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64. The World Shakes! Coveting In The Dark!

64. The World Shakes! Coveting in the Darkness!

[World Announcement! World Announcement!]

[Blue Star player Xiao Zheng, a yellow race, successfully established the first Novice Village on Blue Star. All players can go to Novice Village for job transfer, consumption, bounty tasks, training, etc. Novice Village is blessed by the Lord of God, It is invincible at a certain time and in a certain area, and no monsters can enter the Novice Village. 】

[The coordinates of Xinshou Village are now announced! Lanxing Longguo Donghai City]

[World Announcement! World Announcement!]

[Blue Star player Xiao Zheng, a yellow race, successfully established the first Novice Village on Blue Star. All players can go to Novice Village for job transfer, consumption, bounty tasks, training, etc. Novice Village is blessed by the Lord of God, It is invincible at a certain time and in a certain area, and no monsters can enter the Novice Village. 】

[The coordinates of Xinshou Village are now announced! Lanxing Longguo Donghai City...]

[World Announcement! World Announcement!]

[Blue Star player Xiao Zheng, a yellow race, successfully established the first Novice Village on Blue Star. All players can go to Novice Village for job transfer, consumption, bounty tasks, training, etc. 907 Novice Village is blessed by the Lord of God, It is invincible at a specific time and in a specific area, and no monsters can enter the Novice Village. 】

[The coordinates of Novice Village are now announced! Lanxing Longguo Donghai City...]

A series of mechanical sounds resounded in the muscles of all creatures on the blue star.

Whether it is the native humans on the blue star, or the humanoid creatures that appeared on the blue star for various reasons, they all got this news in the first place!

Whether it was the survivors who were still hiding in the secret place, the professionals who had established their own forces, or others, they were all stunned for the first time.

"Xinshou Village? And this place is invincible in the village! Damn it! I'm going to Xinshou Village, what the hell I've been hiding in the toilet for days, I'm almost eating shit, blah blah

"Newbie Village? You can still change jobs! I opened a diamond destiny treasure chest on the first day and got a job transfer certificate. What the fuck I don't even know what this thing does now

Maybe Xinshou Village can give me an answer!"

"New village! Invincible (bced) state! I don't know if there is a resurrection function? According to the understanding of previous games and novels, there must be something like resurrection spring in Xinshou village


"New village? Hahahaha! Blue star human Xiao Zheng? This name sounds like a person from our Dragon Kingdom. I'll go find him right away. Maybe I can make a career out of following him!"

"Xiao Zheng is from Bangzi Guodi! Studying in Donghai..."

"Xinshou Village? This site is the most suitable foundation for the development of power! If we can snatch this Xinshou Village... Hahahaha! Brothers, come alive! It just happens to be in Donghai City... ..."

"Dawn Village? What a good name, I don't know what interesting things there..."

In the world, countless players are discussing this sudden news.

Whether it is a survivor, a professional, or the leader of a large force, everyone is full of interest in it.

There are countless ambitious people who also regard this Novice Village as the fattest piece of fat!

at the same time.

in more hidden places.

Or underground caves, or ruined walls, or abandoned mines, or uninhabited deserts, deserted islands, snow-capped mountains and other places, there were waves of excited discussions.

"The Xinshou Village was established so quickly? Are the native organisms on this planet so powerful?"

"No, no, no, we have also seen many native creatures on this planet. They are very weak. Without the help of the master, they can't even defeat a goblin!"

"But the technological capabilities of this planet are strong!"

"So what if the technology is strong? The goblins have powerful technology. They can even manufacture stellar heat generators and travel in the universe, but they can't escape the master's tricks!"

"That's right! What the Juggernaut believes in is the path of personal physical evolution that integrates the mighty power of heaven and earth, and the path of science and technology runs counter to each other...

"This world is really special!"

"It doesn't matter! I'm going to this Novice Village to serve the new lord. Otherwise, our energy will not be able to support the next battle of God's Choice!"

"We're going too! We have to be ahead of those guys, or else they'll take over this Novice Village, and we'll be in trouble!"

"That's right! Those despicable, cruel and bloodthirsty dark races robbed hundreds of Novice Villages in the last battle of God's Choice, which led to the defeat of our survivors...

"Huh? The coordinates of this teleportation array haven't been opened yet?"

"Prudent lord! This is a qualified lord!"

"I hope this lord will not disappoint us!"

"I don't think he will disappoint us...How could it be so bad to build a novice village in such a short time..."

"I hope he will open the teleportation array soon..."

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha...New Village appeared so quickly! Could it be that this new village head is the child of luck in this world?"

"It's hard to say! We have also experienced several battles of God's Choice. The timing of the appearance of the Children of Destiny in each world is different. Often, the native races that make such a big splash are just the pioneers that pave the way for the Children of Destiny!"

"Everything he does will eventually become the nourishment for the rise of the son of luck, hehehehehehe..."

"So what? He can establish Xinshou Village so quickly, even if he is not the son of luck, he must be loved by luck. With this, it is enough!"

"That's right! As long as we trick him out of Novice Village, take him away, and control him, we can also gain the power of luck in this world!"

"We, too, will eventually win the battle of God's Choice hahahaha...

"Take action!"

"Teleport to Novice Village!"

"hurry up!"

"The teleportation array didn't respond! The first village head of Novice Village in the original sound world hasn't opened the teleportation array of Novice Village yet!"

"Haven't you opened it yet? It really is a cautious village chief, Huan!"

"Wait, we have been waiting for hundreds of years, how can we care about such a short time?"

"That's right, the races with the longest life expectancy in the legend have waited for tens of thousands of years!"

"Teleportation array, open it quickly..."

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