch of the Nine Suns Empire, but he was sealed here for some reason.

However, the Dark Alliance and the other seven empires he mentioned just now mean that the strength possessed by the old monarch of Nine Suns has already made the whole world fearful, so they will unite and try to completely wipe him out. Sealed in this dark world that never sees the sun,

Ye Xin also nodded in agreement, looked at the burly sculpture, and couldn't help sighing,

"What kind of person is able to have such a burly figure? Even the giants of the gods will definitely not be able to achieve such a figure, and the sealed weapon beside him

It seems that it is also a divine weapon, otherwise, how could it be sealed together without any damage. "

Lin Miao's eyes narrowed gradually, and the ability of the Eye of Life was released again, but instead of sweeping directly towards the sculpture, he looked at the long knife next to the sculpture, and a system reminder popped up on the property panel,

"Congyun Dao. It is 5.86 meters in length, the most Advanced artifact, mythical level, and belongs to the top of the list of artifacts. It is the supreme sharp sword that can cut everything with a history of destroying heaven and earth."

"It belongs to the infinite attribute level and has no use restrictions, but the use requirement requires the carrier to reach the demigod realm and have 500 million attributes."

Hearing this introduction, Lin Miao couldn't help but take a deep breath. The father of the Nine Suns Monarch had already reached the demigod realm and possessed 500 million attributes. What kind of perverted existence is this? 423 is still in In this world, why hasn't he broken through the bronze door and attacked into the world I live in?

Lin Miao did not plan to introduce the artifacts he saw to Ye Xin, because Lin Miao was also afraid that he would not be able to bear such magical attributes. Compared with other artifacts such as the Seven Colored glazed pagoda, this is simply a ruin like existence,

However, Lin Miao also had one more goal in mind. No matter what, when his own strength must reach the point where he is qualified to use this divine weapon, he will definitely hold this supreme sharp knife, one of the top ones, in his hands, then It is no longer a problem to rule the entire universe by oneself.

"No, don't you find it strange? If the former Nine Suns old monarch had such a burly body, why did his children only have such a small state, and where did this timid character come from? Come on, this is really confusing."

Lin Miao explained again in a nonchalant manner, "Perhaps it was the wild species that his father loved to play when he was young. He didn't know where he left it. He originally planned to give birth to dozens of descendants of him, but he never wanted to be sealed into the sculpture." among them.

Ye Xin couldn't help chuckling, but fortunately, Lin Miao set up a barrier in advance and didn't let the sound out. The two continued to observe and listen carefully. .

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