【Emergency Alert! The No. 1 space station has detected a giant meteorite with a diameter of more than 30 kilometers about to hit Earth!! 】

[Human beings have reached the point of life and death! Former meteorites hit Blue Star, making the dinosaurs that dominated Blue Star completely extinct! Will humanity be able to escape this calamity this time?! 】

[Major governments have launched response plans, and it is expected that before the meteorite hits the blue star, a space rocket loaded with a high-yield nuclear bomb will be launched to strike and intercept the meteorite. 】

[The government's backup response plan has been launched, and underground shelters will be built in every city across the country for people to evacuate...]

[Red Alert! ] It is expected that there are 15 days left before the super-mega meteorite hits Earth. 】


"It is really a matter of time to cross from a peaceful world to such a parallel world of global disasters."

Looking at the "doomsday" information all over the Internet, Li Hao was also depressed.

It's too pit daddy.

Half a month ago, he finally became a member of the army of traversers and came to this parallel world similar to Earth.

I thought that with the various entertainment works of the earth in my memory, Meizhi began to walk to the peak of life and enjoy life in front of the copyist.

As a result, who would have thought that within two days of his crossing, a global catastrophe would come.

A giant meteorite is about to hit Blue Star.

At that time, it will cause irreversible climate changes to the blue star, and perhaps human beings will be completely extinct.

Under such circumstances, it is clear that his copywriting plan can only go bankrupt.

However, fortunately, the east side is not bright, and the west side is bright.

Just when he despaired of his future, the golden finger necessary for the traverser, the system, appeared.

This system is called the Doomsday Black Technology System, and its main function is to assist the host to survive in various extreme apocalyptic environments.

The host can obtain various black technology props or drawings by completing various survival missions to improve its survival chances and quality of life in the event of extreme apocalypse.

The first task after the activation of the system is to build the Doomsday Shelter.

With a small automated excavator from the system starter pack, he spent all his money and successfully built a shelter under his home.

"System, open the data panel of the shelter."

Li Hao thought in his heart.

The next moment, a virtual light curtain that only he could see appeared in front of his eyes.

【Simple underground shelter】

Owner: Li Hao

Residents: Li Hao

【Area】: 4300 square meters

【Food storage】: 1524 jin (including rice, wheat, all kinds of canned meat, etc.)

【Internal facilities】: bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, food storage room, vegetable cultivation room, power generation room, water purification room.......

【Introduction】: This is a simple shelter located 25 meters underground, and the internal facilities are relatively complete, but because the wall shell is made of iron sheet of a container house, the strength is insufficient, and in the event of a violent earthquake, the shelter is very likely to collapse.

"The shell strength of the shelter is still not enough! The strength of the iron sheet for container housing bought before is still too low. ”

Li Hao frowned, a little helpless.

Since meteorites are about to hit the earth, most of the steel that can be used to build underground shelters on the market is controlled by the state, and it is taken to repair official shelters!

Some of the rest were also robbed by major group companies, and he couldn't buy them at all.

Time is urgent.

He could only buy the iron sheets used to assemble container houses to build shelters.

According to the information displayed on the panel, the strength of this iron sheet is obviously not enough, and the earthquake resistance is not good.

Once a meteorite falls nearby and causes a violent earthquake, the shelter is likely to collapse on a large scale

At that time, the refuge that should have sheltered him will become his talisman.

"It seems that you need to complete the system task as soon as possible and get the automated metal furnace to upgrade the wall steel!"

"Otherwise, a shelter with such poor earthquake resistance would not be able to live in people at all."

Thinking so, Li Hao opened the taskbar of the doomsday survival system.

【Doomsday Survival (Long-Term Mission)】

【Mission Description】: The apocalyptic disaster is coming, human beings are facing a crisis of extinction, please try to survive in various apocalyptic crises

[Mission Reward]: Depends on host survival performance (settled once a day, settlement time: 8:00)


【Establishment of temperature control system】

【Mission Description】: Installing a complete temperature control system for the shelter can effectively improve the living environment and survival chances of the survivors.

【Mission Rewards】: Automated metal furnace (can automatically manufacture various high-strength alloys by melting various metals)


【Crossing the apocalyptic natural disaster】

[Mission Description]: A giant meteorite is about to hit the Earth, please survive the outbreak of this global catastrophe.

[Mission Reward]: Clone crafting pod (used to create clones)


[Red Notice]: There are 352 hours and 31 minutes left before the global catastrophe (meteorite impact). (Note: The meteorite is extremely large, after hitting the blue star, it will cause global climate changes, endless dust will rush into the atmosphere, causing the blue star to fall into the eternal night for hundreds of years, and the entire blue star will enter the ice age)

"The most important central air conditioner for the temperature control system has not yet arrived, and I hope the logistics can be faster."

Looking at the red prompt at the bottom of the taskbar, Li Hao also had a sense of urgency in his heart.

After the news that the meteorite was about to hit the blue star became known, society was in turmoil, and more and more people were unwilling to work.

As a labor-intensive industry, without sufficient manpower, the delivery speed of many logistics companies has naturally plummeted.

And if the central air conditioner he ordered cannot be delivered within five days, it will probably never be delivered.

Because, the more time goes on, the greater the chance that logistics will completely stop.

After all, there are only about 15 days left before the meteorite hits Earth.

In 10 days, the state will gradually organize people to take refuge in official shelters.

When the time comes, who the will deliver it!

Thinking of this, Li Hao was also a little unable to sit still.

This central air conditioner is related to his survival safety.

If he can't complete the task of [establishing a temperature control system] and can't get the automatic metal furnace to upgrade the wall steel of the shelter, then he is gambling his life by entering the current shelter to take refuge!

In the event of a violent earthquake, he would almost certainly die.

For the sake of his own little life, Li Hao immediately called the logistics company to inquire and urge.

After some "friendly discussion", Li Hao gave an additional 50,000 RMB as an emergency delivery fee.

The manager of this logistics company promised to deliver the goods within 3 days.

After doing this, Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief and set his sights on the inventory of the Doomsday Survival System.

This inventory has no other function, and can only be used to store various scientific and technological props and drawings that store mission rewards, and items in reality cannot be put in at all.

And even if it is the task reward of the system, once it is taken out, it cannot be put back.

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