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46. ​​The Collapsed Dark Star Pupil Ancestor! Looting Explosion!

46. ​​The Collapsed Dark Star Pupil Ancestor! Looting explosion!

In the star sea of ​​endless years, endless space, and endless planes away from the earth.

A huge piece of meat with a height of thousands of feet, densely packed with thousands of faint blue eyes and strange vertical pupils, was cursing crazily.

"Damn it!"

"Damn native race!"

"Damn humans!"

"How dare you destroy my altar!"

"How dare you disobey my orders!"

"Damn it!"

His thousands of dark blue vertical pupils are staring at the void.

There, it is the direction of the earth.

"The great ruler of the gods has reopened the battle of the gods' choice. Your original race is just the food for our growth, and you dare to resist..."

Countless vertical pupils trembled.

The terrifying aura spread towards the depths of the surrounding star sea.

Hidden in the surrounding star sea, there are also countless monsters.

But after feeling the breath of the dark star pupil ancestor, they all ran around trembling.


The thousands of vertical pupils on Anxing Tongzu's body all shot out streaks of colorful light, almost covering the entire area!


Countless creatures that were running for their lives or hiding their bodies were all shot by the neon light emitted by the dark star pupil ancestor.

Turned into a sea of ​​stars, streaks of dust dissipated!

After slaughtering countless monsters, the anger of the Dark Star Tongzu seemed to disappear.

His mind began to think quickly.

"That planet is too far away from us, and under the influence of God's Choice rules, it is impossible for me to descend in person."

"After losing the coordinates, I can't even do projection, avatar."

"If you want to kill that human, or take the lead in the future battle of God's Choice, you can only find a way to cooperate with other people..."

His thousands of vertical pupils began to close slowly.

"Who should I join as an alliance?"

"Cthulah? Green Flame? Or that greedy fellow Yige?"

"Or, you can go to Notis, and those little guys..."


A strange fluctuation silently stepped through the endless void, the endless world, and the endless plane, and appeared in the sea of ​​stars.

Anxing Tongzu, who was about to fall asleep, trembled violently.

Thousands of vertical pupils that had been slowly closing, all opened angrily at this moment.


Those thousands of vertical pupils are constantly agitating and rotating, looking at the dark and quiet sea of ​​stars.

"Head breath, it's..."


A silent roar suddenly woke up in Anxing Tongzu's mind.

In the direction where he was glaring just now, there was a phantom of a huge creature about ten thousand feet long, with a huge mouth occupying two-thirds of its head, and dense and strange scales growing all over its body.

Swallowed Ancestral Dark Star Pupil into his stomach in one gulp!

The phantom of the giant beast hiccupped anthropomorphically.

It began to hover in the sea of ​​stars, and slowly disappeared.

But the Anxing Tongzu, who was swallowed by him, was terrified at this moment.

His thousands of vertical pupils shot out dense neon rays almost at the same time.

The mist that billows around the blocker.

"What kind of monster is this!"

"Damn it!"

"My power! My power!"

"I remember! I remember!"

Dark Star Tongzu roared as soon as possible: "It's a beast of rules, it's a beast of laws!"

"It is an ancient god who is far bigger and older than us!"


"Haven't they disappeared for countless epochs, and have been annihilated in the long river of time?"

"How can it be……"


Dark Star Tongzu roared one after another.

But the phantom of the vast creature he called gluttonous, seemed to have not heard it at all.

It just hovered quietly in the sea of ​​stars, and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

And in his body, the dense chaotic mist is constantly invading the Dark Star Pupil Ancestor.

"Glutton! According to rumors, an ancient god who can devour everything, the world, even space and time, and surpass the rules!"

"Although it's just a phantom, it can swallow me up!"

"Fortunately, this glutton is just a phantom, not the real glutton!"

"That's the only way..."

"I lost part of my strength and fed this gluttonous phantom for a short time, so that I can escape from here!"

At this time, Anxing Tongzu finally calmed down.

The densely packed vertical pupils shoot out thousands of neon rays, which are still blocking the erosion of the chaotic mist.

A simple and indifferent face appeared in the huge meat ball.

Between his brows, there is a small vertical pupil, which slowly opens.

A look of pain appeared on his face.

"Damn it!"

"I won't get this thing for ten thousand years, but I can't completely corrode it. Now I can only give it up!"

His brows were erected, and his pupils finally opened completely.

can be seen.

In the center of the vertical pupil, there are densely packed faint blue tentacles, entwined tightly on a continuously distorted black light!

It was a light, an incomparably dark light.

Logically speaking, light should be dazzling, bright, or dim.

But it can never be black.


This ray of light is the real darkness.

Even in the deep and dark sea of ​​stars, it is extremely dark.

The dense green tentacles finally let go of the black light.

The black light distorted the figure, and slowly peeled off the eyebrows of Anxing Tongzu.

Then with a sudden leap, it disappeared in place and appeared in a space farther away.

This ray of light also seemed to feel the fear of the surrounding chaotic mist, and wanted to escape.

But with such a momentary delay, the thick fog directly swallowed this black light!

Under the terrified eyes of Anxing Tongzu, the surrounding chaotic mist finally dissipated slowly after swallowing this black light.

And the gluttonous phantom that swallowed him also slowly dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

The vertical pupil between Anxing Tongzu's eyebrows suddenly shot out a nine-color light.

In the sea of ​​stars, a space crack was torn open.

The huge figure immediately shot into the space crack and disappeared without a trace!

I don't know how many worlds, how many spaces, and how many planes he has traveled through, the figure of the dark star pupil ancestor slowly appeared.

"Damn it!"

"Damn Taotie, why did that monster appear?"

"Could it be related to this battle of God's Choice?"


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