The distance is not far, and we arrived smoothly after a day's drive.

When they arrived in Nagano, Su Chen and his party immediately hunted zombies here to enhance their strength, earn points, and prepare for exchanging SSS-level shelters.

Because there has never been a powerful existence like Su Chen in Nagano, although the number of zombies is far less than that of a metropolis like Tokyo.

But in the city, the density of zombies in some areas is even higher than that of Tokyo!

This provides a lot of convenience for Su Chen and others.

Let them concentrate on cleaning up the zombies around them, greatly improving the hunting efficiency.

And this is also one of Su Chen's plans.

After all, in Tokyo, after the zombie siege, Su Chen alone killed hundreds of thousands of zombies!

The density of zombies was greatly reduced.

In addition to going to the Korean country, this trip also planned to clean up the zombies in the cities along the way and earn some points.

After all, Su Chen must get the SSS-level shelter!

Su Chen and his team's hunting operation went quite smoothly and did not encounter any other problems.

With Su Chen's iconic Qinglong Fruit, many survivors in Nagano saw it, and it immediately detonated the regional channel of Nagano in the disaster space.

"Fuck, the Dragon Emperor actually came to us?"

"No way, he was staying well in Tokyo, why did he come to a small place like ours?"

"Just now my little brother saw the Dragon Emperor hunting zombies. There must be not enough zombies in Tokyo for him to kill!"

"My goodness, there are not enough zombies in a big city like Tokyo for the Dragon Emperor to kill? Are you kidding me!"

"The disaster space mall just refreshed the shelter some time ago. The Dragon Emperor must be hunting zombies everywhere for this shelter."

"Fuck, this kind of strong man is coming, I have to inform my people and tell them not to cause trouble for me!"

There are not many strong men in Nagano.

Facing Su Chen and other cross-river dragons, they dare not provoke them at all, and hurried to inform their little brothers.

For a while.

Even though Su Chen did not do anything to the survivors in Nagano.

But the survivors in Nagano were like little rabbits hiding in the cave who saw a tiger on patrol, trembling and dared not make any noise.

If it weren't for his Observation Haki, Su Chen really thought that all the survivors in Nagano were extinct.

Su Chen ignored this group of survivors. If they don't offend me, I won't offend them. These survivors didn't provoke him, so Su Chen wouldn't kill them all.

He stayed in Nagano for three days.

After slaughtering all the large-scale zombie groups.

At this time, Su Chen's points reached an astonishing 500,000!

Only the last 500,000 are left to exchange for the SSS-level shelter!

For the remaining 500,000, Su Chen felt that it would not take long to get them together!

With this in mind, in order to improve the hunting efficiency, Su Chen asked Yi Yanqing to drive and go straight to the next destination.

Unfortunately, the weather at the end of the world changes faster than the face.

Just when Su Chen left Nagano and arrived in Gifu, he encountered a heavy rainstorm.

It was exactly the same as the heavy rainstorms he had experienced before.

The wind and clouds rolled, and the whole world was flooded by rain. Su Chen made a prompt decision and asked Yi Yanqing to drive to the mountain.

The car shelter was parked on the top of the mountain, where they took shelter to prevent being flooded.

This time the rainstorm was similar to usual. Once it started, it seemed that there was no trend of stopping.

Su Chen planned to take the car shelter and have a good rest for a while.

As for whether the SSS-level shelter would be taken by someone else, Su Chen was not worried about it.

Looking at the whole world, Su Chen was sure that his points accumulation speed was definitely ten times, or even a hundred times, that of everyone else!

After all, Su Chen could not only get points by hunting zombies and mutated beasts.

The corpses of zombies and mutated beasts killed by others, after Su Chen sacrificed them, could also be counted as Su Chen-level kills, and get points in the disaster space!

That is why Su Chen could sacrifice the corpses of zombies killed by others and thrown on the roadside every time he passed a city, so as to obtain a lot of points!

It is equivalent to the whole city helping Su Chen accumulate points. At this speed, who in the world can catch up with Su Chen?

So, it is raining heavily outside now, and the zombies and mutant beasts are hiding.

There is no need for Su Chen to go out and suffer. Just stay quiet and wait for the rain to stop comfortably.

After all, with Su Chen's accumulation

The speed of accumulating points, even if you don't move for a month, you can easily surpass everyone!

Time continues to move forward.

One day,

Two days.

Three days.

The rainstorm lasted for a full eight days.

Most of the city has been flooded.

The place where Su Chen stopped was the top of the mountain, with high terrain, so there was no need to worry about water accumulation and flooding.

The other survivors were in dire straits.

Su Chen, Lilith and Rania were in bed.

The three meals a day were quite rich, and when they were bored, they played with Yi Xiaoqi, a little kid.

Sometimes they went to the practice area to practice fighting with Yi Yanqing to maintain their combat memory.

Such a life, in the eyes of other survivors, was undoubtedly like heaven.

Just when Su Chen was about to stop at the top of the mountain and wait quietly for the rainstorm to end.

Unfortunately, sometimes fate is always so reciprocating.

The rainstorm continued for the eighth day.

A group of survivors fled to the top of the mountain.

This mountaintop is a small scenic spot, and the place where Su Chen stopped was the lobby of the scenic spot.

The survivors had just walked in here, intending to hide from the rain, when they discovered Su Chen's car shelter.

"Fuck, this car is so handsome! What kind of luxury car?"

"I didn't expect that it was the end of the world, and there was such a perfect appearance? Didn't it get discovered by others?"

"After the end of the world, the people in this scenic spot either turned into zombies or left for the city due to lack of food. Obviously, someone drove up from behind."

"Be careful, there may be someone in this car!"

Hundreds of survivors took out their weapons and surrounded Su Chen's car shelter.

After this group of survivors appeared.

There was also a prompt in the car shelter, informing Su Chen and others that a life form appeared near the shelter.

Su Chen casually called up the surveillance video and saw this group of survivors holding guns.

Su Chen was not worried about this. Although the car shelter was in the form of a car, it was at least an upgraded version of the star-level shelter!

The material is strong enough to withstand a nuclear explosion!

Ignore most natural disasters!

The reason for avoiding the flood is simply because Su Chen doesn't want the car to be soaked in water.

The guns in the hands of these survivors are not even qualified to leave traces on the car shelter.

However, a group of flies came outside the car, which is quite annoying.

"Rania, go and deal with these people." Su Chen sent Rania to deal with this matter.

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