The deadly battle was over, and the deadly battle was over.

Shigong Base.

This is the survivor base built by the Shigong family, the top wealthy family in Tokyo.

Relying on their own family power, at the beginning of the doomsday, the Shigong family successfully plundered weapons and resources from several military bases!

And with this foundation, they built a giant survivor base that accommodated a full 300,000 people!

It is made of reinforced concrete, with a wall more than 20 meters high and rows of ferocious cannons!

Even under the terrifying number of zombies attacking the city.

This base built by the Shigong family still stands.

"The zombies have retreated."

On the highest floor of the base, a man overlooked the retreating tide of zombies.

Behind him were many high-ranking officials in Tokyo.

"This is all the credit of Patriarch Shigong. If it weren't for you, we would have died."

"Indeed, Patriarch Shigong has made great contributions to leadership. It is a blessing for hundreds of thousands of civilians to have you here!"

"Yes, as long as Patriarch Shigong and the Shigong family are here, no one can break through this base!"

These high-ranking officials and wealthy people praised the man in front of them.

There is no other reason, just because this man is the patriarch of the contemporary Shigong family, Shigong Taiga!

At the same time, after the doomsday, he led the Shigong family to annex the major families in Tokyo step by step, occupy military bases, and build the doomsday base!

It is for this reason that the people present are quite afraid of Shigong Taiga.

After all, Shigong Taiga is the emperor of this base!

Anyone who dares to disobey him will pay the price of his life!

Feeling the fearful eyes of the people around him, Shigong Taiga enjoyed it very much, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

That's it, the doomsday is hell for ordinary people, but it is heaven for the strong!

As long as it continues to grow, it will be able to radiate to the entire Tokyo and the entire Jiaobenji with this base as the center!

By then, the Shinomiya family will rule the entire Jiaobenji.

If it develops further, it will be able to step onto the world stage and fight to the Dragon Kingdom!

In his fantasy, Shinomiya Taiga feels that he is the king of the world.

Just as Shinomiya Taiga wanted to talk, suddenly, a slender figure appeared at the door of this conference room.

"Who are you?!"

The bodyguard responsible for ensuring safety immediately stepped forward and questioned the figure.

But the figure ignored the bodyguard's angry shout and walked into the conference room.

The bodyguard wanted to reach out to stop him, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, his body was directly frozen and turned into a vivid ice sculpture!


In the entire conference room, all the senior officials and wealthy people were terrified and stood up one after another.

At this time, they finally saw the appearance of this person clearly.

This was a woman with an ordinary face, but with white hair. The weirdest thing was that this woman had no pupils in her eyes, and her eyes were all white, like a demon in a movie.

Seeing the woman, Shigong Dahe was not afraid, his expression was still calm, and he even looked at the woman with interest:

"You can freeze others instantly. Are you a user of the Ice Fruit? No, that's not right. The user of the Ice Fruit is the woman next to the Dragon Emperor. You don't look like her."

"Tell me, what is your ability?"

Faced with Shigong Dahe's question, the woman ignored it and walked towards Shigong Dahe step by step.

A large number of bodyguards rushed in from outside the door, raised their guns and pointed them at the woman.

Shigong Dahe seemed to have won the game, and asked the woman with a smile:

"What do you want? If it's money, I can make you rich enough to rival a country!"

The woman only had the whites of her eyes left, staring at the direction of Shigong Dahe without any emotion, and her steps still did not stop at all.

The bodyguards were frightened by the woman's aura and their breathing became rapid. As the distance got closer and closer, they finally couldn't stand it anymore.


Bang, bang, bang!!!

The dense gunshots came one after another.

But a thin layer of frost appeared on the woman's body, blocking all the bullets.

At the same time, the visible white frost spread under the woman's feet, instantly turning all the bodyguards who shot into ice sculptures!


Da! !

Da! ! !

The footsteps gradually approached.

Shigong Dahe's face and expression were still calm, with a smile on his face, and his tone was relaxed as if he was discussing buying a cup of coffee:

"Not interested in money? Then I guess you must want power. Submit to me, I can make you superior to thousands of people!"

But the woman opposite didn't pay any attention at all. The distance of each step was exactly the same, and she walked steadily towards Shigong Dahe.


At that moment, the two people standing beside Shigong Taiga, one on the left and one on the right, turned into a bull and an elephant at the same time and rushed out suddenly.

Two animal-type devil fruit users!


The huge fist, carrying a terrifying force, swept the wind and hit the woman, and the strong wind in the room whistled endlessly.

But the woman stood firm as a pine tree, and she finally made a move and raised her hand.

The Bull Fruit user was the first to notice something was wrong and wanted to escape, just as her front foot was about to move.

The next moment, the woman's arm turned into a residual image, and one hand firmly grasped the Bull Fruit user's head.

"No!" The Bull Fruit user was terrified, feeling that the woman's five fingers were comparable to a hydraulic press, and the terrifying force made him unable to break free.

It was like crushing a juicy orange.

The Bull Fruit user's head exploded on the spot!

Scarlet blood dyed everything red!

Seeing this, the Elephant Fruit user was so scared that he stepped back and ran outside in a hurry.

The ice spear condensed in the woman's hand, and without looking back, she threw it casually, hitting the chest of the Elephant Fruit user!

Turning him into a vivid ice sculpture on the spot!

Shigong Taiga's pupils shrank, and a drop of cold sweat left on his forehead. He stepped back slightly and looked at the woman with a forced smile:

"What do you want?"

The woman walked in front of Shigong Taiga, slowly stretched out her hand, and grabbed Shigong Taiga's neck.

Shigong Taiga was trembling all over, and the long-lost fear emerged in his heart.

At this moment, the fear of death made Shigong Taiga not much different from ordinary people. His voice was hoarse and his eyes were full of pleading.

"Don't kill me, I'll give you everything."

The woman grabbed Shigong Taiga's neck, and a wisp of frost turned into a spike, piercing Shigong Taiga's neck.

But Shigong Taiga was not dead. Those ice spikes flowed through Shigong Taiga's blood vessels and all over his body.

Shigong Taiga felt very clearly that under the effect of these ice spikes, as long as the woman wanted, he would turn into an ice sculpture at any time!

Died because of this!

"Send a message to let all the survivors in Tokyo come to this base, otherwise, you will die."

The woman said the first sentence she had said since she appeared.

But for some reason, her words were a little stuck, like a babbling baby, very unskilled.

After saying this, the woman actually let go of Shigong Taiga's neck and left directly.

No one knew where she went.

Just like no one knew where she came from.

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