Global Digitalization: I Can View The Script Of My Life!

80. Resurrection Halo! The Secret Of The World War!

80. The Halo of Resurrection! The Secret of the World War!

Scott said excitedly: "The halo of resurrection can transform a dead orc warrior into an undead warrior or skeleton warrior who has no feeling, no thought, and only knows how to obey the command of the 'soul wanderer'." .”

"And the orcs who were transformed into undead creatures by the resurrection aura of the soul ranger's innate power are the real undead creatures."

"Undead with no consciousness, no memory, and no other powers!"

"Resurrection halo?" Xiao Zheng murmured: "It can only resurrect dead orcs, isn't this equivalent to a permanent necromancer?"

Scott smiled wryly: "- You can say that."

"Because of his special identity and production conditions, the soul wanderer was not understood by the clansmen even when the orc empire was the strongest and most powerful."

"Harmonious soul patrols can only be spontaneously organized together, patrolling the borders of the empire or around the territory of the clansmen, not daring to approach the cities where the clansmen are located

"Then he now..."

Xiao Zheng pointed to Ball.

In other words, soul wanderer.

Scott said: "My lord, please rest assured that Bauer is my follower. Similarly, he will also be your follower.

"Leave this matter to me."

He stepped forward, and Bauer quickly saluted respectfully.


"Master Scott..."

A hoarse voice sounded in Scott's heart.

"What are you talking to me now?"

"A tauren warrior of the Orc Boer clan, or an undead creature?"

Bauer's tone was a little anxious: "Mr. Scott, I have already sworn to the God of War in the name of the God of War."

"You are the priest I follow all my life, and under your leadership, I will bathe in the glory of the God of War.

"Please don't abandon me..."

While Scott and Ball were communicating, Xiao Zheng walked aside with Helen in his arms.

"Helen, are you all right?"

Seeing Xiao Zheng's eyes that wanted to eat people, Helen's face turned red.

"Lord, lord, please don't do this

"Just now you danced very beautifully, do you only know this piece of martial arts?"

"No, no, in addition to the secret language war dance, I also know a few war dances, such as psychic war dance, violent war dance, and forest raving war dance."

"Then how about dancing a few more war dances for me?"

"Yes, yes."

"Are there any other dances besides these war dances?"

"Well...they're all ordinary dances."

"Well, there are many dances in our world, I can teach you some later.

"Lord, do you know how to dance?"

"I won't, but I have the video."

"Oh, video? Is it the same as illusion? What kind of dance are they?"

"The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and the big pendulum..."

"Big pendulum? The name of this dance is so strange..."

"What's so strange, you have to have matching costumes to dance this kind of dance. For example, K, such as maid outfits, and..."

The two were biting their ears and whispering, and Scott came over with Bauer.

"My lord."

"My lord!"

Bauer knelt down straight on the ground and gave a big gift to Xiao Zheng.

"Please allow me to continue to follow Lord Scott and His Royal Highness Helen, to dedicate my loyalty to you, and to swear in the name of the God of War!"

"Get up, Ball." Xiao Zheng gave a hand: "From today on, you are a member of Liming Village."

"I hereby appoint you as the roving security officer of Liming Village, patrolling the whole village and monitoring the whole village.

"Yes, my lord!"

Ball said respectfully.

Immediately, the body gradually faded away, turning into a ghost form, and then disappeared.

Scott explained: "My lord, this is another ability of the soul wanderer, ghosting."

"Bauer's physical body will undergo various damages over time and battles."

"But his soul is immortal and in a ghost state."


Xiao Zheng nodded, and asked again: "By the way, Scott, what happened to the war of annihilation you mentioned earlier, as well as neutral races and survivors?"

"It's a long story..."

Looking at the gradually rising sun in the distance, Scott said,

"About three years ago, I was a scepter priest in the orc empire of the Aegean planet."

"But on that day, a mechanical voice suddenly appeared in my mind, this voice said that our world is about to be digitalized, and we were selected into the battle of God's Choice.

"Except for me, almost all the people in our orc empire have heard this voice."

...ask for flowers...

"Soon, a large number of space cracks appeared in our world, and monsters from the abyss invaded our planet!"

"In addition to the abyss, other races and creatures on our planet have also undergone very strange changes."

"The whole world is in doomsday!"

"In just three short years, our orc empire fell apart and turned into ruins."

"The entire planet is occupied by abyssal demons."

"In this battle of God's Choice, our orc empire failed, hundreds of millions of people were killed, and the entire planet was also destroyed.

"Before it was destroyed, our orc empire gathered the last elites from all over the country and sent them to the royal city of Campas."

"His Majesty the King at that time opened a special prop called 'Pandora's Box' from a treasure chest of destiny to protect us from the last doomsday and cleansing."

Scott's voice was trembling and unbelievable.

"After some time, we reached another planet.

"And the voice in our minds told us that we, the orcs, would be given a chance to continue participating in the battle to destroy the world on this planet!"

"In this battle, the remaining members of our orc empire came out in full force, but they still lost to the densely packed monsters in this world.

"We failed again."

"But this time in the World Annihilation War, we came into contact with other races that failed in the World Annihilation War. We call ourselves the World Annihilation Remnants. In order to keep our own race alive, we became neutral creatures according to the proposal of the Lord of Gods. "

"Every time there is a battle to destroy the world, we have to choose to join the original races of this world, continue to unite, make suggestions for them, and continue to fight!"

"We have experienced two world-destroying battles, and this blue star world is the third world-destroying battle we have experienced!"

"Unfortunately, when we wake up, there are only me, Helen, and Bauer. The king and other colleagues disappeared. I don't know if they were lost in the turbulent flow of time and space, or just fell away."

"After all, my main city of Campas doesn't have a lot of power of luck stored, and it has long been destroyed.

"This is the source of the so-called World Destroyer War and the Destroyer Family."

Xiao Zheng asked again: "Mr. Scott, don't you know that there are other survivors?"

"And... what is the power of luck?".

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