The original position of the moon has become a starry sky.

The black curtain is dotted with stars.

As the moon disappeared, the blood-colored beam of light disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Fengsha Town was overjoyed.

"Starry sky! It's the goddess of stars!"

All knelt to the ground, their faces all pious:

"Praise the beauty god!"

Afterwards, several law enforcement officers glanced at each other and looked in the direction of the previous beam of light.

The lead assassin gritted his teeth and his face was cold:

"That is the power of the Blessed Virgin. It must be a member of the Blood Flower Order! Let's go and take a look!"

The others also had cold faces and nodded.

The evil sect is in chaos, and even dared to pray to the evil god for power.

This is simply slap in the face of their law enforcement officers!


In addition to Fengsha Town, other professional towns, even Qingsong City on the other side of the desert, and Kongming City in a remote location.

Everyone looked up, looked at the sky, looked at the starry sky that blocked the moon.

Kong Ming University, villa area.

Yan Ji and Zuo Muge opened their eyes and looked at the stars in the sky.

Zuo Muge opened his mouth:

"...It shouldn't be Ayu who did it, right?"

Yan Ji was also a little dazed:

"...Should it not?"

The two looked at each other, their eyes full of worry.


Above the sky.

The star goddess stood in the void, with indifference on her beautiful and flawless face.

Look at the direction of the moon.

In the moon, the blood-colored strange figure shook, and huge dark red eyes emerged.

Looking at the goddess of stars without blinking.

The two sides looked at each other, and ripples of space emerged in the space in between.

Void storm surged between the two.

After a while, the blood on the moon faded, and the huge dark red eyes seemed to have never appeared before.

The moon became bright again.

Seeing this, the star goddess also withdrew her divine power.

The dark starry sky that had originally blocked the huge moon disappeared.

She returned to the palace, bowed her head, and looked down at the hot desert.

Her dark eyes were as deep as a starry sky.

"Is this the eternal level trial? It is completely different from the gods level."


The heat of the desert.

The blood-colored moon was obscured by the starry sky, and the blood-colored beam of light disappeared.

The surging blood mist was revealed again.

Lin Yu was shocked, he raised his head and glanced at the starry sky.

This is……

Which human god did it?


His face changed, and he looked at his mission introduction.

Seeing that the mission hadn't failed, he was relieved.

He thought that if the gods intervened, his mission would have failed.

It seems that this is not a direct intervention.

Think about it too.

It's impossible for him to face the evil god directly with the first-order advanced mission, right?

That would not be an eternal task, but a death-death task.

The next moment, the starry sky dissipated and the moon appeared.

At this moment, the moon had returned to its silvery white, and there was no longer any flash of blood.

The Blessed Mother had obviously withdrawn her divine power.

Lin Yu sighed and looked at the surging red mist.

The eyes are deep.

There is hope.

boom! !

The shield outside the red mist shattered, and the aftermath surged and swept the wind and sand.

Lin Yu's robe was blown to the ground!

The surging red mist was absorbed into the center, exposing the body inside.

The body of the flesh and blood giant before has become much smaller.

The body was covered with a layer of scarlet carapace, like armor, and looked very solid.

And... it has become linlong and elegant, with feminine characteristics.


The woman who seemed to be wearing a battle armor raised her head and laughed wildly.

"Damn blasphemer! I have received the power bestowed by the Holy Spirit! What follows is your death date!"

Some feminine voices rang out into Lin Yu's ears.

Lin Yu looked at the feminine body and heard the feminine voice again, his face turned strange.

He couldn't help exclaiming:

"Are you really a girl?!"

Is this okay? !

He was just joking.

Unexpectedly, without surgery, this guy really became a girl.

The Virgin of Blood is awesome!

The laughter stopped abruptly.

After the transformation, Hu Zhiyong's face was grim, and his blood-colored eyes stared at Lin Yu.

"I am going to kill you!!"

He or she shook his right hand.

The bloody brilliance condensed into a blood spear in her hand.

Before Lin Yu could react, the blood spear hit Lin Yu's body.

The silver battle armor resisted and was penetrated, and the frost armor shield was also torn.

The remaining power hit Lin Yu's chest heavily.

Lin Yu seemed to be hit hard by a violent object.

The body flew upside down.


Huge damage appeared from Lin Yu's body.

Fully let his blood drop by half!

Lin Yu coughed out a mouthful of blood, his pupils shrank, a little shocked.

Much stronger!

With a wave of his staff, he put a layer of frost armor on himself again.

At the same time, he took out a bottle of life blessing potion and poured it down.

His blood volume has recovered visually.

After using the blood spear, Hu Zhiyong stepped on the ground.

Boom! !

Her body disappeared in place and rushed towards Lin Yu.

As soon as she rushed out of the previous range, her body was frozen.

However, the freezing time this time only lasted for an instant.

She broke the ice and rushed towards Lin Yu again.

There was a cold and playful look on her face.

"Your little tricks are useless to me!"

The next moment, there was a buzzing sound around Hu Zhiyong.

An invisible position emerged, and Hu Zhiyong's body froze in place.

Lin Yu took the opportunity to tear open a scroll of armor-piercing sword formation.

Fifteen armor-piercing swords alluded to Hu Zhiyong.

Qiang Qiang...

Jian Ying left tiny lines on her scarlet carapace.





Unable to break the defense.

However, even the properties of Sunder Armor have been weakened a lot.

With fifteen sword shadows, it only weakened 3% of the defense.

Hu Zhiyong sneered and didn't care.

After two seconds, the position disappeared and Hu Zhiyong regained his freedom.

The blood flames all over her slowly burned:

"Now, you have no other means?!"

Lin Yu smiled:


He sighed inwardly.

Fortunately, he is habitually prepared to keep one hand.

He took out a grey-black rune.

Rotten Ice Charm (a-)

Used on the target, it can reduce the target's defense by 25% and 30% of its movement speed for 15 seconds.

Requirements for use: Tier 1 peak, 10,000 intelligence.

The mana poured into the Rot Ice Charm.

The next moment, the rune shattered, and a gray-black light merged into Hu Zhiyong's body.

On the outside of her blood-colored carapace that looked indestructible, there was a congeal of gray-black frost.

At the same time, her speed has also slowed down a lot.

However, this was not over yet, Lin Yu took out a reel again.

Scroll of Mana Surge (a-)

Using the scrolls can give you a mana surge state, and all magic effects are increased by 30%.

The duration is one minute.

Requirements for use: First-order peak, 12000 intelligence.

When the scroll was torn open, Lin Yu's mana in his body became extremely active and violent.

His breath has soared.

Hu Zhiyong's smile froze on his face.

She once again remembered the fear of being dominated by Lin Yu's endless methods just now.

"Damn it!"

She screamed and snarled:

"Don't think that you can beat me like this!"

There is a flow of blood on the surface of her body.

The gray-black rot ice on the carapace was purified.

Obviously, she still has purification skills.

After purifying the rot ice, Hu Zhiyong finally felt a little more secure.

With Lin Yu's attack strength, even if it increased by a bit, it would not be a big threat to her.

However, as soon as she let go of her heart, she saw Lin Yu take out a scroll again.

Lin Yu was also a little surprised to see that Hu Zhiyong possessed purification skills.

In the state of a flesh and blood giant before, she was forced so miserably, she did not use purification, but chose to risk her life to pray for the mighty power of the Mother of Blood.

Obviously, this purification skill was either acquired after she transformed.

Either it was the state of the previous flesh and blood giant, and her purification skill level was not enough.

Now that she has transformed, her purification skills have also improved.

Although a little surprised, Lin Yu just smiled.

Fortunately, he habitually left a handful of preparations.

He took out a dark red scroll.

Scroll of Corrosive Fire (a-)

Used on the target, the target receives 120,000 points of fire damage per second, and at the same time produces a corrosive effect, reducing the target's defense by 30%.

Use level: First-order pinnacle, 11000 intelligence.


The scroll was torn apart, and the fire of the corroding body burned on Hu Zhiyong's body.





Although 120,000 fire damage did not break the defense against Hu Zhiyong, the eroding effect had already been produced.

Her defense was cut again.

"Asshole! Why do you have so many things?!"

Hu Zhiyong roared, his eyes flushed.

A bloody shield appeared on the surface of her body.

This shield is very similar to the bloody shield that appeared when she prayed earlier.

After the shield line of sight, the fire damage is immune, and the corrosive effect is cleared.

With the shield in his body, Hu Zhiyong did not hesitate.

She rushed towards Lin Yu directly.

Wherever they went, traps were triggered one by one.

However, no matter what the trap, hitting the shield, all are immune.

In a short time, Hu Zhiyong has appeared in front of Lin Yu.

Lin Yu's face did not change at all.

When Hu Zhiyong approached, he used the teleport skill.

The next moment, Lin Yu appeared hundreds of meters away.

Hu Zhiyong spotted him for the first time, a little bit of ground.


With the reaction force, he rushed towards Lin Yu again.

However, the duration of the Scarlet Shield is only two seconds.

Before he rushed to Lin Yu, the scarlet shield disappeared.

Lin Yu smiled when he saw this.

I'm habitually still prepared.

With a finger of his right hand, an invisible curse fell on Hong Zhiyong.

Curse of weakness. .

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