The two of them were beaten, and the two of them were beaten.

"What are you barking about?"

A powerful hammer directly interrupted Tian Daichungang's roar, and all the ghosts around him disappeared.

Su Chen was too lazy to indulge this guy. The Qinglong Fruit was superimposed on the Tremor Fruit, plus the Armament Haki, and the terrifying power poured out.

Instantly blew Tian Daichungang's head!

The three heads were like smashing watermelons, and they turned into meat paste one after another!

"Dead! The boss is dead?!"

"How is it possible? The boss is so strong!"

"What kind of monster is the Dragon Emperor? He can kill the boss so easily!"

Tian Daichungang's men were extremely terrified. Their pupils trembled, cold sweat ran down, and they turned their heads and ran away.

Before he could take a few steps, he was killed by Lilith and Rania who rushed over.

Su Chen casually sacrificed all the corpses on the ground.

[Ding! Sacrifice the Dog-Dog Fruit Fantasy Beast Three-Headed Dog Form Ability User, Congratulations on Obtaining the Dog-Dog Fruit Fantasy Beast Three-Headed Dog Form Devil Fruit! ]

[Ding! Sacrifice the zombie remains, congratulations on obtaining the Tremor-Tremor Fruit Devil Fruit Development Progress +1%! ]

[Ding! Sacrifice the human remains, congratulations on obtaining the physical fitness +0.001! ]

As prompts sounded one after another.

All the corpses on the ground disappeared and were sacrificed.

Looking at the three-headed dog fruit, Su Chen was quite interested.

In terms of ability, the three-headed dog fruit is actually very powerful.

Not only does it have amazing physical strength.

It also has elemental damage such as fire and ice attributes.

It even has the power of the soul realm, hurting other people's souls, controlling ghosts, and even controlling other people's souls!

It can be said that it is a very versatile fruit.

However, being good at everything means being good at nothing.

The three-headed dog fruit is not particularly strong in terms of physical, fire, ice, and soul attributes.

Therefore, after understanding the essence of this fruit, Su Chen did not intend to use it, and directly threw it into the system space to see if he could meet someone with a predestined relationship.

After sacrificing these corpses.

Su Chen took Lilith, Rania, Yi Yanqing and others to continue hunting.

As a Titan fruit ability user, Yi Yanqing has an excellent recovery ability and quickly recovered to his peak state, which did not affect his work efficiency.

The three hunted until the afternoon.


The gloomy sky, the black clouds dissipated, revealing the scorching sun.

Without any cover, a huge amount of ultraviolet rays ruthlessly bombarded every inch of land.

Su Chen had a strong physique, but he did not feel anything abnormal.

But Lilith, Rania, Yi Yanqing and the others were not that strong.

Yi Yanqing's skin turned red visibly.

Lilith and Rania were sweating profusely and would soon be unable to hold on.

Seeing this, Su Chen also stopped hunting, turned into a blue dragon, and took the three away and returned to the shelter.

The sudden clearing of the weather reminded everyone of the extreme high temperature not long ago.

For a time, people in the disaster space were panicked.

"No way, no way, is there going to be another high temperature?"

"Oh my god, that kind of oven-like high temperature is going to come again, it's worse than death!"

"The last time it was hot, I almost died of dehydration!"

I don't know how many people were wailing, worried that there would be another high temperature disaster.

Fortunately, the development of things was not as expected by other survivors.

The imagined extreme high temperature did not appear.

It started to rain heavily that night.

The hearts of many survivors finally died.

Because it was not extremely high temperature at all.

What followed was continuous heavy rain!

It was a continuous torrential rain, as if someone was pouring water from the sky, and the whole world turned into a water world.

The accumulated water surged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The car wreckage on the road was completely submerged in just a few dozen minutes.

A large number of low-lying areas became lakes.

With the experience of the last time.

Many survivor bases have moved their bases to higher terrain areas.

Therefore, although this rainstorm came suddenly, most survivors can still withstand it.

But can they really withstand it?

The rainstorm showed no sign of stopping.

There was even no sign of decreasing.

It rained day after day.

Most of Tokyo was flooded.

Many flooded buildings collapsed.

Countless survivors were buried in the water.

What's more terrifying is that as the rainstorm continued, the temperature did not drop much.

High temperature + heavy rain is a paradise for mosquitoes and bacteria


The survivors were tortured beyond words.

The humid environment made the food storage environment of the survivors fall to hell level.

A large number of survivors' food, packaged, was fine, but the unpackaged food was damp, moldy, and infested with insects.

This dealt a fatal blow to most survivors.

The harsh environment can still hold on.

But without food, what can we use to hold on?

People just survived.

The whole disaster space was in chaos.

"Fuck, is there any survivor base with food? I'm a good fighter, give me some food!"

"I'm 18 years old, dance department, just pack me some instant noodles!"

"Crazy, I saw a survivor base eating people!"


How horrible will people become without food?

Let's just say that if zombies can eat, they can eat them to extinction.

The miserable situation in the outside world has little to do with Su Chen.

After returning to the shelter.

The heavy rain outside had no effect on Su Chen.

Besides, animals can be raised and crops can be grown in the shelter.

There are meat and vegetables, which can fully meet all of Su Chen's needs.

So during the days of heavy rain, Su Chen, Lilith, Rania, and Yi Yanqing's family stayed in the shelter and lived quite comfortably.

He was bored and played with Yi Xiaoqi.

Or he discussed life with Lilith and Rania.

If it really doesn't work, he can go to the training area and fight with Yi Yanqing, the human sandbag.

During this period, he went out a few times to help Gongsun Gang's group.

Although Gongsun Gang's situation was not as good as Su Chen's, with Su Chen's help, the heavy rain did not have much impact on them.

First of all, there was water accumulation. With Lilith and Rania, the two of them transformed the terrain near Gongsun Gang's factory so that it would not become a flood area.

Secondly, there is food. Su Chen doesn't need to help with this. Gongsun Gang and his men have already stored a large amount of food supplies.

Therefore, they can still survive this rainstorm disaster without Su Chen worrying too much.

As time goes by.

This rainstorm lasted for half a month!

Tokyo has become a swamp.

In many places, the first floor and even the second floor have been flooded!

Fortunately, the crematorium on Su Chen's side is on a higher ground. Although it was also flooded, it was not so serious.

Half a month later.

The heavy rain that lasted for fifteen or sixteen days finally stopped.

Many survivors were still in shock, looking at the sky in surprise and fear.

Su Chen also walked out of the shelter.

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