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87. Shake The Egg Yolks For You! Jealous Of Evil? Still……

87. Shake the egg yolks for you! Jealousy? Or...

"At that time, if it wasn't for a survivor named Lin Luo who led his team of professionals to fight with our tiger team.

"The entire Changfeng Survivor Base is in danger."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he looked at Gulong's eyes, still full of vigilance.

"Lin Luo?"

Xiao Zheng asked casually: "Is he very strong?"

Zhang Yang frowned and said, "He's not very strong, but his ability is very strange."

"What's weird?"

"His strength seems to be growing at any time, and he especially likes to approach the battlefield and go to some dangerous places.

"He also has a lot of abilities, he knows almost everything that people around him know!"


Xiao Zheng was also a little surprised.

What is it called, his ability is growing at any time?

What is it called, the ability that almost everyone around him knows, he knows it?

What does it mean?

It sounds similar to my own endless plunder.

I just don't know.... which is stronger or weaker?

Zhang Yang continued: "He is very powerful, he is also very loyal, and his opponents are also very good. However, he is a bit too extreme.

"Too extreme...what do you mean?"

"How should I put it...he is too self-centered, he only looks at people and things with his own eyes, and doesn't listen to other people's explanations and the current situation at all.

"Anyone who offends him, no matter who they are, will have his revenge."

Zhang Yang frowned and said: "Let's say that on the day he came, because the base was initially set up and people's hearts were unstable, many criminals took the opportunity to make trouble, and QJ robbery happened from time to time.

"In order to stabilize the situation inside the base, the head of the regiment issued a military management policy. All civilian weapons, food, etc. will be handed over and distributed according to needs."

"As for the equipment obtained by killing monsters, we also send special personnel to register and store them, and professionals can apply for refund if they want to leave the base.

"But this Lin Luo is very dissatisfied with this policy. When the day came, there was a conflict because of this matter."

"The staff we recruited were injured by him, and even destroyed our workplace, and were forced to retreat by the troops.

"A few days later, he came again. This time, by killing the undead creature boss and saving the survivor base, he was received by the head of the team, and he and his team were also allowed to keep their equipment as a special case.

"Who knows, he quickly created a force inside the base, and many professionals joined in. He also stepped up to the top level inside the base."

"To a certain extent, he is the strongest professional in our base. Relying on his strength and popularity, he has great prestige inside the base."


Zhang Yang's eyes became cold at this moment.

"After gaining power, he quickly retaliated against those who had offended him before."

"Especially the staff who had a conflict with him that day. On the surface, they said they would not trouble them, but secretly they caused the staff's family to be ruined, and even his daughter was taken away by him!"

"In the end, the staff member was forced to commit suicide by jumping over the wall, and her daughter's whereabouts are also unknown."

"There are several other people who have spoken ill of him before, or who have offended him.

"Almost all their families were destroyed by him, and no one survived."

"Especially under his command, there is a man named Tang Sanhai, it's not a thing!"

"He didn't even let go of the dogs and eggs raised in the family. He killed and ate meat. It's really not a thing!"

"Even the dogs?" Xiao Zheng raised his eyebrows: "You don't care?"

"Of course!" Zhang Yang said with a wry smile, "but the leader said that his power is still needed to resist the undead creatures."

"And he made a proposal two days ago called the establishment of a 'Professional Federation'. He wants to support the independence of professionals. It is very popular and prestigious within the base."

"In addition, he solved the crisis of monster siege of the survivor base twice in a row, and many ordinary survivors also believed in him."



In the distance, the bone dragon let out a roar.

The bone dragon, already spreading its huge bony legs, rushed over.

The huge figure, like a huge mechanical tank, crushed it on a rampage.

Maybe it's because the wings have also turned into bones, and after being affected by the breath of the undead, they lost the blessing of elemental power.

This bone dragon can't fly, it can only run wildly on the ground.

The skeleton soldiers standing in front of it were trampled into a pile of scum by it.

Even houses and buildings were reduced to piles of rubble by it.

Even the ice elemental puppets summoned by Xiao Zheng were crushed into ice slag by it!



Dozens of hard and sharp ice guns shot out.

It hit the bone dragon fiercely, but it just exploded a pile of water dregs.

The madly rushing figure can't even have a blocking effect.

Seeing this, Xiao Zheng grabbed the remaining dozens of ice elemental puppets with one hand.


The only remaining ice element puppets began to fuse under the influence of Dou Zhanshen's strange energy.

In an instant, it merged into a water elemental puppet not far from the size of the bone dragon.

As soon as it was formed, the bone dragon's huge body had already hit the ice elemental puppet.

"Boom!" 470

The two behemoths collided with each other, setting off an extremely violent gust of wind.

The area with a radius of hundreds of meters is completely covered in it.

"Brothers! Come on!"

Zhao Junqi yelled, and charged forward with the Thundering Warhammer on his shoulder.

Not to be outdone, the other players followed closely behind.

Beside Xiao Zheng, Scott, who was wearing a sacrificial robe and covered his whole body under the robe, grabbed the sacrificial badge in his hand.

He is a member of the Fox tribe, although most of them look like humans, and they are very handsome.

However, it also retains part of the characteristics of the fox family.

For example, fluffy fox ears, and fox tail.

And Helen, too.


Xiao Zheng made them wear sacrificial robes to hide their racial identity

They will be allowed to move freely after the number of players with special bloodlines, or the appearance of more survivors.

A melodious singing sounded, and a few seconds later, a khaki light appeared beside everyone.

Under the disbelieving gazes of Zhang Yang and the others, a huge and burly bear with a yellow head all over his body appeared in front of them.


Accompanied by a burst of roars, the earth demon bear rushed towards the bone dragon with a berserk figure!


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