God King Odin's arrogance towards humans led to this disaster, and now he wants to end this farce by destroying human players.

Lin Mo suddenly became interested in the Devil's Hammer. Although he would not be able to perform quest 33 if he changed his camp in the middle, if he defeated Odin, he could complete his nirvana quest by the way.

As long as Kool can give him a reward that makes his heart feel, he doesn't mind changing camps.

"I think I have to leave, Tony and the others are back!" Natasha received new news again and hurriedly ran towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Lin Mo smiled slightly, and then rode on Lei Ya with Hua Mulan: "Let's go, let's go to the dungeon and see."

At present, the information that there is a copy of the Devil's Hammer hidden in the copy has been disclosed to the player as the Vision enters the copy. It is the "Heim Underworld", one of the nine kingdoms.

There is the site of Hela, the goddess of death, but according to the player information that has entered, Hela, the goddess of death, is not a dungeon boss. The final boss entrenched in the copy is the goddess of death Hela's pet, the hellhound Garm.

Cerberus Garm is only a beast-level dungeon in the digital copy, and is definitely not an opponent of Vision and others. In fact, the strength of Loki, who was assigned as a dungeon BOSS, also dropped to the level of beast, and he recovered to the level of catastrophe after getting the hammer.

When Lin Mo and others came to the entrance of the dungeon, a large number of players had already gathered at the entrance.

The entry conditions for this dungeon are very harsh, and only the dead are eligible to enter it.

For players, if you want to enter the dungeon, you need to consume 1 resurrection to enter. If you successfully clear the dungeon, the number of resurrections will be restored. You cannot leave the dungeon without clearing the dungeon, so once the dungeon fails, you will lose two chances of resurrection at one time, which is very different from other dungeons.

Even if the other dungeons fail to clear the customs, they can find a way to leave on their own to avoid death.

For NPCs, there is no way out after entering the dungeon, and they either leave successfully or die completely.

This copy is also isolated from communication inside and outside, and there is no way to pass messages in and out of the copy. At present, no one knows what is going on inside.

If the hellhound can also hold the Devil's Hammer, then it will become a disaster-level powerhouse, and even if there is a vision, the copy may not be able to pass the customs smoothly.

Looking at the players who gathered at the entrance of the dungeon but did not dare to enter, Lin Mo asked Lei Ya to disperse the people who were blocking the way.


Thunder Fang's roar and the airflow generated by the flapping of his wings forced the player to leave an open space for Thunder Fang to land.

The entrance of this dungeon is different from the canyon of kings, which is transformed from the existing mountains and rivers. This dungeon has only one portal similar to the portal, which will transmit the entrants to another independent dungeon space.

"It's from Xia, Lin Mo!"

"Why did he come here, is it also for the Devil's Hammer?"

"With him joining, everyone can try to enter it. If you are lucky, you can find the Devil's Hammer!"


The appearance of Lin Mo greatly boosted everyone's confidence, and everyone was eager to enter into it to explore and explore. That is a strong man who can fight with the Hulk, and the hellhound Garm is a ball.

[Whether 3 resurrection opportunities are consumed to bring followers and pets into the Heim Underworld dungeon? 】

When Lin Mo came to the entrance, a prompt message appeared in front of him.

Lin Mo has a full 10 chances of resurrection, and it is not a big problem to temporarily deduct 3 times.


Three rays of light were extracted from Lin Mo's body, and then the size of the entrance began to expand to the size that Thunder Fang could enter. From the portal, you could see the dark and dark underworld, which was filled with the roar of monsters.

Thunder Fang fluttered his wings and flew into it quickly, and the players behind him swarmed in with the number of resurrections.

"Is this the underworld?"

After Lin Mo entered the underworld, he let Lei Ya hover in the sky to observe the surroundings.

The underworld dungeon is a special dungeon. It is not only filled with black fog, but also the game map cannot be activated. It is not easy to find the Devil's Hammer here.

Fortunately, although the inside of the copy is isolated from the outside world, the internal communication system can still be used.

"Looks like we have to act separately." Lin Mo's red eyes could see through the fog, but the place was so big that he could only see a certain distance with his line of sight.

"Lei Ya, you explore the south, there is a swamp there, be careful not to fall into it."

Thunderfang is able to fly, and it is relatively safe to explore swamps.

"Mulan, you go to the northern deadwood forest to search, there are many signs of monster activity there, pay attention to safety."

The west side of the location where Lin Mo and others were located was a barren dead place, and he chose to move eastward.

To the east are the mountains, and among the mountains are many volcanoes that emit red light.

According to the information of the dead players, Cerberus Garm lived in the Eastern Flame Mountain.

"If you encounter danger, leave as soon as possible to ensure safety. If you find the Devil's Hammer, don't approach it, let me know first."

At present, there is no case where the follower gets the Magic Sky Hammer. Lin Mo doesn't know what will happen after the follower is obtained, whether it is the same as the player or the same as the NPC.

After arranging their respective tasks, Lei Ya and Hua Mulan left one after another.

The players who followed Lin Mo in also followed after seeing this.

Lei Ya was very disgusted by this, and saw it open its huge mouth, and then a beam of thunder light covered the crowd.


Lei Ya was hatched by Lin Mo, and his personality is somewhat arbitrary. In addition, he is a descendant of the shadow master and dark tyrant, and his personality is inherently cruel. Killing humans is as random as stepping on ants.

Only for those humans who have the various labels that Lin Mo said represent friendly forces, Lei Ya will not easily do it. These players are just neutral mobs, kill themselves if they annoy them.

Players suffered heavy casualties, and one by one they were mourning in place.

Those players who originally wanted to follow Lin Mo and Hua Mulan gave up their original ideas after seeing Lei Ya's brutal performance. Many people chose to try their luck on the barren grasslands on the west side, and the rest avoided the main route of Lin Mo and the three of them and then started to explore.

The Avengers team that entered the underworld of Heim was led by Vision, and the two superheroes, the Human Torch and Falcon, who also had the ability to fly, were his team members.

They entered relatively early, and at this time they have completed the exploration in three directions. Even the lair of the Cerberus Garm, they have turned over.

If it wasn't for the fear that the dungeon would change after the Cerberus was killed, all the players ran in to hinder their search for the Devil's Hammer, and the poor beast-level Cerberus Garm might have been killed.

"More and more humans are coming in, and we must speed up." The three who had been searching for nothing had gathered again to discuss countermeasures.

"How can I find this? Even in the magma pool, I jumped in and searched." Human Torch shrugged helplessly.

Vision pointed to the south and said: "I also dived into the swamp there, and used radar to detect, the hammer is not there."

Falcon looked at the deadwood forest in the north: "There is no wilderness on the west side. It seems that the Devil's Hammer is probably in the deadwood forest in the north!"

"Let's go! Let's go to the deadwood forest to the north!"

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