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96. Alice's Fantasy! Xiao Zheng's Purpose!

96. Alice's Fantasy! Xiao Zheng's Purpose!

"Master Alice, that person actually rejected your proposal to form an alliance?"

"How dare he? How dare he refuse you?"

Outside Dawn Village.

Howard said angrily.

"His Royal Highness! As long as you order, this subordinate will...

"Shut up!"

Alice walked and said, "Howard, you are too impatient."

"How can I take back the throne of the three-eyed god clan with me?"

Huo Hualun said anxiously: "Your Highness, I am thinking of you."

"The construction time of Liming Village is too fast. According to the records of our organization, those who can build Xinshou Village within a month of the War of Extermination are all heroes of the world.

"Some will be the children of luck in the current world, or even the children of the world!"

"If we can take the lead in forming an alliance with this kind of person, let alone the "257" regain the throne of our three-eyed god clan, even a war of annihilation is possible..."

"Howard, you talk too much!"

Alice smiled lightly: "How can I not know what you said?"

"In the early days of the World Annihilation War, even the heroes of the world are surrounded by dangers.

"Only a cautious hero can gradually grow into a child of luck, or even a child of the world!"

"If this Lord Xiao Zheng directly agrees to form an alliance with us because of my reputation as a three-eyed god, or because of my beauty, I still have some concerns.

"But he rejected me outright."

A trace of satisfaction appeared in Alice's beautiful eyes.

"Such a person is worthy of my Alice Aphrodite Messiah

Howard suddenly realized.

"It turns out that you have such deep-seated considerations, Your Royal Highness, it really shames your subordinates."

"Your Highness, we now..."

Alice said confidently: "Let's stay here for now, you can observe this hero's actions from a distance.

"It's impossible for the pursuers in the clan to come after them so quickly."


"My pupil of the void perceives that there seems to be hidden spatial fluctuations in this area, and there may be relics or small worlds about to appear.

"We are waiting here, maybe there will be other surprises."

"Yes! Your Highness!"

"Huh? What's that..."

Alice suddenly looked into the distance.

In that direction, a huge black cloud is flying towards this side.

After a few breaths, Huo Hualun frowned and said: "Return to Your Highness, it is an undead ghost dragon."

"Ghost Dragon? Is it strong?"

"It's okay..." Howard said, "This kind of ghost dragon is not a real dragon."

"It's a sub-dragon creature that lives in the underworld, and its strength has made great strides."

"The weakest ghost dragon is roughly around LV50 of the bronze rank. The strongest one even has golden creatures!"

"Golden creature? It's really strong..."

Alice's eyes flickered, and she suddenly looked behind.

"The moving direction of this group of ghost dragons seems to be Hei Zheng's territory."

"Howalon, go and get rid of these ghost dragons."


Seeing Alice's serious eyes, Howard could only nod: "Yes, Your Highness the Princess!"

Huo Hualun's figure flashed, and a white light emerged from his body.

The figure of the whole person actually floated up in the air, blocking the place where this group of ghost dragons must pass.


This group of ghost dragons has already approached Huo Hualun.

This is a monster shaped like a lizard, but with fleshy wings growing on both sides.

The scales all over his body have long been corroded, revealing disgusting rotten flesh.

Some even showed their skeletons.

The pupils in the eye sockets were cloudy and pale.


As if feeling the aura of a living creature, the leading ghost dragon roared, and immediately rushed towards Huo Hualun!

"What a disgusting creature..."

In Huo Hualun's eyes, there was a cold killing intent.

Between his brows, the silver rune suddenly emitted a burst of silver light.


A silver-white vertical pupil slowly appeared between Huo Hualun's eyebrows.

"The Light of Purification!"


A silver-white light suddenly flashed through the vertical pupils between Huo Hualun's brows.

next second.

The dozens of ghost dragons that opened their teeth and danced towards Huo Hualun.

It was strangely fixed in the air.

Breeze hits.

The bodies of dozens of ghost dragons collapsed in an instant, turning into a cloud of dust and dissipating!

"Howard, keep going."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

【You found a new map: Poison Mist Swamp...】

In Xiao Zheng's mind, a mechanical reminder sounded.

Their figures also appeared in an abandoned city.

Look far and wide.

In the surrounding air, there is a layer of lavender mist.

The bluestone slabs on the ground still feel sticky when stepped on, and are covered with drops.

Surrounding it are huge boulders and houses that are only as tall as a person, and the upper floor has already weathered a lot.

There are also a large number of mottled murals carved on these buildings.

It seems to be telling the history of the city.

"My lord, this is the poisonous mist swamp, the main city of the three-legged golden toad clan. It's a pity that they have been exterminated long ago..."

Tamms' voice came from the side.

"Today's three clans, the Golden Toad clan, may have all turned into monsters in the poisonous mist swamp!"

"Lord Xiao Zheng, is this the new map you mentioned?"

Zhang Yang also came over and asked.


Xiao Zheng nodded, and settled the age of the teleportation array.


A total of twelve figures appeared here.

Xiao Zheng, Tang Cheng, Zhao Junqi, Wang Gang, Ye Qingge, Li Huan, Helen, Tams eight people.

For some reason, Xiao Zheng also added Zhang Yang, Yun Fei, Zhao Shikang, and Yang Xiong.

Zhang Yang said excitedly: "I didn't expect there to be such a thing as a teleportation array here, which is so convenient for large army transfers, mobile warfare, and large deep marches!

"1.5 is not only that, with the teleportation array, we will have a safer transfer location, which is very useful!"

Yunfei and the others also kept nodding, obviously attaching great importance to the teleportation array.

Xiao Zheng explained: "Battalion Commander Zhang, don't be fooled by the appearance of the teleportation array."

"If you want to use the teleportation array, you have to consume energy stones."

"An ordinary power stone can only support one person to teleport to a fixed distance teleportation array.

"If you want to teleport farther, you have to consume more energy stones with more energy!"

"In order to come here this time, I have consumed most of the power stones in the territory. If we can't find that place here, we won't be able to go back.

Zhang Yang asked in surprise: "Are energy stones... similar to energy sources such as oil and electricity?"

"Lord Xiao Zheng's purpose for this operation?"

"A mine of energy stones!".

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