Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 148 God-Like Existence 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

"This technical means is simply as incredible as a god."

A skinny young man who looked to be in his twenties and a little bald said with a wry smile.

As the official top celebrity, he believes that his technology is absolutely the best in the world.

I dare not say that the world's first, the world's top ten can still be ranked.

Otherwise, he would not have become the "boss" of all the programmers (cybersecurity experts) in the official cybersecurity department

He can confidently say that even if the world's number one hacker invades, he can easily catch the "tail".

After all, at this level, the technological gap between the world's leading technological bulls cannot be too large, at most a little higher.

However, now the reality in front of him is to slap him hard, let him know what "sitting in a well and watching the sky" is,

He personally wrote the official website of the network firewall, which was directly hacked into the background, and left a private message.

The whole process is as easy as returning to your "home".

The network firewall he worked so hard to write didn't do anything at all.

Even afterwards, he could not find any traces of intrusion, as if this private message was originally in the background of the 15 official website.

This strange technique surpassed him at least several levels.

Such a huge gap makes him, a top cybersecurity expert, can't help but have some doubts about life.

Are you really a top celebrity yourself?!

Or is its own network technology outdated and unable to keep up with the times ?!

Of course.

Little did he know that the "opponent" he was looking for was an AI ahead of his time.

Otherwise, he would not have such doubts.

In this era where artificial intelligence has not yet appeared, a mature artificial intelligence in the Internet is undoubtedly a god-like existence.

With the current technical means, it is simply impossible to track a data artificial life on the endless "network sea".

Unless, that data artificial life is willing to be found on its own.

Otherwise everything is in vain.


Hearing this, the middle-aged man with a national character face looked a little gloomy.

This transaction private message that suddenly appeared in the background of the website has attracted the attention of the above.

After all, it involves the current SSS-level scientific research project of the Academy of Sciences————— living meteorite.

In addition, the private message is accompanied by several high-value alloy formula partial data theory.

After the research of the academicians of the Institute of Metal Materials of the Academy of Sciences, although the complete formula could not be reversed because of the lack of key points, it was confirmed that these data theories were true and effective.

Obviously, the person of unknown origin has the complete formula technology of these alloy materials in his hands.

Even his hands may, no, must not master more advanced alloy formulation technology and scientific and technological research and development capabilities.

After all, without sufficient scientific and technological research and development capabilities, it is impossible to have such a cutting-edge alloy formulation that has never been seen before.

And as long as they are not fools, no one will trade the most awesome technology in their hands in exchange for things.

According to the instructions above, be sure to find the sender whose identity is unknown.

At the very least, it is necessary to find out his identity and ensure that he will not become a destabilizing factor and pose a great threat to the Xia Kingdom.

He is precisely responsible for this.

In order to be able to complete this task perfectly, he mobilized more than half of the top influencers in the cybersecurity department.

I thought I could catch it.

Who would have thought that the first step of this task would be stuck.

The top group of celebrities who were pinning their hopes on it seemed to have nothing to do with that deal private message.

You can't catch even a little "tail horse's foot", let alone track it.

"Go on! Be sure to find that person. ”

The middle-aged man with a national character face said firmly.

This is the only clue at the moment.

If he can't catch the unknown sender "horse's foot" with this, his mission this time is directly equivalent to failure.

Even if he knows that there is little hope, he will continue to try.

Hearing this, the skinny young man also smiled bitterly, tapped the keyboard again, and began to work.

In the room, the crackling keyboard sounded one after another.

The programmers who were immersed in work, their already somewhat bald hairlines faintly began to recede again.

Unaware of his random trading move, he accelerated the balding speed of the official top programmers.

Li Hao is now sitting on top of the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter, performing the [Thunder Sweep] system task.


A marine giant beast over 120 meters and vaguely in the shape of a shark unfolded its blood basin and mouth, like a bolt of lightning, and quickly struck towards the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter

The giant triangular fangs that exude a metallic luster make people have no doubt about their ability to bite.

Once bitten, I am afraid that the one-meter-thick alloy steel plate will be easily bitten through and torn to pieces.

"Jarvis, turn on the infrasonic penetrating cannon."

In the face of the attack of this mutant giant shark, Li Hao did not panic in his heart at all, and ordered Jarvis.

With a large killer such as a giant cannon penetrating infrasonic waves, he naturally would not fail to equip a submarine-type mobile ocean shelter.

Although limited by the volume of the submarine Type 207 mobile ocean shelter, it can only hold two, but it is more than enough to deal with the hundred-meter marine behemoth in front of him.

Having received the order, Jarvis immediately began to act.

Next second.

The mutated giant shark that approached the submarine-type mobile ocean shelter suddenly began to struggle painfully without warning.

It was as if attacked by some invisible force.

Five seconds later.

The mutant giant shark's stomach exploded, and the internal organs and flesh inside all turned into a blood mist and scattered.

Dye the surrounding sea water red.

Under such a heavy injury, even if the vitality of this mutant giant shark is tenacious, it is completely helpless.

Died in an instant!

"The fifth! I have only been patrolling the surrounding 2,000 kilometers of the sea, and I have encountered so many marine behemoths. ”

"It seems that I still somewhat underestimate the evolution speed of marine life after the surge in seawater evolutionary radiation."

Looking at the completely dead mutant giant shark in front of him, Li Hao also sighed a little in his heart.

Fortunately, from the current point of view, there are no big guys more than 500 meters among these ocean behemoths encountered.

Not even more than two hundred meters,

The largest one is only 180 meters.

Even the threshold of the super-large sea behemoth is not reachable.

Otherwise, it's really troublesome.

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