The two of them were very close.

"Boy, we are the people of Boss Ikeda. If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

The person with the ability of the goat fruit on the opposite side saw that Su Chen was going to protect Murong Yue and Murong Feng, and immediately showed a fierce look on his face and mentioned the name of Ikeda.

But Su Chen had just arrived in Nara and was not familiar with it.

This name, which might be very intimidating in Nara, was useless to Su Chen.

Even if Su Chen knew who Ikeda was, he probably wouldn't care. With his current strength, unless the person on the opposite side was holding a nuclear bomb, Su Chen really had no one to fear.

So, Su Chen walked straight towards the person with the ability of the goat fruit.

"Stop! Stop!" The Goat Fruit user's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he was terrified and couldn't help but step back.

But at this moment, Su Chen had disappeared from the spot, and appeared in front of him out of thin air, grabbing his face with one hand.

Before the Goat Fruit user could struggle, the surging thunder burst out in Su Chen's hand.

Boom! ! !

Endless thunder exploded.

Brilliant lightning flashed brightly.

It illuminated everyone present!

The companions of the Goat Fruit user, as well as Murong Yue, Murong Xue and their group, all widened their eyes and were shocked.

One strike!

Just one strike!

Killed a Devil Fruit user!

Such power is simply terrifying!

Murong Yue and Murong Xue's minds were blank, and they stopped thinking completely!

They had never seen such a powerful existence, even Ikeda Murongji, who had captured their father, was not as powerful as this!

The companions of the Goat Fruit, with only infinite fear in their hearts, turned around and ran away in a hurry.

Su Chen just raised his hand, and the ability of the Childlike Fruit was activated, turning the group of people into toys, and casually sacrificed the remains of the Goat Fruit ability user.

[Ding! Sacrifice the remains of the Animal Goat Fruit ability user, congratulations on receiving the sacrifice reward: Animal Goat Fruit! ]

Listening to the prompt in his ear, Su Chen nodded slightly, quite satisfied.

Although the Goat Fruit is a bit weak, according to the previous system explanation, the animal system can be developed and evolved.

After the Goat Fruit is developed, it can become an ancient species, and can even evolve into a fantasy beast species!

Under these conditions.

In fact, if you meet the right user, the upper limit of the Goat Fruit may not be low!

After solving these, Su Chen turned to look at Murong Yue and Murong Feng, and asked curiously:

"Why are they chasing you?"

With the grace of saving their lives, Murong Yue and Murong Feng did not dare to hide it, so they told all the truth.

It turns out that the two sisters are the daughters of Murong Heng, the master forger of Dragon Country. They came to Jiaobenji because they happened to follow Murong Heng to attend the exchange meeting before the doomsday.

Who knew that the doomsday would come suddenly and countless zombies would wreak havoc.

Fortunately, Murong Heng ate the superhuman devil fruit, the Heat-Hot Fruit, and had the ability to control heat, protecting Murong Yue and Murong Feng.

Even after the doomsday, Murong Heng used his own strength to protect hundreds of Dragon Country survivors and set up his own survivor base. Although life was hard, he could still maintain it.

Until later, Murong Heng accidentally got a special meteorite iron. As a forging master, he was excited to see the prey and planned to make it into a weapon.

Who knew that the news accidentally leaked, causing Murong Heng and the meteorite iron to be targeted by Ikeda Murongji.

Murong Heng was arrested, and hundreds of Dragon Country survivors were imprisoned, using this as a threat to make him forge weapons.

Murong Heng was worried that his daughter would be defiled, so he found an opportunity to let Murong Yue and Murong Feng escape.

If they hadn't encountered Su Chen, they would probably have been caught.

After understanding the general cause and effect, Su Chen nodded slightly, and couldn't help but feel curious, and asked:

"What kind of material can make Ikeda Murongji so tempted?"

Murong Yue shook her head and replied:

"I don't know, it's a piece of strange meteorite, the hardness, toughness, and strength are far beyond all the materials on the blue planet."

"Moreover, it seems to contain thunder energy. If you activate the energy in it, you can summon thunder!"

"My father said that this piece of meteorite is enough to create a legendary artifact."

Hearing Murong Yue's answer, Su Chen immediately became interested.

According to Murong Yue, the meteorite is very suitable for Su Chen.

Not only is it strong enough, but it also comes with thunder elements. It is designed specifically for Su Chen who has the ability of the Thunder Fruit!

Moreover, the hammer in Su Chen's hand is getting closer and closer to Su Chen's current strength.

After all, the only advantage of this hammer is that it is heavy enough and very powerful to swing.

But with Su Chen's current use of the Thunder Fruit, if he slightly increases the energy of the thunder attribute element, he can turn this hammer into molten iron!

Therefore, this hammer will be eliminated sooner or later.

Now I just happened to encounter such a perfect meteorite material.

It also comes with a ready-made forging master.

How could Su Chen miss it?

Thinking of this, Su Chen directly said to Murong Yue and Murong Feng: "Take me to find your father."

Murong Yue and Murong Feng looked happy. If Su Chen was willing to help and save their father Murong Heng, it would undoubtedly be a good thing.

But soon, they felt a little worried, "Ikeda Murongji is very powerful. He has the ancient giant electric eel fruit. You may be in danger."

"It's okay." Su Chen's confidence infected Murong Yue and Murong Feng, and they nodded excitedly.

Seeing the two girls agreed, Su Chen took Lilith, Rania, Yi Yanqing, the group of people who were transformed into toys, and Murong Yue's companions into the car shelter, and turned into a blue dragon, grabbed Murong Yue and her sister, soared into the sky, and headed straight for Ikeda Murongji's territory.

At this moment.

In Ikeda Murongji's survivor base.

An old man with a strong figure and white hair and beard was alone in the forging room, raising a hammer and hitting the red iron block in front of him.

The iron block has formed a blade shape, and with every strike of the old man, the blade becomes more perfect!

And the old man's arm is filled with a terrifying high temperature visible to the naked eye, maintaining the temperature of the blade.

He is Murong Yue and Murong Feng's father, Murong Heng, the forging master from Dragon Country!

After the final finishing work, after a little polishing, the old man installed the blade on the handle.

Suddenly, a two-meter-long, black Miao Dao with thunder patterns on the surface was completed!

"What an incredible material."

Murong Heng stroked his latest work as if he was looking at his son.

It is no exaggeration to say that only he who ate the hot fruit could control the heat and perfectly heat the meteorite.

Otherwise, with the current technical means of Blue Star, it is impossible to process it!

And this Miao Dao made of mysterious meteorite.

Murong Heng cherishes it very much. He knows that if he can't find better materials in his life, this will be his most peak work.

This Miao Dao, Murong Heng named it.

Lei Chi!

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